I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 231 Choosing a Son-in-law

Chapter 231 Choosing a Son-in-law
When King Bailanqiang and others arrived in Yuzhong.

The army of Da Zhou withdrew after the scriptures.

Xu Shu just let the defenders of Da Zhou pretend to attack Yuzhong, so as to cover their detour.

After the mission was completed, knowing that King Bailanqiang had returned with a large army, he immediately withdrew to the Warrior Pass.

Seeing that there are still some infrastructure in the Warriors Pass, they set off another fire.

And then ruined even more thoroughly.

Only then did he safely return to Muye Pass.

When King Bailanqiang arrived in Yuzhong, he was very annoyed when he found that the Zhou army had retreated simply.

The same is true of Bai Lanqiang's generals.

They all scolded Zhou Jun for being as cowardly as a mouse, not daring to head-on.

"Report! Wang, big things are bad, big things are bad!"

Suddenly a rider came running from the west, all in a mess and smoky.

His face was sad and his voice trembled.

When King Bai Lanqiang saw this person, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Could it be that something happened to the royal court in the hinterland?


Absolutely not!

Zhou Qiyi withdrew to the east, and it is impossible to appear in the west.

"Say! What happened?"

Trying to calm himself down, King Bailanqiang asked calmly.

The messenger took a breath and said:
"My lord, the hinterland of our royal court was attacked by Zhou Qi, causing heavy casualties. Everything was burned and turned into scorched earth..."


Something really happened to Wang Ting.

King Bailan Qiang spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

The old lair, the prosperous place of Bailanqiang, was actually destroyed.

After working hard for hundreds of years, one trick turned into nothing.

The Bai Lanqiang generals all around changed their colors, angrily grabbed the reporter.

Asked again.

Then one by one cursed absentmindedly.

When King Bai Lanqiang woke up, a quarter of an hour had passed.

When Youyou woke up, King Bailanqiang's face was as white as paper, without any energy.

His voice was also weak, and he didn't look like the hero who held a meeting with the seven kings in the previous court and shared the great week with the Turks.

"How's the hinterland?"

Facing Bai Lanqiang Bai's inquiry, everyone looked at each other, and at this moment, the one who was usually the most daring replied:

"Returning to the king, when you just passed out for a moment, we still had Yuzhong. I just asked it clearly through the scriptures. Zhou Qi came and left suddenly. Our department lost [-] people and [-]% of our property."

"Cough cough!"

Forty thousand people, so many.

You must know that the entire Bailanqiang has a population of more than [-].

These [-] people are all productive forces and the output of the rear.

Although it is not combat power, but without these people, strong warriors will also be weak.

After all, people have to eat whole grains, drink water and milk when they are alive.

Eighty percent of the supplies is an astronomical figure.

In less than five years, Bai Lanqiang would never recover.

tough enough.

"Investigate, we must find out where they went. Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we must dig them out. We must skin and bleed every one of them." King Bai Lanqiang gritted his teeth and said:
"The road going down to the east is blocked by us. They must be hiding near the hinterland. They can't escape."

"It's the king, we will definitely find out the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry, and kill every one of them." The Qiang generals agreed one after another.

Soon King Bailanqiang brought his people back to the royal court in the hinterland, and it was really devastated, a mess and blackened.

The surviving people in the entire hinterland also changed their mental outlook.

In the absence of the original spirit of vigorous growth.

It's like being sucked out of spirit.

Even seeing him, the Qiang King, did not have the original admiration and respect.

On the contrary, he can see a trace of dissatisfaction in the eyes of many people. Although it is very subtle, but he has been king for a long time, and he can find this kind of thing.

"Damn Xiaoyao Mansion, I must kill all of you, damn Ye Qing."

"If I don't kill all of you, I, Bai Lanqiang, will never be able to truly stand up, and my spine will be broken because of this. You must die!"


In Chang'an, Ye Qing didn't know what happened in Liangzhou at this time.

But then he sneezed.

He touched his nose and murmured:
"This Zhao Feiyan must be scolding me!"

At this time, Gu Yangyang and Wuqing returned to the mansion to return to their orders.

"My lord, Zhao Feiyan will fight back." Gu Yangyang said:
"The ruthless girl is too powerful. She beat the arrogant and arrogant Zhao Feiyan of the second rank with a rank one. She really vented her anger for our Xiaoyao Mansion!"

"Oh! I knew that Wuqing could do it. Good job, go down and rest, maybe that woman will come again in the future, and you will teach him a lesson when she comes again." Ye Qing smiled and praised Wuqing.

Wuqing's face, which has never changed for thousands of years, only showed a hint of warmth when he received Xu Ding's approval. He nodded and said: "It's the lord, Wuqing understands, and I won't let her harass the lord!"

After speaking, he ruthlessly turned the wheelchair and left.

Gu Yangyang was stunned for a moment.

The ruthless girl talks a lot when she sees the lord, could it be...

"Do you have anything else to do?" Seeing Gu Yangyang standing there stupidly, Ye Qing asked.

"Oh, it's okay, my lord, I will also retire!" Gu Yangyang hurriedly retreated.

But not long after Gu Yangyang left, he hurried back again.

Some rash, look sick.

Ye Qing said: "What's wrong?"

"My lord, Your Majesty sent a word of mouth. The person was in front of Xiaoyao Mansion, but he didn't come in. He said it was... that he lowered your title to county magistrate!" Gu Yangyang looked at Ye Qing after finishing speaking.

Ye Qing was also a little confused.


People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

What did I do?
Inexplicably lowered my title.

"Let's go down, let's go down!"

A figure suddenly appeared in Ye Qing's mind, and he shook his head indifferently.

Anyway, my salary has been cut, if it is not for Wang Jue, this thing is useless.

Love how to toss, how to toss.

As long as you don't make trouble.


Soon the news of Yue Feiyan making trouble in front of Xiaoyao Mansion spread.

Zhao Feiyan looked at people with her true face and wanted to find Ye Qing.

As a result, he was rejected, and finally got into a fight with the ruthless girl in Xiaoyao Mansion.

In the end, she couldn't beat her.

In the end, I returned to the hero building in anger.

"Your Highness, the people from the Honglu Temple of the Great Zhou are asking to see you. They want you to move the post house, and they also said that they hope that Beishi Kingdom will follow the etiquette and not do anything harmful to the Great Zhou, otherwise we will be expelled."

A guard came to report.

Zhao Feiyan was just annoyed, and when she heard this, she became even angrier.

He shouted: "Let them go, old lady, I can live wherever I want, and if I feel uncomfortable, I will kill us. If Honglu Temple dares to drive us out of the city, I will lead troops to attack Hedong County after I return!"

Li Mu's face couldn't help twitching.

My little ancestor dared to say anything.

However, the guards of Beishi Kingdom didn't ask any more questions, they really went out to spread the word.

Zhengqing of Honglu Temple and other officials of the Ministry of Rites froze, unable to get off the tiger.

I don't know how to deal with it the most appropriate.

Inside the hero building!
"I will not fail so easily." Zhao Feiyan said to Li Mu:

"Uncle Li, if you send someone to spread the news, saying that I am here to choose a son-in-law for Beishi Kingdom, I don't believe that I can't win Ye Qing."

"What? Choosing a son-in-law?"

Li Mu was dumbfounded, his mind went blank.

(End of this chapter)

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