Chapter 232
Li Mu wants to cry but has no tears.

What's the matter?
Choose a son-in-law?

My little ancestor, what else do you dare not do.

This is no child's play.

Your target is not ordinary people, but the prince of Da Zhou.

"Don't worry Uncle Li, this is a plan, Ye Qing is just a goal." Zhao Feiyan sneered and said:
"Emperor Da Zhou has not established a heir for a long time, which gives all the princes a chance, whether it is King Fufeng, King Hongnong, King Xiliang, King Chu, all have the opportunity to fight. If anyone can get the help of our Beishi Kingdom , I think he is the next Emperor Zhou.

There should be no one who is not tempted, hehe, for the sake of this palace, they will beat their heads to the ground. I don't believe that Ye Qing is not tempted. He is not a pure-hearted person, and he should desire that position more than anyone else. "

After listening to Zhao Feiyan's seemingly well-founded analysis, Li Mu also fell into deep thought.


Outside, Zhengqing of Honglu Temple and others stared silently for a long time, but in the end they had nothing to do with the Beishi Mission.

The Ministry of Rites is just a Qingshui yamen, there is nothing you want.

The Beishi mission cannot be moved at all.

Besides, this is the hero building of Minwufang.

If trouble is really going to happen, Xiaoyao Mansion will take action directly.

Just as they were about to return home, a guard from Beishi Kingdom suddenly came out and said, "Wait!"

So impolite.

Although Honglu Temple Zhengqing and the others stopped in their tracks, they became even more angry.

The northern rock barbarians should be killed.

"My princess said that she came to Da Zhou to choose a husband and son-in-law. Tomorrow, I will personally discuss this matter with your emperor at court!"

After speaking, the guard returned to the hero building.

Honglu Temple Zhengqing and others were left in astonishment.

Pick a husband?
What is this ghost?

The majestic princess of a country, went to Chang'an of our Great Zhou Dynasty to pick a son-in-law.

Brain is funny.

You came to Dazhou just for this kind of shit.

To where the country is located.

When everyone reacted, Yijing, the guard of Beishi Kingdom, disappeared.

The tens of thousands of words that came to his mouth turned into a meal of anger.

"Let's go! Return to the etiquette department!"

This fucking is so aggrieved, whoever is looking for Beishi Barbarian is that one!

After this commotion, the news that Zhao Feiyan was going to choose a son-in-law in Dazhou spread like wildfire.

It was another wave of heated discussions, and it was bigger than the previous ones.

Entertainment in the feudal era was quite rare.

Gossip like this about women and even marriage is the most concerned.

Be talked about.

The people in Chang'an City began to speculate one after another.

Who will be able to accept the princess of the northern stone barbarians.

"In terms of status and family background, it can only be the princes, otherwise there are really few who are worthy of this unruly third princess!"

"This shrew princess is very strong in martial arts. Only someone with martial arts can subdue her!"

"Then it can only be the King of Xiliang and the Marquis of Xiaoyao! But the King of Xiliang got married according to the scriptures, so he has a concubine, and this unruly princess must not be a concubine. It seems that it can only be Marquis of Xiaoyao!"

This statement has been affirmed by many people.

If Ye Qing is capable of writing and martial arts, he can fight wars and govern the country, he can make money, and he dares to act bravely. Everyone in the world is afraid of him.

Only such a domineering Marquis can subdue the unruly princess of Beishi Kingdom.

Did you suffer a loss if you didn't see this unruly princess today, and was taught a lesson by Xiaoyao Mansion?

Hitting is kissing, scolding is love, maybe it will really work out.

However, there were also people who were extremely dissatisfied with this, and said loudly:
"Now Ye Qingyijing is no longer the Marquis, but today he has been reduced to a magistrate. He is a troublemaker. It would be a strange thing if he met Beishi's unruly princess.

And if they are really going to do it, we Da Zhou must not be dismantled by the two of them. "

"That's right! Two scourges, combined together will be a big scourge, and Da Zhou must not be tortured to death by them."

In my opinion, to really subdue this kind of woman has to rely on the influence of literature, elegant things are what girls need most in their hearts, Fufeng Wang will do! "

"To deal with this kind of woman, you have to rely on means. King Hongnong is better. King Hongnong is handsome and handsome, with a strong family..."


Fufeng Palace!

"Zhao Feiyan!"

When Ye Tao thought of Zhao Feiyan's character, he felt a little apprehensive, although he had never seen this woman before.

But such a barbaric person who wields swords every day, even if he is beautiful and has a family background, he still doesn't like it.

But think of the benefits this woman can bring.

He was still a little itchy, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Hongnong Palace!

"This woman is poisonous, you can't touch it, she looks very fragrant, and she quenches her thirst by drinking poison." Ye Wei was originally a trickster, so he could tell at a glance what kind of medicine Zhao Feiyan was selling in the gourd.

Zhao Feiyan's little trick is not very clever, but after walking back and forth, Ye Wei also had to laugh at himself:

"It's really a thorny flower, whether it's poisonous or not, but it's really fragrant."

Old Chu Palace!

"Hmph, although the princess of Beishi Kingdom is not as noble as the princess of Chuyue Kingdom, as long as it belongs to Ye Qing, this king will definitely snatch her. Ye Qing..."

"Damn! This woman is really capable, it seems that Beishi Kingdom really wants to do something." Jian Weizhi Ye Qing found that Zhao Feiyan would continue to fight to death.

He knew the basic plan of Beishi Kingdom.

"There must be a battle after the next year or the beginning of the year. The eventful Da Zhou has a lot of trouble!" Ye Qing found that Da Zhou had too many problems.

And being involved every day, no wonder there has been no development for so many years.

Everywhere is doing a big week, it's no wonder that such a big week is hard to be strong.

"It's just that I hope you don't force my Xiaoyao Mansion, otherwise, I don't mind detonating the two countries' battle groups in advance, so that you are also caught off guard."

The next day!

Go to court, and all officials will meet.

The Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple finally breathed a sigh of relief, because the Northern Stone Manzi's mission came.

Li Mu and Zhao Feiyan both entered the palace and stayed in the reception hall.

You can pass it on at any time.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Everyone is flat!"

Ye Zhen gently raised his sleeves, then glanced down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Baiguan raised his head and returned to his body.

The eunuch at the ceremony stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Marquis Ye Miao of Wucheng and Ye Mu of Luoyang go to the palace!"

what's the situation?
Baiguan was stunned for a while.

Didn't he summon the envoy of Beishi Kingdom to enter the palace with the three princesses?

Why did you call the Ninth Prince and the Eighth Prince?

Because these two people were not old enough before, and they were only Marquis, they didn't have specific positions, so they didn't need to go to court.

The two of them basically won't come.

Ye Qing actually called these two people over today, could it be that the rumors are true, Zhao Feiyan really wants to choose a son-in-law.

But... Prince Bajiu is still too young.

Soon Wucheng Hou Yemiao and Luoyang Hou Yemu entered the main hall, and then followed the main road to the front.

"My son pays homage to Father Emperor!" The two bowed respectfully.

Ye Zhen nodded slightly, then looked at the eunuch Si Li.

The eunuch at the ceremony coughed lightly and said: "Your Majesty, from a few days later Ye Mu, the Marquis of Luoyang, will confer the title of King of Luoyang and open a mansion in the city; Ye Miao, Marquis of Wucheng, will confer the title of King of Wucheng and open a mansion in the city. I look forward to both of you." From now on, fight more for Great Zhou, and do more things that benefit the country, the people, and yourself."

Both of them were overjoyed, and they replied at the same time: "It's the father, the sons and ministers will remember it!"

(End of this chapter)

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