Chapter 233

Ye Zhen saluted slightly, motioning for the two to stand aside.

At this time, the eunuch in charge of rites said: "Play early if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

Honglu Temple Zhengqing stood up and said:
"Your Majesty, the envoys of Beishi Kingdom seek to see you!"

"Xuan!" Ye Zhen said angrily.

He wanted to see what kind of existence the three princesses of Beishi Kingdom were like.

He actually wanted to cause so many things in his Great Zhou's Chang'an City.

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce to the envoys of Beishi Kingdom!"

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce to the envoys of Beishi Kingdom!"

A resonant voice passed on the decree.

Soon Zhao Feiyan and Li Mu entered the hall.

All eyes in the hall were fixed on the door of the hall. After seeing Zhao Feiyan and Li Mu, they whispered and commented.

Zhao Feiyan and Li Mu also glanced around from the corner of their eyes, inspecting Da Zhou's civil and military affairs.

He looked forward to the dragon chair.

He is also quite interested in the Great Zhou Emperor.

"Foreign Minister Li Mu pays homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor!"

"The third princess of Beishi Kingdom, Zhao Feiyan, has met the Emperor of Great Zhou!"

Li Mu and Zhao Feiyan are very respectful at this time, and everything is polite.

There is no nonsense.

Ye Zhen looked at Zhao Feiyan in the audience.

I have to admit that this woman does have a pose.

The skin is fairer than that of the people of Beishi Country.

"Foreign ministers don't need to be too polite."

Ye Zhen is still satisfied with the two of them at this time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Mu and Zhao Feiyan turned back to normal.

"Is it okay for the foreign envoy to come here? Is Beishi country okay?"

Ye Zhen asked politely.

"Back to the Emperor of the Great Zhou, everything is fine in my Beishi Kingdom, and the journey has been smooth. Thank you for the hospitality of the Great Zhou Empire. We will be fine with food and lodging." Li Mu said nonsense with his eyes open.

Who doesn't know that Beishi country's board and lodging is in the hero building, not the post house.

This prevarication is too perfunctory.

But Ye Zhen didn't want to puncture it, everyone just knew it.

It would be embarrassing to poke yourself.

"That's good!" Ye Zhen also said perfunctorily.

"Emperor Da Zhou, Feiyan came here because he wanted to do something, please allow His Majesty the Emperor." Zhao Feiyan was quick-tempered, and immediately got to the point after finishing a simple polite sentence.

Ye Zhen knew what she wanted to say, so he smiled and said, "Please speak!"

"Feiyan heard that there are a lot of talented people in the Great Zhou Dynasty. There are quite a lot of Chu Qiao among the younger generation, especially the princes, who are capable of writing and martial arts, and there are many people who are erudite and talented. They are all first-class talents in the world." The corners of Zhao Feiyan's mouth curled up slightly. road:

"Feiyan wants to get acquainted with a great Zhou sage, compete with him, and choose a strong man to be Feiyan's husband. I don't know if the emperor may agree."

That's true.

The majestic princess of a country openly threatened to pick her husband in the hall.

It's really wonderful.

Women should be more reserved.

No wonder Beishi is just a savage.

This kind of humiliating thing, the women of Dazhou can't do it.

Ye Zhen asked with a smile:

"Princess Beishi Feiyan, you are serious. This palace is no better than the streets, and you will not tolerate nonsense."

Zhao Feiyan clasped her fists and said, "It's true, a gentleman can't be chased after a word, although Feiyan is not a man, but he is as good as he promises, and he has his own measure."

"I also ask the Emperor of Great Zhou to summon all the young Chuqiaos of your country, and Feiyan wants to meet them for a while." Zhao Feiyan did not give Ye Zhen any intention of going back on his word.

Ye Zhen sneered in his heart.

Girl, I really think that my little tricks can succeed.

I still don't know what the hell you want to do, so Ye Zhen pointed to the right and said:

"Today, there are six of my sons in the palace, all of whom are at the age of marriage, and all of them are crowned kings. You can wipe them!"

Zhao Feiyan looked to the right, there were indeed six princes in python robes.

They are Ye Tao, King of Fufeng, Ye Wei, King of Hongnong, Ye Jin, King of Hedong, Ye Cai, King of Chu, Ye Mu, King of Luoyang, and Ye Miao, King of Wucheng.

The age ranges from thirteen or fourteen to more than 20 years old.

To be considered young.

It looks so-so.

After all, with Zhao Feiyan's status, there are many talented people in Beishi Kingdom, and he has met too many people.

I don't have a cold for handsome or anything.

"Emperor of the Great Zhou, why are there only six people?" Zhao Feiyan glanced a little, and didn't stop at anyone, but said to Ye Zhen:
"Feiyan's requirements are not high, and it's not limited to the prince, as long as it's Chu Qiao of the Great Zhou.

Besides, there seem to be more than six princes in Beijing, the emperor's move is somewhat unfair! "

What a savage Beishi princess.

You look down on the six princes, and want to expand the scope.

Who do you think you are, and you want all the Chu Qiaos in Dazhou to come and play with you.

Is it true that the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty is just a joke?
As for those who were not present, it was naturally Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was grounded.

Why did you mention him on purpose?
Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Ye Cai and others all changed their colors.

Zhao Feiyan's appearance was unremarkable, she was born in the royal family, and her blood was the same as her own.

Her bold and straightforward character is a different kind.

All of a sudden it attracted everyone in.

It's like getting used to big fish and big meat, and occasionally a plate of vegetarian dishes comes, which makes people's eyes shine.

Humans are possessive of beautiful things.

Ye Jin narrowed his eyes, glanced at everyone, and then murmured:

"Sixth brother is really charming, Princess Beishi will never forget him!"

This is so heartbreaking.

Apparently hearing Ye Jin's seemingly unconscious words, Ye Tao, Ye Wei, and Ye Cai, including the two underage Ye Mu and Ye Miao, all showed a trace of anger.

Contains resentment.

It was Ye Qing again.

How could anything have anything to do with him.

Why did this girl from Beishi fall in love with Ye Qing?

What is the charm of that guy, I have never seen it face to face, and I still can't forget it.

Ye Zhen was so angry that he wanted to pat the dragon chair.

What do you mean there are only six people.

I have nine emperors, so there are quite a few emperors.

You still don't like six, obviously they are here to play.

But Ye Zhen has been the emperor for many years after all, so he smiled politely calmly.

"If you have any other requirements, let's finish it together. If you really want to choose among all the Chu Qiaos in my big week, I can set up a competition platform for you to meet all your requirements, and let you choose as much as you want." Ye Zhen laughed and said:
"Of course, this time may be longer, and you need to wait patiently for a few days."

All the officials were shocked when they heard the words.

Jiang is still old and hot, His Majesty took the little girl down with a shot.

Playing tricks with the emperor who has been in power for more than ten years, girl, you are still a little tender.

It's not too shameful, let's go to the street to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives.

Let you play one enough.

Zhao Feiyan's face turned purple.

What a cunning emperor.

"Ahem!" Li Mu coughed, and then bowed to Ye Zhen:
"Your Majesty! The foreign minister has a message!"

"Say!" Ye Zhen raised his hand and said generously.

After all, Zhao Feiyan is just a girl.

The official envoy of the mission is Li Mu.

He is the representative of Beishi Country.

Li Mudao: "Your Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, what Her Majesty the Princess said just now are all jokes, I hope Your Majesty will not take it to heart, and don't care about it."

There is no way, Zhao Feiyan sings bad face, he has to sing red face.

But Zhao Feiyan said directly: "Emperor Da Zhou, it is not impossible for me to choose among all the princes of Da Zhou, but I have to answer three questions for me, if I can answer all of them correctly, I am willing to choose him as my husband!

If all the princes of Dazhou cannot answer even three questions, then they are incompetent and unworthy to be my husband-in-law. "

(End of this chapter)

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