I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 234 Using Ants to Solve Problems

Chapter 234 Using Ants to Solve Problems

What a big breath!

Play questions.

With the background of North Stone Country, I want to compare it with Da Zhou.

I'm thinking about it.

This little girl came prepared.

Ye Zhen didn't speak immediately, but looked at Ye Tao and Ye Wei.

Playing with words and tricks, my two sons are really good at it.

As for the ability of the low-key Ye Jin, he is actually not very clear.

Seeing Ye Zhen looking over, Ye Tao knew that his chance to perform had come.

So he took a step towards Zhao Feiyan and said:

"Third princess, please write a question, and I will wait for my brother to take a look!"

After all, Ye Tao plays with words.

So speaking still leaves a way out for myself.

Zhao Feiyan doesn't care about these details.

As long as the people in Dazhou are willing to play this game with her, it will be fine.

My own problems were three difficult problems that I managed to find out after taking over the entire Soaring Dragon Continent.

So she took a ball out of her cuff.

This ball is as big as a fist.

There are two holes on it.

In the opposite seat.

Everyone was puzzled and didn't know what tricks she was playing.

What do you mean by taking a ball out?

"Listen up, princes, my ball has only two holes, and there are countless curved and connected holes in the ball. If anyone can pass a thin cloth thread through the ball without destroying the ball, the two holes will be connected to each other. If you connect them, you will win the first question." The corners of Zhao Feiyan's mouth twitched slightly, very proud and confident.

Almost no one can answer this question.

Even the entire Beishi Kingdom couldn't solve it. I heard that this problem was passed from the far west.

Also no one can break.

This question is easy at first glance.

But after carefully reviewing the questions, it is difficult to deal with many people.

The internal structure cannot be seen, there are countless holes in it and they are still connected in series.

How does this go through from here and out from there.

The wiring is not wire, it is too soft to push at all.

It's not just Ye Tao, Ye Wei and others who are in trouble.

Even the officials below were embarrassed.

There is no solution to this question.

Ye Zhen also discovered the beauty of this question.

It's too loud.

Looking down, he shook his head and sighed.

None of the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty could answer the question.

His six sons were even more contemplative.

Zhao Feiyan seemed to have expected such a result.

So I was quite proud of sweeping over one by one.

She doesn't rush either.

Because no matter how long people in Dazhou think about it, it is impossible to solve it.

This question is simple and simple, and it is extremely difficult to say.

The point is that no abnormal person would think about that.

In short, the longer the time, the more embarrassing the officials and the emperor will be.

"Your Majesty, Princess Feiyan said that all princes are required to answer this question. I feel that the other three His Royal Highnesses should not be excluded, otherwise it would be really unfair." Dong Huang suddenly stood up and said to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen instantly understood Dong Huang's meaning.

This is to let Ye Qing wipe it off.

Ye Qing's mind is different.

There are countless whimsy.

Maybe it will work.

This is waking him up.

Ye Zhen closed his voice and said: "Dong Jiaqing's words are reasonable, come here, go and follow this Xiaoyao county uncle...Forget it, go and report this question to my princes."

"It's Your Majesty!"

At present, there are people who are masters of the inner circle and enter the realm quickly leave the palace.

The main purpose is to find Ye Qing, Ye Mao who is locked up in Dali Temple is certainly not the case.

The Ouchi master who left the palace soon returned.

When this expert walked into the hall, his face was full of confidence and arrogance, like a victorious rooster.

This made everyone wonder and speculate.

No wonder Ye Qing figured it out.

Zhao Feiyan also looked suspicious.

This problem, which has never been solved by anyone, should not be solved.

The other party is playing tricks.

Ye Zhen asked, "How?"

The big internal expert saluted and replied: "Return to Your Majesty, His Highness the Sixth Highness has released it!"

So fast!
How long has it been? With the speed of an Ouchi master, he ran back and forth in a very short time.

I'm afraid Ye Qing didn't think much about it at all.

"Let's hear it and see if there is such a talent in Dazhou!" Zhao Feiyan also wanted to know the answer.

Can Ye Qing really solve this problem?

"Back to Princess Feiyan, my highness is six on Saturday, this question is too easy, even a five-year-old child in Xiaoyao Mansion can solve it, next time I ask the princess to solve it." The master repeated Ye Qing's original words road:

"To solve this problem, you only need to catch an ant and tie the wiring to the ant.

Put some honey in the other hole.

The ant will drill itself through the hole in the ball and come out from the other.

So the wiring also came out. "

"This...how is it possible!" Zhao Feiyan was a little lost.

The complacent look just now condensed into a look of astonishment and inconceivable in an instant.

How did Ye Qing figure it out.

When the officials below heard the words, they immediately exploded.

Because Ye Qing's method is correct and the simplest.

At the same time, it was beyond everyone's expectations.

It can be like this.

A little ant will solve the problem.

It's too simple, I didn't think about it at all.

"Hahaha, okay, Qing'er did a good job!" Ye Zhen was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Little girl, I can't cure you, but my son can.

Hearing Ye Zhen's words, Zhao Feiyan felt very uncomfortable.

The problem that no one could solve was actually solved by the people of Da Zhou.

And it's that hateful Ye Qing, it's really...hateful.

Zhao Feiyan was not reconciled, and said again: "Let's assume that the Xiaoyao county uncle answered the first question correctly, I have a second question here."

What a little tsundere.

What is considered right is obviously the right answer.

But everyone cheered up all of a sudden.

If the first question is so difficult, then the second question will not be easy.

Zhao Feiyan went on to say:

"A merchant went to a military camp. There were 108 people in the camp. When the merchant saw the general of the military camp, he gave all his horses to the general. The general took half of them and returned them to the merchant. horse.

Then the businessman continued as follows, giving horses to 107 people. Like the general, these 107 people only received half of the horse and returned one horse. After sending them back 108 times, how many horses did the businessman have left? "


Numeracy problem!
Take half and return one horse.

Keep sending, keep receiving, keep returning!

It's a headache to listen to.

One by one thought they had good brains, and began to think hard again, calculating non-stop.

But there is no clue at all.

Ye Tao and others are also counting with their fingers.

Ye Zhen thought about it for a while, and found that he couldn't figure it out, so he glanced at the grand master who had reported just now.

The man immediately bowed and exited the hall, and then ran out of the palace.

After going to Xiaoyao Mansion.

He quickly returned to the palace.

When he returns to the main hall.

Only then did everyone pay attention, and found that the smile on the face of this big insider was still confident and heroic.

"Could it be that Ye Qing got the answer right again?"

"It looks like it is!"

Seeing this, Zhao Feiyan raised her eyebrows slightly.

In fact, this question is not too difficult, as long as you give it time, you can still figure it out.

It's just that the time for this big insider to go is too short, and it's the same to keep up.

This shows that Ye Qing didn't think much at all, and the answer was to open his mouth.

Although he didn't see Ye Qing's real face, he seemed to see a young man with a thick mocking sneer on his face far away in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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