I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 235 Two horses follow the county king

Chapter 235 Erpi and the County King

"How many horses is the answer?"

Ye Zhen asked impatiently.

The big insider replied loudly:

"Return to Your Majesty, the Sixth Highness said it was two horses!"

"Only two horses?"

The crowd exclaimed.

Thought it was a lot.

The result was two horses.

so little.

After substituting it, everyone found that this was correct.

And use this the fastest.

Suddenly realized.

Zhao Feiyan was extremely depressed.

Yes, this answer is correct.

It's very simple, but it's confusing and brain-burning.

Once the idea is right, it is extremely simple.

"How about Princess Feiyan?" The smile on Ye Zhen's face became wider.

Zhao Feiyan restrained herself this time, clasped her fists and said, "Emperor Da Zhou, he answered correctly!"

"Okay! If that's the case, please ask Princess Feiyan to come up with the third question!" Ye Zhen became more and more confident, and his mood improved a lot.

Ye Qing, my son, is really good.

This time, he won face for Da Zhou.

If you can't answer the two questions, not only will Da Zhou lose face, but the world will say that Da Zhou is incompetent, even the barbarians from the northern rocks can't play.

Ye Zhen's prestige will also suffer a huge blow because of this.

Prestige is bound to plummet.

Zhao Feiyan hesitated for a moment, and replied with her eyes: "Emperor Zhou, the third question, I have to ask Ye Qing personally, and he can only listen to this question. If the others don't answer the first two questions correctly, I can't solve it!"

"Oh! Hehe! Princess Feiyan is really smart."

Ye Zhen didn't expect Zhao Feiyan to be such a ghost, and she was able to stop the loss after losing two battles.

It's really spooky.

"Emperor Da Zhou is absurd!" Zhao Feiyan replied calmly, not being modest.

That's fine, that's all for now.

If the answer is true, Ye Qing will answer the third question correctly.

Then Zhao Feiyan is not allowed to marry Ye Qing.

From then on, Ye Qing got the help of Beishi Kingdom, and his family became even more dominant.

How could the other princes have a chance.

So I didn't come out to dismantle Zhao Feiyan's platform.

Although he was very upset with the Beishi country mission, but for the sake of benefit, he chose the lesser of two evils, so he could only bear with it for the time being.

"Since the matter of Princess Feiyan can be put on hold for now, please tell the envoy of Beishi Kingdom the purpose of coming to our Great Zhou!" Instructed by Ye Zhen, Minister of Rites stood up and said to Li Mu.

Li Musui returned the gift and began to talk about the visit...

Inside Xiaoyao Mansion!

"If Zhao Feiyan was a smart person, he wouldn't be asking the third question." Ye Qing shook his head lightly. He had to say that Zhao Feiyan's two questions were really difficult for an era.

Especially the first one.

Guo Jia smiled narrowly and said, "My lord, the third question may not be answered, but this woman may come to you again."

Guo Jia, who had just returned from outside the city, heard about the Beishi Kingdom mission, gloating and smiling brightly.

There are not many opportunities to tease the protagonist.

This Zhao Feiyan is a bit interesting.

If you can really take this woman, the lord can save ten or eight years of struggle.

"Look for me, there is no heart, she can't make any big waves." Ye Qingdao: "Feng Xiao, you should talk about the specific situation outside the city. We still stick to our goals and focus on doing our big things well. Don't care about other things." so much!"

"It's my lord!" Guo Jia nodded, and then explained the specific situation outside the city.

All in all, things are going well.

The progress of the project is fast.

With sufficient money and food, more manpower can be started at the same time.

Half of the road has been paved, and one-tenth of the cement road has been paved.

Just finished talking here and dealing with some official documents, Gu Yangyang came over there and said:

"My lord! Your Majesty has asked Eunuch Zhang to deliver the decree!"

Ye Qing asked, "What purpose?"

"The decree of Jiajue!" Gu Yangyang looked excited.

It fell yesterday and rose again today.


Ye Qing was a little confused about Ye Zhen's plan.

Soon Zhang Rang came to the hall, and Ye Qing led the crowd to receive the order.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. Your Majesty said that although His Majesty did not go to court today, he solved the two problems of Beishi Kingdom, greatly increased the country's prestige, and saved the immeasurable loss for Da Zhou. Therefore, you are specially promoted to two ranks. From now on, Your Majesty, you will be Xiaoyao County." King." Zhang Rang had a flattering look on his face.

Ye Qing's demotion will not do him any good.

As long as Ye Qing continues to be promoted and can finally sit in that position, his loyalty and trust will be more valuable.

Naturally, the happier I am.

"The king of the county!"

Although he is also a king, it still sounds awkward.

Ye Qing didn't care much about it either.

This damn thing, Ye Zhen can take it back at any time.

Nothing practical.

So stingy.

"Yes, Your Majesty, today His Majesty will not only confer you the title of County King, but also the Marquis of Wucheng and the Marquis of Luoyang." Zhang Rangmao explained and reminded:
"Your Highness should be more careful. Your Majesty's move is confusing. You should be cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise the group of civil servants will find excuses to make trouble again."

This time, all nine sons are kings.

Ye Zhen's intentions were obvious and weird.

The fact that all nine of them are crowned kings does it mean that it is at the last juncture to seize the throne.

The nine can compete fairly, and they can fight openly, allowing Ye Zhen to control the fate of the nine.

"Well, no, there is one less person!".

There are many heirs in Kowloon, and it is obvious that there is one Ye Mao who has been demoted to a commoner.

Although Ye Maoyijing has no sense of existence, it has no use value.

But in the end they are Ye Zhen's own flesh and blood.

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Rang was sent away.

Ye Qing asked: "Feng Xiao, you have a flexible mind, think about this matter?"

"My lord, I think there is a big problem with His Majesty's character. Now that he is still young, the election of a crown prince seems to be not beneficial to him. It is beneficial to the empire, so our Emperor, His Majesty, is still further decentralizing and collecting power.

When the eight sons fight, there will be injuries. In the end, it is not necessarily the eight who are cheap, but Your Majesty. "Guo Jia laughed and said:
"Don't forget, our majesty is ruthless, but he can do anything."

Even Ye Zhen's own son can be used and let go.

With such a strong desire for control, Ye Qing was promoted to the county king in one fell swoop.

It was too sudden.

The credit for solving the second problem is probably not enough to be promoted so quickly.

Of course, Ye Qing is still the prince, so he has an advantage.

When the two were having a headache on this topic, they saw a woman's shouting sounded outside the mansion.

Gu Yangyang ran over to report again: "My lord, that shrew princess is here again. She said that this time she followed His Majesty's orders. You can't keep him out."

"She also said that the third question needs to be answered by you, the lord. If the lord can't answer it, you can admit defeat and admit that the first two questions were not solved by the lord."

"Hahaha." Ye Qing burst into laughter suddenly:
"Joke, don't talk about His Majesty's oral order, even if His Majesty's imperial decree comes, I will not leave the mansion today.

How can I break the law of the country if the foot ban is not resolved for a day. "

"Tell this shrew princess, if you have any questions, just ask, I can answer them all, and ask questions if you have the ability." Ye Qing confessed:

"Let Ruthless go!"


 There is a place I missed and forgot to mention, go to Taihuashan to check in!

  Now it is corrected by completion, and potatoes appear later, so I will not explain it, everyone forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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