I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 236 If You Fight Hedong, I Will Attack Shangdang

Chapter 236 If You Fight Hedong, I Will Attack Shangdang
Happy outside the house!

Zhao Feiyan thought that taking Ye Zhen's oral order this time could force Ye Qing out.

In the end, the one who came out was still Ruthless in a wheelchair.

"Where is the king of Xiaoyao County?"

Ye Zhen announced the imperial decree in public in the hall, so Zhao Feiyan knew that Ye Qing was promoted to the county king by the scriptures.

That's why I asked this question.

Human respect is relative.

Only those who have the ability will respect you.

Zhao Feiyan admired Ye Qing's overall performance.

Although he still gritted his teeth with hatred for Ye Qing, it didn't affect his recognition of a person.

He replied with a ruthless face:

"Isn't this the third question?"

I... ah, Zhao Feiyan was going crazy, really wanted to hang Wuqing up and beat her.

This woman will die if she speaks a few more words.

"The third question can only be heard by Prince Xiaoyao, and no one else can." Zhao Feiyan said arrogantly:

"Either Ye Qing comes out, or I go in!"

"Don't say it! Please do it." Ignored her irrationally, and stretched out her hand to make a gesture of please.

If you like to talk, if you don't like to talk, get out.

Zhao Feiyan was so angry that she turned around and left, not wanting to talk to this woman.

Because I'm so tired, because I can't control the initiative.

But after walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "Tell Ye Qing, if you are afraid, just say so, if he doesn't answer my third question, I will go back to Beishi and immediately launch an attack on Hedong.

The consequences are not something he can afford. "

If it is too soft, it will be hard.

Threats and lures are the last method Zhao Feiyan can think of.

Facing Xiaoyao Mansion, which is as difficult to attack as a hedgehog, gave her a headache.

The tried and tested methods that were always successful in the past have all failed when it comes to Ye Qing.

After saying that, Zhao Feiyan turned around again,

Counting in my heart, I will see when Xiaoyao Mansion will give in.

But Ruthless immediately gave the answer.

I just heard her say: "Beishi Kingdom wants to attack my Great Zhou, why do you need to find such a clumsy excuse, if you can represent Beishi, what you do is what Beishi does, then I really feel sorry for Beishi Country Sad, because there are no men left in Beishi."

"You!" Zhao Feiyan's face changed drastically with anger, she clenched her fists tightly and stared at Wuqing.

I wanted to draw my sword, but I couldn't.

If eyes could kill, at this moment Ruthless Yijing was shot into a hedgehog and killed ten thousand times.

"My lord also said that if Beishi dared to attack Hedong, he would dare to attack the party." This time, Wuqing finished speaking, and turned the wheelchair back directly.

If Zhao Feiyan doesn't fight, then her mission has been completed.

Hit the party!
Looking at the back of Wuqing who refused to go back, and the heavily guarded Xiaoyao Mansion.

For no reason, Zhao Feiyan felt a little beating and palpitations.

Jian Mei sank slightly, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, is my Beishi's Shangdang so easy to fight? I want to see how you, a little county king, can't do it well in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and how can you play tricks on me, Beishi."

Zhao Feiyan left, and left Chang'an with Li Mu the next day.

It came quietly, but left with a lot of criticism.

Leave a lot of chicken feathers, adding countless teasing smiles.


The battle of Baishi Mountain ended with scriptures.

Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, rescued the besieged troops by virtue of his own ability.

At the same time, the two attacking Qiang people were severely injured.

"My lord, great news, great news!" Suddenly someone shouted excitedly and came to report.

Ye Yu said: "Why are you so happy? Could it be that Bai Gou Qiang has also retired?"

"No, my lord, it's Bai Lanqiang... Before the person who replied had finished speaking, someone interrupted:

"It's natural for Bai Lanqiang to retreat. They can't defeat Ji County at all, and they will retreat after a long time. It's just a pity that a few cities in the north were looted by them."

Everyone also nodded, and said humanely:
"That's right, it's normal for Bai Lanqiang to retreat. Didn't the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry secretly go north to intercept their retreat? We can only retreat."

"No, no! You listen to me." The reporter was anxious, and he was a little annoyed when he heard it. Ye Yu pressed his hands and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

At this time, the reporter said: "We took Bailan Qiang's Warrior Pass, and the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry attacked the Warrior Pass, and burned it down."


"Warrior Pass was taken down by me and destroyed!"

Everyone was taken aback.

That's the Warriors Pass, and I haven't beaten it after fighting for so long.

Now it was easily taken down by Xiaoyao Mansion.

Why does it sound so unreal.

"Hahaha, okay, I finally know Xu Shu's plan. It's really powerful. Even our own people are deceived. No wonder King Bailanqiang will be fooled too. High, really high." Ye Yu knew that his subordinates would not Lying, I feel happy all of a sudden, and I can't help but like it.

The constant change of the virtual and the real is really powerful.

Not only did he deceive Bai Lanqiang, but also all walks of life in Liangzhou.

Suddenly Ye Yu thought of something, his face darkened slightly.

His eyes are a little complicated.

Why did Xu Shu hide it from his own people?

Because of distrust, because there are untrustworthy people on Da Zhou's side.

"Congratulations, my lord. Now that the Warrior Pass has been captured and destroyed, it will be more convenient for us in Liangzhou to deal with Bai Lanqiang in the future." A general stood up and said excitedly.

It doesn't matter who beats the Warriors Pass.

As long as this situation is opened, it will be beneficial to Liangzhou.

"That's right, now that there is no Warrior Pass, Bai Lanqiang will not dare to be so arrogant." Another general stood up and said:
"It's just that King Bailanqiang must have returned with a large army. We missed an opportunity to wipe out most of them."

Everyone felt sorry again.

If Xu Shu had notified them earlier and discussed with them, then they would not have missed this opportunity and could send more troops to the north.

Bai Lanqiang is the strongest among the seven Qiangs, once his arrogance is suppressed, it will be a deterrent to the other Qiangs.

"My lord, there is one more thing. Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry bypassed Yuzhong and went to attack the hinterland of Bailanqiang." The messenger took a deep breath and truthfully told the news.

This news is really even more exciting than capturing the Warrior Pass.

Ye Yu, his generals and staff scribes were all stunned.

Xiaoyao Mansion rode to the hinterland of Bailanqiang?

This...they only have [-] riders, they don't want to live anymore, they dare to go to Bai Lanqiang's lair.

Knowing that King Bai Lanqiang would return with the main force, he still dared to go west, but his back road was blocked by others.

This is really, a decisive blow, going forward indomitable.

Courage is good.

"People in Xiaoyao Mansion are tough guys." After a long time, Ye Yu could only say this sentence.

The other Xiliang generals sighed one after another:
"Hopefully they will succeed and have a chance to escape."

"I thought that apart from our Liangzhou army, Dazhou had no troops capable of fighting tough battles. I didn't expect to establish such a short-lived Xiaoyaofu cavalry, so strong and brave. I withdraw my previous prejudice against Xu Shu, Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others. .”

"Me too, the three of them are good generals, so courageous, I'm not as good as that!"

Knowing that it is death, but still daring to go, this kind of courage is the same as their Xiliang king.

(End of this chapter)

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