Chapter 237
"My lord, there is no solution to the matter of riding in Xiaoyao Mansion. Even if we go to reinforce it now, we will not be able to save it. The most urgent thing is to take advantage of the opportunity that Xiaoyao Mansion won for us while Bai Lanqiang has no time to look south and his lair is damaged. , Fight a good battle and completely defeat the other Qiang tribes."

Ye Yu's staff suggested.

It doesn't make any sense to talk about Bai Lanqiang's affairs.

Ye Yu closed his eyes and thought for a moment:

"Okay, let's gather the army, we will take advantage of the victory to pursue, and concentrate our forces to completely wipe out Fuguo and Dongnv!"

"My lord, with our current strength, I'm afraid it may be a bit stretched if we want to deal with the two Qiang at the same time, so we should choose one of them to attack." The staff suggested.

The other generals also agreed with this plan.

"That's right, my lord, do you choose Fuguo or Dongnu?"

Ye Yu glanced at everyone, and said with a stern expression: "Don't choose, send troops first, wherever you go, immediately go down and gather soldiers."

Seeing Ye Yu's serious face and serious and harsh words, everyone stopped talking and went to assemble the troops.

After gathering, Ye Yu set off with all the riders.

First to the west, it looked like he was going to beat Dongnu, but when he got halfway, Ye Yu suddenly said to his own guard:

"Deng Zhan, take a group of people to the south, and disperse them to guard the trails and mountain roads. Once you find suspicious people, kill them all."

"It's the prince!" Deng Zhan clasped his fists back and left with a team of personal guards.

Then Ye Yu said again: "Li Gui, you take a team to the captains to supervise the army, and the [-]nd team monitors the various ministries. From now on, anyone who finds deserting and leaving will be killed on the spot. Anyone who leaves the team, whether it is going Xiaojie is still the general of Dajie, so he will report directly to me."

"It's the prince!" Li Gui knew that Ye Yu was playing for real and wanted to purge the army.

Ye Yu wants to completely control the entire army, and no mistakes are allowed.

Sure enough, after the personal guards went down, the crowd would be confused.

Then Ye Yu drew his sword and reined in his horse and said to the south:
"We're going to fight the white dog in this battle, let's go!"

There was hardly any consultation or communication with anyone.

Not to mention giving anyone a chance to speak and react, Ye Yu led his troops straight down to the south to fight the Baigou Qiang who was still attacking the border of Da Zhou.

Bing is expensive, fast, and unpredictable. This time he, Ye Yu, wants to learn from Xu Shu.

The battlefield is like water, changing constantly.

All you need is to be caught off guard.

What Xu Shu, a commoner, can do, Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun can do, so can Ye Yu, king of Xiliang.

He is not weak to anyone!
Nothing can stop him.

The team suddenly turned south to fight Baigou Qiang.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.

Many people's faces changed.

Originally they thought they knew the Xiliang King Yijing very well.

His personality and the way of dealing with problems are almost touched.

The sudden change now made me a little uncomfortable.

The team had just walked out of less than ten miles.

Several waves of personal guards came to report with the heads of more than a dozen ordinary soldiers and generals at the grassroots level.

Circumstances vary.

But I would rather kill by mistake than let it go, the guards and the warlords are used to it.

There is no mercy in killing people.

"Very well, keep watching, no matter who it is, who violates the military regulations, deal with them all." At this time, Ye Yu showed the domineering and decisiveness he should have.

No birth royal is simple.

What's more, the prince who is famous for his martial arts.

When it's time to be ruthless, he is definitely no worse than anyone else.

Baigou Qiang was to the north of the original Qiu Baqiang. After Qiu Baqiang was exterminated, Baigou's life would be difficult.

Because the Liangzhou army can attack from the east and south at the same time.

Increased risk of white dogs being attacked.

Therefore, Baigou didn't want to be beaten so passively, so he had to take the initiative to attack Liangzhou, use offense as defense, try to occupy the original Qiu Baqiang's territory as much as possible, so as to develop a foothold, and confront the Da Zhou army for a long time.

At this time, Bai Gouqiang didn't know what happened in the north, which directly affected him.

And because Ye Yu blocked the news uncharacteristically.

The white dog didn't even know that a large army came from the northeast.



King Bailanqiang led his people to chase westward until the Xishan Qiang's territory was reached, but they did not find Xiaoyao Mansion Qi.

It seems that Xiaoyao Fuqi disappeared all of a sudden.

"It's impossible. They must be hiding nearby. Only in this area are there mountains, so people can hide and let me find them."

Bai Lanqiang Bai was quite angry and restless, and he was extremely impatient.

"It's the king!" Bai Lanqiang's generals took orders one after another, and then searched the vicinity carefully.

Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find Xiaoyao Mansion Qi.

"My lord, it's impossible that Xiaoyao Mansion rode into the Western Mountains." Bai Wu analyzed:

"From Xishan, turn south to Fuguo and Dongnu, and then you can turn back to Liangzhou."

"Impossible, they don't have supplies, and they don't know the way. If they enter the Western Mountains, they will die, and they will be easily discovered by the Western Mountains." Bai Lanqiangbai is not stupid, knowing that the possibility is too low, but he is not at ease, And said:
"Habi, you take a small team to meet the Xishan Qiang King and ask them to find the Xiaoyaofu cavalry of Dazhou. If the Xishan tribe can find and kill this group of Xiaoyaofu cavalry, I, Bai Lanqiang, will benefit him."

The Qiang general named Hapi said: "It's the king, I'll go right away."

All his subordinates left, Bai Lanqiang's Bai Wu stared at the surging Yellow River, and couldn't help looking north.

Towering majestically, to the north of the long Qilian Mountains is the Shaodang Qiang.


Bai Lanqiang's white witch fell into deep thought.


When Bai Lanqiang was struggling to find the Xiaoyao mansion rider, where did Xu Shu and the others go?

Of course, that's right, it was the direction Bai Lanqiang's Bai Wu was staring at.

They crossed the torrential Yellow River and arrived at Shaodangqiang.

As for how to overcome the natural moat, this is of course Xu Shu's wisdom, and it is also related to Ye Qing's special explanation to him.

At this time, Xu Shu and others were walking in the territory of Shaodang Qiang.

However, they all approved the Qiang people's coats, and after a disguise, they also accepted the flags.

Quietly shuttling or groping forward.

Along the way, they didn't engage in fighting, and they didn't fight Shao Dangqiang.

One is because he doesn't want to be exposed, and the other is because Xu Shu wants to talk to Shao Dangqiang.

At this time, Shaodang Qiang withdrew from Liangzhou and returned to the north in depression. After passing through Bailan's territory, King Shaodang Qiang finally vomited a mouthful of bitterness.

"Damn it, it's been a waste of work for another autumn and winter, everything is cheap Bai Lanqiang!"

Entering his own territory, Shaodang Qiang King was not afraid of Bailan Qiang's people listening, so he dared to speak loudly.

He even dared to speak ill of King Bai Lanqiang.

The same is true of their subordinates.

"My lord, we are busy for nothing. Bai Lanqiang can't take advantage of it this time. I heard that the warrior pass was burned. Bai Lanqiang's life will not be so easy in the future."

"After burning, the Zhou people can attack Bailanqiang. Bailanqiang's energy and strength will be restrained by the Zhou army. In the future, he will not be so strong against us. We can breathe a sigh of relief and develop slowly."

Shao Dangqiang nodded slightly, and everyone also showed a hint of schadenfreude.

At this moment, countless riders came rushing from the southwest.

"King, something big has happened..."

(End of this chapter)

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