I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 238 I Want to Talk to Your King Alone

Chapter 238 I Want to Talk to Your King Alone

"What happened, what happened to me burning Dangqiang?"

King Shaodang Qiang hurriedly asked.

The person who reported the letter replied: "My lord, the Bailanqiang royal court was attacked by the Zhou people, with 5 or [-] people killed or injured, and more than half of the supplies were burned in a fire."

King Shaodangqiang and everyone in Shaodangqiang were taken aback.

It's about Bai Lanqiang!
"Bai Lanqiang's royal court was attacked by Zhou people, how is this possible? Can Zhou people know how to fly?" Someone asked in disbelief.

The royal court in the hinterland of Bailanqiang has a superior geographical location, which can be maintained and developed, and there are warriors in the south facing each other.

Although the Warriors are closed and destroyed now, there is still Yuzhong City in the back.

It is really wonderful, it is really difficult for Zhou Jun to attack Bai Lanqiang's royal court.

"This matter is indeed true. The one who attacked Bai Lanqiang was the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry, that is, the army that took down the Warrior Pass..."

The following report will provide details one by one.

King Shaodang Qiang couldn't help but sigh in admiration after hearing this.

What a team of Xiaoyaofu cavalry, only [-] cavalry, the broken warriors are in the front, and now they are burning the hinterland of Bailanqiang, it is really fierce.

But that's all there is to it.

King Bailanqiang returned with his main force, [-] riders, and the stone hammer was wrapped in dumplings.

"My lord, now that the Bailanqiang Warrior Pass has been destroyed, and the hinterland has been greatly damaged. His strength is declining and his name is no longer worthy of his name. For the next five or ten years, don't even think about suppressing us. Maybe we can add up..."

The eyes of the Shaodang Qiang generals suddenly lit up, and they became a little excited.

This may be an opportunity to burn the Qiang and become prosperous.

"Hahaha, go back, this king wants to celebrate." King Shaodang Qiang also looked happy when he heard the words, waved his big hand, and urged on his horse.

The army followed.

But when he was about to reach his royal court, suddenly an iron cavalry rushed over.

At first they thought it was their own troops coming to meet the hard-working army.

But when he got closer, he realized that the opponent's weapons were different.

The cold light is shining, very unified.

Although the coat is Qiang clothes, the patterns are of Bai Lan Qiang.

The horses are not Qiang horses, but stronger and more powerful Turkic war horses.

Who could this be?

Can't guess at all.

However, as soon as King Shaodang drew his sword, he put the army on alert.

At this moment, more than 1000 riders rushed to stop.

Then the leading horses moved forward slowly, and then a red flag was erected high and waved in the wind.

"This is... Zhou Jun!"

Seeing the battle flag, the people who burned Dangqiang exclaimed.

Their faces turned pale in an instant.

As if facing a big enemy, both the horse and the people were frightened and disturbed.

Why did a Zhou army appear here.

Don't think too much, it should be Xiaoyaofu riding.

It was the Xiaoyaofu cavalry that ravaged the hinterland of Bailanqiang.

The number of people is just right, more than 1000 rides.

"Oh my god, why are these killing stars running away? Let's burn Dang Qiang!"

"Calm! Calm! Don't mess up..."

Burn all the generals of Qiang and immediately order.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree!
The Xiaoyaofu ride is really terrifying.

Ordinary soldiers of a weak tribe like Shaodang Qiang had to be disturbed.

"King, what should we do?"

someone asked.

Shao Dang Qiang King's face was extremely ugly at this time.

But looking at his army, it seems that there are nearly 2 people.

Nearly [-] times more riders than Xiaoyaofu, they can completely crush them.

Why be afraid.

All of a sudden, the waist of the Qiang king stood upright.

Shen Sheng said: "Don't panic, I didn't see that Zhou Jun was afraid of us, so did he stop?"

After everyone heard the words, they reacted.

Yes, we have a lot of people, why should we be afraid of them riding more than 1000 people.

Damn, he should be afraid of us.

Do you want to go around and eat them?

King Shaodang Qiang stabilized the army, and said again: "Muji, go over and ask Zhou Jun, what do they want to do?"

"It's the king!" Muji replied, but his heart was pounding.

A little scared.

Opposite is Killing Star.

Single-handedly, you can touch the head of the city of Warriors Pass, and then fight out from inside to open the gate of the city pass.

Such a master, if he gets close, he doesn't know how he will die.

Trembling and urging the horse to approach, Muji stammered and asked:
"You are... are... from Da Zhou, what do you want... to do...?"

"Hahaha, don't be afraid, if we want to attack, we would have hit you long ago." Xu Shu smiled and said, "I want to have a few words with your king alone."

"Talk to our king." Mu Ji read aloud, then shook his head and said:

"No, who knows what you want to do, in case...in case..."

"There are so many chances. If we really want to kill your king, do you think I can't kill him with his current distance." Li Cunxiao angrily pointed at the Shaodang Qiang King's Court on the far side of the mountain and said:
"Tell your king the truth, if our Xiaoyaofu cavalry wanted to beat you and burn Dangqiang, it would have turned into a sea of ​​flames."

"You..." Seeing Li Cunxiao's murderous eyes, Mu Ji swallowed his words.

Then he turned his head and returned to Shaodangqiang's side, and conveyed Xu Shu's request to King Shaodangqiang.

Shaodang Qiang King was silent when he heard the words.

The other generals of Shaodang Qiang murmured: "Your Majesty, you can't go there. If they make a move, we will suffer."

"That's right, the king can't take risks, let Mu Ji pass by, and let him pass the news on his behalf if there is anything to do!"

"That's right, that's how it should be!"

my day!

Ten thousand war horses galloped over Muji's heart, you bastards.

Why not let you pass.

Shao Dangqiang nodded and said: "Muji, you go to talk to them, you can't make up your mind, or you need me to come, come back and report to me, I'm telling you."

Shaodang Qiang King still didn't have the guts. He obviously had a lot of people, but he didn't dare to bet.

I am also afraid of gambling, let alone afford to gamble.

I am the majestic king of the Qiang people, the existence above ten thousand people.

The blood is the most noble, the status is the highest, and you can't exchange lives with the ordinary generals of the Great Zhou.

Not worth it.

Muji had no choice but to bite the bullet and come back again: "My king said, if you have anything to say, I can pass it on for you, or even handle it for you."

"Oh! He really won't come. If he doesn't come, he will regret it. Too many people know about what I said. If you burn Dangqiang, you will be finished." Xu Shu stared at Muji with a smile.

do not scare me.

Muji felt inexplicably guilty.

But he still insisted and replied: "Let's talk, talk about things if you have something to say, don't talk about these useless things."

"Hahaha, okay, since you guys insist on doing this, then I'll get straight to the point." Xu Shu became serious, and the expression on his face changed, and he asked:
"Do you know why we didn't attack the hinterland of your Shaodang Qiang, and didn't burn and kill you Shaodang Qiang?"



Muji also had question marks on his face.

The Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry obviously sent out their main force earlier, and found their own tribe's royal court one step earlier.

But they did not attack, did not burn, kill or loot.

Why is this?

"Because you found out that our main force is back, so you didn't dare!" Muji himself didn't know why he gave such an unreliable answer.

(End of this chapter)

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