I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 240 The Liu family wants to kill Shang Yang and Guo Jia

Chapter 240 The Liu family wants to kill Shang Yang and Guo Jia

Xu Shu sat on the opposite side of Shaodang Qiang King, seven or eight Zhang away.

His face was clear and calm, with a refined demeanor.

Li Cunxiao stood beside Xu Shu, holding a long sword in his hand, standing upright and standing upright, with extraordinary might.

"Burning to become the king has a heart."

Xu Shu nodded his thanks, and then began to taste the food of Shaodangqiang naturally.

It is very different from the food in Dazhou.

Somewhat similar to the grassland tribes, mostly dairy products.

But they are different from the grassland tribes in that they don't eat beef.

Regard cattle as gods and fast.

Seeing Xu Shu's demeanor is calm, sitting and lying unchanged, and eating and drinking moderately.

It's not slow, it's very enjoyable.

Everyone in Shaodangqiang looked at each other in blank dismay.

It should be said that the other party is honest, or that there is no city government.

In the enemy camp, he was still so calm.

Are you not afraid of poisoning?

Otherwise, they would not dare to go to Zhou people's place to eat.

The dog's life matters, so be careful.

"General Xu's good food." Shaodang Qiang King had no choice but to admire Xu Shu, this man is really brave, he is ashamed of himself.

Speaking of burning Dangqiang, he signaled that everyone can eat at the same time.

Only then did Congren shake off his arms and gobble it up.

Wang rarely had a banquet of this size.

It's time to eat and drink. I didn't see Xu Shu, an outsider, being so free and easy.

Seeing his own people eating, Shao Dang Wang was a little heartbroken.

Look at Xu Shu eating, chewing slowly, what he eats is art.

What do you call what your own people eat? It's called dogs grabbing food. It's really embarrassing.

When will the people who burn Dangqiang be able to have the bearing and elegance of Zhou people.

Shao Dang Qiang King sighed in his heart.

King Shaodang Qiang looked at Li Cunxiao, who was still motionless, and said, "Why doesn't this general sit down and taste it together?"

Third-rank military general, this is a very ferocious general.

Not to mention burning Dang Qiang in them, it is estimated that it is rare and highly respected in Dazhou.

"Sir is the coach. I'm only responsible for protecting you, not for eating and drinking!" Li Cunxiao kept his eyes on him, and he didn't even look at Shaodang Qiang King.

The body did not move, and the voice was calm and calm.


Shao Dang Qiang King couldn't help being choked.

It means that my subordinates are all idiots!
Xu Shu smiled and said: "Don't mind the burning king, he is not very good at talking, he is always more direct, burning Wang Haihan!"

"It's nothing! It's nothing!" King Shaodang Qiang waved his hand very politely.

Such a person with character is what people like from the bottom of their hearts.

Comparing the two, these generals under him are really weak to the point of scum!

Xu Shu looked at King Shaoguang's expression, took everything into his eyes, and said with a flash of light in his own eyes, "Respect General, King Burning is so hospitable, I offer a cup to King Burning!"

Hearing this, Li Cunxiao took a step forward, directly lifted the wine jar, and said: "Burning King, Li Cunxiao is being polite, please!"

After finishing speaking, Li Cunxiao directly poured water into the sea and drank it.

The billowing spirits flowed down the throat and into the stomach.

The wine that flowed from the mouth and the side of the jar was also continuously flowing down the chin.

The Shaodang Qiang generals who were still scrambling for food stopped one after another.

All stared at Li Cunxiao.

Good guy, this third-rank military general actually drank so hard.

Seeing this, King Shaodang Qiang was astonished and surprised, and there was a tinge of affirmation.

This kid saves face.

When others drink a bowl, he pours it directly into an jar.

"Sweet!" Li Cunxiao soon finished the pot, then put down the empty pot, wiped his mouth and said: "Shao Dang Wang, your wine is not strong, not as strong and fragrant as the heroes from Xiaoyao Mansion, next time I have a chance Bring you a jar of good wine!"

After speaking, Li Cunxiao stepped back and stood up straight like a door god.

As if nothing had happened just now.

"Okay! General Li is a good drinker!" Shaodang Wang clapped his hands and praised: "We Qiang people respect the person who can drink the most. General Li is a big drinker. This king has long heard that heroes are extremely mellow. If you have the opportunity, you must drink General Li. Bring good wine."

At the mention of Hero Lie, all the people who burned Dangqiang swallowed their throats one after another.

It is said that Yingxiong Lie is the best wine in Da Zhou and even in the entire East.

The Qiang people, who are already good at drinking, salivate even more.

Xu Shu said with a smile: "Come and burn the king, let's drink this cup to the full. I believe that you will all be able to drink this wine in the future. With my Xiaoyao Mansion, you can drink any kind of fine wine."

As he said that, Xu Shu drank a drink himself.

Burning Dangwang felt comfortable all over, drank another glass, then squeezed the wine glass and said:
"Mr. Xu, what kind of cooperation are you talking about..."


Chang'an City!
at night!

Wu Linglong wanted to speak a few times, but then held back.

Ye Qing noticed the change in her expression and asked, "What's wrong? But I have something on my mind!"

Wu Linglong wanted to say it's okay, but Ye Qing stared into her eyes and said: "You are my woman, you can tell me anything, don't need to cover it up, so as not to leave misunderstandings."

"It's Your Highness!" Wu Linglong leaned over and said:
"Your Highness, I received a warning from my friend that the Hongnong Yang family is going to be unfavorable to Mr. Gongsun and Mr. Fengxiao tomorrow afternoon."

"Attack Shang Yang and Guo Jia!" Ye Qing said, "Is the news on time?"

What Ye Qing asked was the time, not a certain event.

The news about Baixiao Pavilion is generally true.

So there is no need to be more discriminative.

"Punctual. Tomorrow is the day when Mr. Gongsun returns home, and it is also the day when Mr. Feng Xiao invites friends to Mingyue Tower to drink flowers and wine." Speaking of this, Wu Linglong will stop talking.

If the information is too detailed, it will really be exposed.

Now that Ye Qing is qualified to fight for the heir apparent, Bai Xiaoge wants to invest more.

So activated Wu Linglong again.

It was because of this that Wu Linglong felt melancholy and hesitated.

She is not only a member of Baixiao Pavilion, but also Ye Qing's woman.

The little guy is really outstanding and charming, conquering her both in heart and body.

"Hey, Guo Jia, he secretly went to drink flower wine again, really want to break his third leg!" After Ye Qing heard the words, he was angry and hated towards Guo Jia, with an expression of hating iron for nothing.

Wu Linglong was slightly taken aback, and then burst out laughing.

My lord, how to celebrate here.

When others hear that someone wants to harm themselves or their subordinates, they must not jump out and scold them.

Then make arrangements.

In the end, Ye Qing was happy, and the person involved was Guo Jia first.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I know this news must be difficult to get. Sometimes I thank your friend for me." Ye Qing patted Wu Linglong's shoulder lightly and said:
"Go to bed early today, I will arrange some affairs!"

Now that the information has been received, it is natural to use it rationally.

Wu Linglong naturally understood.

So I performed a blessing ceremony, and then went down.

"Baixiaoge really knows how to do business. One piece of information sells two companies, and the client and the employer sell separately. There is no business ethics at all." Ye Qing looked at Wu Linglong's leaving back and knew exactly what Baixiaoge was up to. idea.

Couldn't help complaining secretly.

"But since you guys are doing this, don't disappoint your intentions, hehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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