I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 241 Blood Arrow Kills Shang Yang

Chapter 241 Blood Arrow Kills Shang Yang
Old Chu Palace!

"My lord just received information that someone is going to kill Ye Qing's subordinates!"

The person who reported the letter had a gloating expression. He knew that Ye Cai would definitely like the news.

Sure enough, Ye Caiwenyan's eyes lit up and he ejaculated.

Asked: "What's going on? Who wants to make a move."

Now that Ye Qing has become the king of the county, the battle for the heir apparent has intensified.

Although I don't know what the intention of the emperor Ye Zhen is?

But now that the conflict has completely intensified, and everything has to be put on the table, it has become inevitable to act.

It's just that I don't know who can't help but shoot first.

"Back to the lord, it is the Yang family under King Hongnong!" The messenger said truthfully.

"Yang family? How is this possible!" Ye Cai was stunned for a while.

The Yang family doesn't seem to have too much conflict with Ye Qing.

The family has always been cautious in doing things.

Never go down lightly.

Why did he make a sudden move this time?

And it was the Yang family who did it themselves, not the family line dominated by Ye Wei.

This made Ye Cai a little confused.

"My lord, it's the Yang family. There is no one else. I think the Yang family offended Ye Qing in other places, so they want to kill Ye Qing as soon as possible." The person who reported the letter analyzed:

"Alternatively, the Yang family wants to stir up trouble, to blame others, and lead Xiaoyao Mansion to start a war with other people!"

The former is okay, but the latter is not hateful and dangerous.

This other person also includes Ye Caina.

And the conflict between him and Ye Qing is the most direct and deepest.

Ye Cai thought for a while, showing a gloomy smile, and said:

"If the Yang family wants to kill Ye Qing, we are naturally happy to see it succeed, but if we kill those common people, Xiao Xiami, then we can't let him do what he wants."

"My lord, what shall we do?"

Ye Cai said: "Simple, didn't the Yang family want to hide their identities, didn't they attack in two waves? Then let him fail all the way and expose it, let Ye Qing fight with the Hongnong Palace, and we'll just watch the show!"

"Your Highness is famous!" Ye Cai's subordinates flattered and praised with their small eyes wide open upon hearing this.


Overnight, Xiaoyao Mansion was busy all over, but no one knew what they were busy with?
In the morning the city gates are wide open.

Some people from Xiaoyao Mansion hurried out of the city towards Hongnong County, but no one noticed this.

In the afternoon!

Shang Yang finished his work outside the city and returned to the city in a specially made carriage from Xiaoyao Mansion.

The exterior of the carriage looks very simple.

But there is another mystery inside.

There is not only a wooden frame, but also fine iron bones, which make the whole car extremely strong.

There are also runner bearings and shock absorbers under the car.

People sitting in the car, there is no sense of bumps.

It is not the same as the traditional carriage.

The carriage is surrounded by two columns of Xiaoyaofu guards.

Yu Jin led the team himself.

His eyes swept around from time to time, paying attention to all the movements.

Suddenly, a group of people in front of them made a noise.

Then they yelled and started fighting.

Chased from the ground to the newly built official road.

Moreover, some people had their heads smashed, and some people were injured by farm tools and fell to the ground.

Shang Yang's team returning to the city was blocked.

Yu Jin drew his sword and shouted: "Come here, catch them separately!"

Shang Yang asked in the carriage: "What happened to Wen Ze? Why is there such a commotion?"

Yu Jin said: "Mr. Gongsun, some people are making trouble and fighting with weapons."

"Hmm! Fighting with weapons!" Shang Yang frowned when he heard this.

He presided over the law.

The new laws in Nancheng County were revised one by one by him.

As soon as it was promulgated, there were riots and fights.

It's really disgusting.

Too much contempt for the French in Nancheng County.

So Shang Yang got out of the carriage.

Looking forward, there are indeed a hundred or so people fighting with weapons.

Immediately furious: "Arrest all of them and bring them back to the Yamen. Bencheng will interrogate them well."

In fact, he didn't need to speak, and Yu Jinyi sent the soldiers to go.

However, a group of soldiers passed by and failed to stop these fighting people. On the contrary, some of them had martial arts skills.

The powerful one directly knocked the Xiaoyaofu guard who came over and knocked him down.

Yu Jin's face darkened instantly when he saw it, and he said to Shang Yang, "Mr. Gongsun enters the carriage, and I will handle it!"

After speaking, Yu Jin urged the horse to rush over.

Shang Yang was about to return to the carriage when he suddenly shot a sharp arrow from the right.

This sharp arrow flew towards him, but Yu Jin couldn't even notice it. Even if he could, it would be too late to come back to rescue him.

Seeing that the arrow was about to hit Shang Yang who got in.

Another sharp arrow shot from the left and north.

faster than that.

With a sound of "Dang!", the arrow shot at Shang Yang was hit and knocked out.

Then they both fell to the ground.

Shang Yang heard the sound, and looked to the right.

Good guy two arrows.

In an instant, Shang Yang knew what had happened, and then looked around.

At this time, another sharp arrow flew from the right side, and another arrow was also shot from the left side.

Precisely knocked out the arrow flying towards Shang Yang.

"There are assassins!" Shang Yang reacted, drew his sword and got into the carriage, and then pulled the mechanism inside.

In an instant, the entire carriage was locked and protected.

Both the front curtain and the windows on both sides and the back are covered by protection.

"Damn! Which bastard is it!"

The two arrows failed to kill Shang Yang, and there was a curse from the withered grass far away.

Facing the direction of the arrow, he didn't see any suspicious person, so he was even more blazing.

But he is also quite calm, knowing that the opponent must be very strong.

At least he is better than himself in archery.

Late come first, but also accurate judgment, more accurate shooting.

This strength is not ordinary people.

However, the specific strength is open to debate.

After all, killer assassins pay more attention to a single skill regardless of their overall strength.

For example, he is good at archery, likes and is good at long-range sniping.

The two arrows failed, so they retreated immediately.

No matter whether Shang Yang's carriage is broken or not, he will not touch it.

Following the retreat route he had planned long ago, Archer calmly withdrew for four miles.

But suddenly he stopped.

Ears twitched upwards.

With a flicker of eyes, he pulled out the dagger that was with him.

"Since you're here, don't hide it!"

The other party found him.

Very fast movement speed.

I only withdrew four miles before I was blocked.

After the words fell, a person walked out from his direction.

This person is nine feet tall, burly, with a yellowish complexion, and looks very honest.

He was in his early twenties and carried a carved bow with precious stones on his back.

Holding a long red knife as bright red as blood.

Eyes like eagles shot out, sweeping the archer up and down.

"It's you who ruined my good deeds!"

The Archer is the 49th on the Blood Shadow Pavilion Sky Ranking. Blood Arrow is also well-known in the killer world.

But in Huang Zhong's eyes, he was just an enemy.

Huang Zhong didn't reply, Heng Dao turned to his side, his expression froze.


With that said, Huang Zhong rushed over first.

"Huh, give up your strengths and get close to me, idiot." Xue Jian's face showed a hint of sarcasm, Huang Zhong obviously has a more famous archery technique than himself, and he could have sniped and secretly shot him just now, but insisted on close combat.

That is courting death.

My Blood Arrow also has a nickname, Little Sword!

(End of this chapter)

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