I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 242 Mingyue Tower Guo Jia dog thief

Chapter 242 Mingyue Tower Guo Jia dog thief

Blood Arrow's swordsmanship is also outstanding, as an assassin, the sword has always been one of the compulsory skills.

Therefore, Xuejian's body skills are extremely fast, even faster than Huang Zhong's.

Instead of confronting Huang Zhong head-on, he slid down and walked around behind Huang Zhong.

Then a sword stabbed out.

However, although Huang Zhong is tall and holds the red blood knife in his hand, he looks huge and mighty, but his body skills are not clumsy.

As soon as he dodged sideways, the knife sank, blocking the direction of the blood arrow's next attack.

The opponent was so forced that he had to take three steps back, and then he dodged to distance himself.

"It turned out to be something to rely on!"

Blood Arrow licked his lips, swung his sword, jumped and walked in zigzag steps, and then kept shifting.

Whenever he was about to get close to Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong's saber could cut it down precisely.

Block his way of attack.

And Blood Arrow was not in a hurry, advancing and retreating for a while, constantly looking for opportunities from all sides, and then launched an attack.

Once the opportunity was lost, he shrank back without hesitation.

The two fought for a long time, suddenly Xuejian found another good opportunity, and then his body was faster, and with a short sword, he stabbed Huang Zhong's thigh.

No excuse, he was going to cripple Huang Zhong's thigh first, restrict Huang Zhong's movements first, and look for an opportunity to launch the final blow.

In this way, he used his own advantages to kill Huang Zhong perfectly.

Just now he used up a lot of physical strength and energy of Huang Zhong, so he will succeed this time.

But Huang Zhong is no ordinary general.

The so-called old age is like this, Huang Zhong has a special characteristic, the older he is, the higher his force, it seems that there is no decline.

Likewise, the more durable the war, the stronger the long war.

This is just a warm-up, for a general like him, he doesn't know how long it will take to fight.

Just a few rounds of assassins' attempts to change shape and change methods is far from enough.

But Xuejian didn't know Huang Zhong, let alone that he was a general of Xiaoyao Mansion.

So I don't know anything about my enemy.

When he stabbed at Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong's eyes were focused, and the man raised the knife in mid-air, moved his feet, dodged lightly, and then rushed in suddenly.

The blood arrow was unsuccessful, and he wanted to retreat, but found that the way back was blocked.

Huang Zhongyijing chased after him uncharacteristically.


A knife is extremely fast, passing by in a flash.

Blood Arrow's foot was cut off.

The blood arrow screamed and rolled to the ground.

Enduring all kinds of pain, and then jumped to escape.

Injured, he has no chance of a comeback.

So I can only run away to save my life.

"Want to go!"

Huang Zhong didn't chase after him, he threw his blade and attacked from behind.

Blood Arrow predicted the danger behind him, and jumped into the grass with one leg.

But as soon as it fell in, a sharp arrow chased after it, and then got into the grass.

Then there was another howl of bleeding arrows.

Then there were several flashes in the grass.

The vegetation is still.

Huang Zhong walked over with his bow in hand.

Pushing aside the grass, he saw Yi Yi's blood arrow, then changed the nameplate on his body, and then dragged it out.

Until the official road, hand it over to Yu Jin and others.

"You are!"

Neither Yu Jin nor Shang Yang knew Zhong, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Huang Zhongdao: "My lord asked me to pick you up. This is the assassin sent by the Yang family to kill Mr. Gongsun."

Only then did Yu Jin and Shang Yang understand.

It turned out that it was Huang Zhong who shot two arrows to protect Shang Yang just now.

It is self-evident to be able to use the arrow to break the arrow and save people.

He can also catch up with the assassin, behead and bring back the corpse, and he is even stronger.

Yu Jin could feel that Huang Zhong's aura also fluctuated with the warrior's energy.

Huang Zhong's strength is far above his own,
Then he clasped his fists and said, "With Lao Han promoted, without Han Sheng, Yu Jin is almost unable to explain to the protagonist."

Huang Zhong waved his hand and said, "General Yu doesn't have to do this. If it wasn't for the lord's instructions, I should show up to pick Mr. Gongsun back to the mansion."

Yu Jin said: "In short, thank you for taking care of me!"

Shang Yang also clasped his fists with a smile and said, "Anyway, Yang's life was saved by Han Sheng, so I should thank you."

"Mr. Gongsun, you are being polite." Huang Zhong bowed back and said:
"My lord asked me to come, and I have one more thing to explain to my husband!"

"Han Sheng, please tell me!" Shang Yang raised his finger.


Mingyue Building!
Mingyue Building!
A tall building is good for admiring the moon, and a high building is good for getting drunk.

The girls in Mingyue Tower are more hospitable.

"Mr. Guo, why did you come here? My family has been waiting for you for a long time. I miss you every day, and my hair turns white without seeing you!"

"Mr. Guo, you must drink a few more jugs today, so that you can show your heroic qualities..."

When the girls from Mingyue Tower saw Guo Jia coming, they all smiled happily and leaned over familiarly.

What fragrant shoulders, what soft long legs, all wrapped around Guo Jia's small body.

"Hahaha, girls Chunxiang and Qiuyue are prettier after not seeing each other for a few days. Isn't Guo Jia just thinking of you, and came here specially to find you?"

Guo Jia hugged one of them with each arm, and his laughter was hearty and exaggerated but generous.

The two suddenly giggled and covered up laughing.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Huang Shanren, Mr. Niu is waiting up there."

Someone upstairs said something resentful.

Guo Jia raised a smile, and when he saw the fans who came to talk, he smiled and pointed: "What's the hurry, drinking is important, but beauty is more important."

"Young Master Guo, that's not being kind. The so-called wine and sex are like seeing one's eyes. How can you be biased? I won't invite you next time!" A person upstairs opened the moving curtain and came out:

"I'll wait for you, Feng Xiao, we'll go back if we don't come."

"Hahaha, okay, come here." Guo Jia walked up with Chunxiang and Qiuyue.

Soon I saw several fanciers, each with one or two beautiful girls from Mingyue Tower in their arms.

Guo Jia rolled his eyes half-closed and scanned the crowd.

The man who spoke first said, "Mr. Guo, why don't you sit down!"

Guo Jia laughed and said, "I still have a friend who hasn't come, I'll go in when he arrives."

"Mr. Guo, what friends do you have, why don't you come together!" the man asked.

Guo Jiadao: "My good friend Li Bai is also Li Taibai. He is a wanderer of poetry and wine. Such a beautiful day can't be done without him!"

Li Bai!

Hearing the word Li Bai, everyone in the private room changed their expressions.

There was a strange light in the eyes of the two, and they looked at each other.

Nodding darkly.

"It turned out to be Mr. Taibai who entered the mansion on the same day as you. It's really surprising. It would be a blessing for us to meet Mr. Taibai."

"Yes, Mr. Taibai is skilled in martial arts. There are not many people in the world who can beat him. He has a bold and generous personality. If we can meet each other, he will be the stuff of conversation for us in the future."

"Mr. Taibai can't come for a while, Feng Xiao is also standing there, come in first and let's have a few drinks. When Mr. Taibai comes, we will respect him one by one!"

"That's right, young masters, drink first, I'll get you some wine."

"I'm going too!"

The two girls from Mingyue Tower stood up and were about to come out, but Guo Jia dodged aside.

The two girls glanced at each other secretly, retracted their hands into their cuffs, and were about to go out, passing by Guo Jia, when suddenly a person rushed up the stairs and shouted:

"Miscellaneous dogs in Xiaoyao Mansion, look at the sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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