I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 244 Bring That Rebellious Son to Me

Chapter 244 Bring That Rebellious Son to Me

"What? The Yang family sent people to assassinate Guo Jia and Shang Yang of Xiaoyao Mansion!"

The emperor in the deep palace has a dazed look on his face!
The Yang family made a move so soon?
He also killed two people in one shot.

But... Ye Zhen was a little suspicious.

"Your Majesty, murder is a fact. There are physical evidences, and the Yang family can't refute it." The governor of Chang'an replied:
"Now it's... the king of Xiaoyao County brought soldiers and horses to kill the Yang family. If we don't stop it, it may lead to a catastrophe!"

"Bastard!" Ye Zhen was furious when he heard the words, and directly smashed the dragon case in front of him into two pieces.

Chang'an Fu Yin's heart skipped a beat.

Secretly shouted that the emperor is so strong in martial arts.

Ye Zhen has never shown his strength in front of others, so the courtiers don't know Ye Zhen's true strength.

After so many years, I thought he was a Wen emperor.

Did not expect such a powerful hidden power.

Ye Zhen couldn't control what Chang'an Governor was thinking anymore, and shouted angrily: "What are you Chang'an Governors doing, aren't you going to stop this traitor?"

The last time Ye Qing found a chance, he killed Taihua Mountain.

Now go straight to Yang's house.

The consequences can be imagined.

How could Ye Zhen not be angry.

This bastard is still grounded, he dared to come out without my order.

And can the Yang family be killed?

The people in your mansion didn't die, even if they died, it was because of two ordinary people.

Once the Yang family is touched, it will overthrow the family.

He only offended the six major factions before, and now he has pulled out the aristocratic family.

What is he trying to do?
No brains?

He doesn't think so.

Ye Qing is not stupid.

So Ye Qing is an asshole.

He didn't think about himself as the emperor, he just cared about being happy!

"Your Majesty, the people of our Governor of Chang'an have gone, but you also know that the soldiers and horses of our Governor of Chang'an are no match for the guards of the Xiaoyao Prefecture in combat power." The Governor of Chang'an looked aggrieved.

It turned out that Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun were not here this time, otherwise Ye Qing would not be able to be cured.

"Hmph, waste!" Ye Zhen said to the outside of the hall:
"Tell me the order that the first and second battalions of the forbidden army go to Yang's house immediately, drive the guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion back to me, and arrest the rebellious son Ye Qing."

At the moment, someone was ordered to go down to deliver the decree to the imperial army.

The two battalions of the Forbidden Army in the palace were transferred out of the palace, and then rushed to the east of the city.


At this time, in front of the Yang Family Mansion!

Ye Qing had already arrived with his people, and when he saw the closed door of the Yang family's mansion, he waved his hand and said, "Come here, send a message, and give the Yang family half an hour, if you don't open the door, then attack!"


At that moment, a soldier stepped forward to knock on the door knocker, and then shouted inside.

The soldiers of the Yang family's mansion inside were nervous for a while, and the hands holding the weapons were trembling.

If it is someone else, they are not afraid.

But the guards of Xiaoyao Mansion are afraid.

This is an army that has been on the battlefield and fought against the Turks.

The leader was Ye Qing.

There are many masters in Xiaoyao Mansion.

It's hard to resist with their current strength!

"Patriarch, the king of Xiaoyao County is here, and he told us to think about it for a while, otherwise we will attack by force!"

Hearing the words outside the door, someone immediately informed Yang Biao.

In fact, Yang Biao heard it through the scriptures, and he was in front of the front hall door, guarding the Yang family's retainers and the masters who kept him by his side.

In fact, the overall strength is very strong, and the defense force of the entire Yang Mansion is very objective.

But the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

There are many masters in the Yang Mansion, and they are strong, but they can't compare with Taihua Mountain.

What is the result of Hong Baxian's strength above the fifth rank?

It was not killed by someone.

The majestic six factions were destroyed by the Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Half a quarter!" Yang Biao murmured, and then said: "Wait, I'm talking after half a quarter!"

Yang Biao still felt lucky.

Ye Qing didn't start the fight immediately, probably because he had scruples and wanted to soften the Yang family.

Otherwise, it will attack directly, where ink is needed.

As long as the Yang family doesn't really fight, then it's easy to say.

It's a little bit longer, if you can't wait for the rescue, it's not too late to talk.

There is no disadvantage left or right.

"My lord, I'm afraid the Yang family won't compromise, and they will definitely delay!" Guo Jia looked at the tall wall of the Yang family and said:
"My lord, you can send someone in through the back door and burn it first!"

"Okay! Just follow what Fengxiao said!" Ye Qing turned around and wanted to give orders to Linghu Chong, but when he thought of Linghu Chong's temper, he gave up to Leng Ling:

"You go!"

"No!" Leng Lingqi took the order and went down.

It quickly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

At this time, the strength and attention of the Yang family were all in the front gate, and not many people were paying attention to the back door.

Soon Leng Lingqi sneaked into the Yang's mansion, found the treasury of the Yang family, lit three places with one fire, and left the mansion quickly.

"It's not good! It's out of water! It's out of water!"

Soon the Yang family discovered the place where it was set on fire.

Immediately started whining.

"The head of the family is not good! The direction of the treasury behind is on fire!"

Yang Biao's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Why is it still on fire at this time.

Busy with his subordinates, Jiang said: "Quick, hurry up and put out the fire!"

"It's the head of the family!" The family soldiers and experts who were supposed to guard the front door went halfway at once, and immediately went to carry water to put out the fire.

In front of the power of nature, no matter whether they are ordinary or expert, they are all treated equally.

At this moment, we have to rely on the most basic ability to solve the problem.

"Look, my lord, Jia Yang is on fire!"

Soon Ye Qing and others who were outside noticed the thick smoke coming out of the Yang family's mansion.

Immediately he drew his sword and waved his hand, "Come here, help the Yang family put out the fire!"

"Fire! Fire!"

In an instant, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry lifted up the log, and then slammed it towards the gate of the Yang family.

"Boom!" A log hit the past.

"Come again!"

Then the second impact started again, and then the third, and the fourth.

Inside, Yang Biao and others suddenly trembled.

Xiaoyao Fuwei attacked.

How could they suddenly attack.

Didn't you say half a quarter?

How long has it been, Ye Qing doesn't keep his promise.

The faces of the people in the Yang family's mansion changed drastically.

The hand holding the weapon began to tremble.

The king of Xiaoyao County has come for real.

Really attacked the mansion.

This is the Yang family, how dare he.

This killing star will not kill them all, right?

With a bang of impact, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Shortness of breath began to increase.


Suddenly the solid door was knocked open.

A long log came in first.

Then they hugged their wrestlers, discarded them, and threw them under the ground.

Then backed out.

However, the guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion did not come in in a hurry. Instead, soldiers holding crossbows lined up in three rows in a squatting position, and rushed to get inside!
And behind them is Ye Qing in battle armor!
Ye Qing and the guards of Xiaoyao Mansion looked at Yang Biao and the others with the gate open.

Seeing the murderous and incomparably fine Xiaoyaofu guards, the soldiers of the Yang family huddled together, their legs trembling while holding their weapons.

Looking at each other silently is the most fatal and even more difficult.

Yang Biao swallowed his throat, took a deep breath, and asked in a deep voice, "Prince Xiaoyao, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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