I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 245 Yang Biao Compromises

Chapter 245 Yang Biao Compromises
Ye Qing didn't speak.

The entire Xiaoyaofu team was silent.

It's a cold stare, all of them have a murderous look.

Silence is the most lethal.

Cold explosive force, but not triggered.

Like five thunders on top, it can explode at any time.

Brain supplements are the scariest.

Ye Qing was playing psychological warfare.

Sure enough, Yang Biao became more and more nervous.

Although it is the head of the family, the Yang family is a big family.

He has already entered middle age, and he has already practiced well in the city.

But for a young man like Ye Qing, he lost his composure and more panic and palpitations.

"Prince Xiaoyao County, you can fight if you want, pretending to be mysterious, and my Yang family will not be afraid of you."

Yang Biao said with a guilty conscience, his palms began to break out in cold sweat.

Those who say they are not afraid are just emphasizing that they are afraid.

The corners of Ye Qing's mouth rose slightly.

Very good, Yang Biao was scared.

The Yang family was scared.

No one is afraid of death.

What's more, it's a thousand-year-old family like the Yang family.

It is very easy to obtain the status of the head of the family.

There are still decades of good life waiting for him.

Now that he is dead, he can only get an epitaph.

Ruoda's Yang family has nothing to do with him from now on.

"Fire arrows!"

Ye Qing didn't say anything, just waved his hand and ordered.

Immediately, the three rows of Liannu soldiers all buckled their engines.

In an instant, countless crossbow arrows flew into the Yang family mansion.

Shoot the Yang family soldiers standing in front of him into hedgehogs.

Several first- and second-rate warriors swung their weapons to knock down the arrows that were shot, but they were still slightly injured.

Yang Biao and others kept retreating.


The crossbowmen in Xiaoyao Mansion are so powerful.

These three rows of crossbows fired continuously, like thousands of arrows raining down.



It's suffocating.

No matter who is strong, under such a strong rain of arrows, they will all suffer.

No wonder Xiaoyao Fuwei can easily break through Taihua Mountain.

The bravery of the soldiers and the power of the ordnance are sometimes really irreparable by pure force.

Otherwise, the ones who dominate the world will be people with high strength in force.

After a wave of arrow rain was released, the crossbowmen withdrew and went to the back to reload the crossbow arrows.

The swordsman stepped forward to fill his position.

Still no attack.

The soldiers are mighty, encircling but not attacking, killing but not dying.

The pressure on the Yang family is even greater.

Yang Biao sighed heavily, finally came to his senses, took a step forward and said, "What do you want, Prince Xiaoyao?"

"I heard that the Yang family has the most iron mines and iron mines." Ye Qing squinted his eyes, and stretched out his right hand with a smile.

Fifty percent!

[-]% of the Yangjia Iron Mine and ore.

That's half of it.

Why don't you grab it!

Yang Biao's eyes bulged, like a bull's eye.

The breathing became more rapid and the chest rose and fell more.

I went to half of the iron industry, so is it still called the Yang family?

Ye Qing, your appetite is too big.

You want the Yang family to die!

"Impossible, too many!" Yang Biao shook his head and refused.

The Yang family was not annoyed either, but the outstretched five fingers of the right hand turned into a little finger standing upright with the thumb, and the other three fingers were all bent down.

Sixty percent!

There is also a price increase!
Yang Biao was so angry that he wanted rabbit blood even more.

Just as Yang Biao was about to speak, Yu Jin waved his sword and said, "Jin San!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

Immediately, the swordsmen took three steps in unison, and then stood still.

The posture remains the same.

Yang Biao's words stuck in his throat instantly.

Yang Biao counted the time and found that a quarter had already passed.

But there was no other movement in the street at this time.

Time is the most difficult, waiting is the most energy-consuming.

Sweat began to flow from his forehead, and Yang Biao wiped it several times.

At this moment, the steward ran over and reported in a low voice: "Patriarch, five of the housekeepers slipped out of the back door just now while fighting the fire!"

"What?" Yang Biao was so angry that he really wanted to slap someone.

At this time, the doorman ran away secretly.

It was predicted that the Yang family would be doomed, so they slipped away without loyalty.

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they run away in times of disaster.

What's more, it's a group of diners who raise food.

"Change!" At this time, Yu Jin outside the mansion gave an order, and the crossbowmen who had suppressed the crossbow arrows came to the front again, all aiming at the gate of Yang Mansion.

Before the launch, the Yang family raised their hands and said: "Hou Yaohou, I promise you, [-]%! Just [-]%!"

Yang Biao was afraid that it would be exhausting, and Ye Qing should be at the end of the day.

Then we can't talk about it.

Ye Qing waved his hand and said: "Yang's mansion is on fire, and it was put out by the Yang family's own people. We don't need to go in to help."

The guards of the Xiaoyao Mansion took away their weapons and crossbows!
But he didn't leave, Yang Biao heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the flesh hurts, the invisible pressure is gone.

It is easy to put it.

Then he called the steward and said, "Go to the treasury and get the land deed!"

"It's the head of the family!" The housekeeper glanced at Ye Qing, but he didn't expect this little wolf cub to cause our Yang family to lose half of their iron mines.

Soon the housekeeper found the land deeds, Yang Biao glanced at them one by one, and then picked out half of them for the housekeeper to send out.

The housekeeper tremblingly sent the title deed to Ye Qing's side.

"My lord, please take a look, this is specially for His Royal Highness..."

"Bring it, so much nonsense!" Cheng Yaojin grabbed it and handed it directly to Ye Qing's hands, then kicked the housekeeper of the Yang family:

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" The housekeeper of the Yang family rolled back as if he had received an amnesty.

Ye Qing didn't look at the title deed, but handed it over to Guo Jia directly.

Guo Jia looked at them one by one and said, "My lord, they are indeed the iron mines of the Yang family!"

"Go home!"

As long as it was true, Ye Qing didn't care, and immediately returned to Xiaoyao Mansion with his people.

Once the guards of Xiaoyao Mansion withdrew, everyone in the Yang Mansion felt a little bit exhausted.

They all heaved a sigh of relief, secretly celebrating.

Half a quarter later, two battalions of the forbidden army arrived at Yang's house.

Seeing the messy gate of the Yang Mansion, he asked what was going on, and then he was a little at a loss.

The Xiaoyao Mansion did not enter the Yang family even half a step, and the battle stopped strangely.

Like the beginning, it came in a hurry.

"Let's go to Xiaoyao Mansion."

Although there was no fight here, Ye Zhen's order was to arrest Ye Qing and bring him into the palace.

Taking out two battalions of forbidden troops, they didn't dare to delay, and ran to Xiaoyao Mansion again.

As soon as the imperial army left, Yang Mingxuan, who had gone to ask for help, returned on horseback.

Behind him was a group of soldiers gathered from the Chang'an mansion by various families, the total number was about three thousand.

There are a lot of them.

The energy of the family can be seen.

But he came back a bit late, which made Yang Biao sigh.

If it drags on for a little longer, maybe it won't be able to pay half of the iron ore.

Not to mention being soft like Ye Qing.

Yang Biao really wanted to slap himself.

Only then did he completely calm down.

Ye Qing didn't dare to attack Yang's mansion at all, and didn't dare to send people to enter Yang's mansion clearly.

I dare not kill myself.

He is a smart man.

The energy of the aristocratic family is not comparable to that of Jianghu.

The death of people in the rivers and lakes is like a lamp going out.

When people are gone, grievances and hatreds are also gone.

The aristocratic family has absolute energy in the local area and in the court.

Can influence decision-making and direction.

How dare Ye Qing touch the Yang family easily, let alone destroy the Yang family with an assassin.

After all, the Yang family has so many allies.

The aristocratic families are married and take care of each other. There is me in you, and you in me, and the relationship is close.

Move one hair and pull the whole body.


(End of this chapter)

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