I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 246 My Highness Has Never Been Out of the Mansion

Chapter 246 My Highness Has Never Been Out of the Mansion

"Whoever comes will stop, and those who trespass will be killed without mercy!"

The imperial army came to Xiaoyao Mansion!
The guards of Xiaoyao Mansion immediately ordered to stop, and their bows and crossbows were ready, so their vigilance was not good.

The two battalions of the Imperial Army had to stop.

A general came out and shouted loudly: "I am waiting for your Majesty's order to invite the king of Xiaoyao County to enter the palace!"

Catch this word, and I dare not say it in the near future.

I didn't see that the guards of Xiaoyao Mansion were full of murderous intent.

If you grab it hard, you might get into a fight.

"Please issue the imperial decree. If there is no imperial decree, how can we believe that you were sent by His Majesty?" Yu Jin asked Ye Qing's confession a long time ago.

Holy decree!

Where did the imperial decree come from, only oral instructions!

The general shook his head and said: "We are following the orders of His Majesty, there is no imperial decree, we are the imperial guards in the palace, our status is undoubtedly, please let the door out, I have met the king of Xiaoyao County, he will understand!"

"Sorry, there is no imperial decree. No one can enter Xiaoyao Mansion. We only recognize His Majesty's imperial decree, but not the skin on your body. The skin can be fake, but the imperial decree can't be fake." Yu Jin said mercilessly:

"Today someone assassinated someone from my Xiaoyao Mansion. Sorry, my Xiaoyao Mansion doesn't want to see guests now, let alone let any suspicious person approach His Highness!"

After listening to Yu Jin's words, the general was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Another one of them was on fire, stood up and scolded: "Yu Jin, you really want to stop us, can you take this responsibility? The king of Xiaoyao County led troops to attack Yang's mansion, and this incident caused a storm in the city. Your Majesty knew about it a long time ago. Get out of the way, let us take Xiaoyao County King earlier, and we can still win His Majesty's forgiveness, otherwise..."

"No, how about it!"

While speaking, Li Bai walked slowly from the outer street, holding a long sword!

In one hand, there are two female heads.

The blood dripping from the neck also fell on the street from time to time.

Action an irregular dotted line.

"Li Bai!"

The soldiers of the two armies of the Imperial Army all moved, looking at the head in Li Bai's hand, looking at his sword, with a flat face, lying inexplicably.

"When did my highness leave the house? Why doesn't Li Bai know." Li Bai walked straight over and said as he walked:
"My Highness has always followed the rules. His Majesty grounded him, and he has never been out of the house. I don't know who slandered my Highness."

Walking to the guard of the Xiaoyao Mansion, Li Bai turned around, threw the two women's heads in front of the imperial guard's eyes and said:
"Li Bai only knows that today more than a wave of assassins want to kill people from my Xiaoyao Mansion. Could it be that you are also assassins who want to take this opportunity to kill my Highness!"

"You... Li Bai, don't talk nonsense, we are the forbidden army in the palace, we came here under orders, how could we be assassins!"

"That's right, it's obviously the King of Xiaoyao County who attacked Yang..."

"Hmm!" Li Bai's face turned cold immediately, and his nasal voice sounded contemptuously at the person who spoke just now.

Shocked by Li Bai's sharp eyes, this person stopped speaking immediately.

When the two sides were at a stalemate, Gu Yangyang suddenly walked out of the mansion.

Gu Yangyang went to the generals of the Imperial Army and said: "My Highness said, you take this thing back, Your Majesty will understand, and you don't have to be afraid to ask questions."

As he spoke, Gu Yangyang handed over a wooden box that was one and a half feet long and one foot wide.

"This is..." The general of the forbidden army was puzzled, and wanted to open it to have a look, but Gu Yangyang clasped it lightly with his hand and said:

"Curiosity kills people. This thing can only be seen by His Majesty. If you think this life is very long, you can wipe it!"

The general of the imperial army heard the words, so he didn't dare to open it again, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

Many things are not something these teenagers can see or hear.

After staying in the palace for so long, I naturally understand what it means to be wise and protect one's life.

Then he took the wooden box and asked one more question: "Your Highness really won't enter the palace. If His Majesty gets angry then, it will be even more difficult to end."

Gu Yangyang nodded with a smile and said: "My Highness said, as long as you have this thing, you can go back. My Xiaoyao Mansion has never attacked the Yang Mansion. If you don't believe me, you can ask the Yang Mansion now and you will understand."

Yang Biao was convinced by the experience and took half of the iron ore out.

The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized, at this time, the Yang family is afraid that they will never say that Xiaoyao Mansion attacked them.

It can only be said that it is water, and people from Xiaoyao Mansion just passed by to fight the fire.

Only in this way can we save face as much as possible and have a reputation in the hearts of the people.

Otherwise, the loss of reputation will be even greater.

At this time, stop loss is more important than revenge.

"Okay! Since His Highness won't enter the palace, I have no choice but to go back and report back."

The general of the imperial army knew that it was impossible to capture Ye Qing, and he couldn't attack by force, so he had to return with his troops and the wooden box.

After returning to the palace, he immediately went to ask Ye Zhen.

"You bastard, people can't get it back, so what use are you for!" Ye Zhen heard that Ye Qing was not brought here, and also listened to Xiaoyao Mansion's argument, which made him even more furious.

The shit didn't leave the house, the shit didn't attack the Yang family.

Is it true that the eyes of the whole world are blind?

The imperial general dared not speak, and knelt on the ground.

Silence is the best response.

"get out!"

Ye Zhen waved his hand after scolding, and dismissed the imperial general like a dog.

The forbidden army will be amnesty.

"Tell me, what's the situation?"

The palace gate closed slowly, and soon Liu Buren got out.

"Your Majesty, after investigation, it is true that three waves of people assassinated the people in Xiaoyao Mansion. Among them, the assassin of Gongsun Yang was an archer, and the assassin of Guo Jia in Mingyue Tower was two different waves. The identity is unknown because he was killed by Li Bai, and there is another man who was captured by Xiaoyao Mansion and brought back to Xiaoyao Mansion. This man was obviously sent by the Yang family, but in fact he was trying to set things up, and the details are still under investigation."

"Two waves of people, this is interesting. Someone knew in advance that the Yang family was going to kill people in Xiaoyao Mansion, and Xiaoyao Mansion also knew in advance that someone was going to do something wrong." Ye Zhen rubbed his chin, looked at the wooden box in front of him, and ask:

"What about other situations?"

"The king of Xiaoyao County took the opportunity to get angry and led his troops out of the mansion to attack Yang's mansion, but he didn't actually get in. He just broke through the gate and sent someone to set fire to the treasury in the backyard of the Yang family." Liu Buren lowered his head. , with a flash of joy in his eyes, he continued:

"Yang Biao was intimidated by Xiaoyao Mansion's bow and crossbow. Fu Ruan donated half of his iron mines to settle the matter. Satisfied, the King of Xiaoyao County withdrew his troops and returned to Xiaoyao Mansion."

Half of the iron ore!

Ye Zhenteng stood up suddenly.


How much is this.

The Yang family is really...

Ye Zhen was so hungry after hearing this.

Although the salt and iron from the household department were sent to Shaofu, there were not many iron mines under the imperial court's control, and most of them were barren and difficult to mine.

Suddenly, Ye Zhen seemed to understand what was in the wooden box placed before the dragon case.

"Go down!" Ye Zhen waved his hand, not interested in what happened in Yijing.

Instead, he held the wooden box with both hands, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

After Liu Buren retreated, Ye Zhen then removed the copper buckle, and then lifted the lid of the wooden box.

(End of this chapter)

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