I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 247 The world... It's been a long time

Chapter 247 The world... It's been a long time
The wooden box is open!

I saw a stack of land deeds lying inside.

Ye Zhen picked it up and saw that it was the iron mine forests of the Yang family.

"It's interesting to know that these things belong to me!" Ye Zhen took out all the land deeds and found that there was another thing underneath.

All eyes were fixed there.

Even the eyes kept flickering brightly.

"Your Majesty! I have done everything I said. Xiaoyao Mansion is researching iron-making technology. I believe there will be harvest in the near future, and it will surpass the Yang family!"

A paragraph is written on a clean white paper.

The pen and ink are clear and powerful.

The handwriting is fresh, but it is newly written.

Ye Zhen gently lifted out the lowered layer of white paper.

His hands were trembling, and his emotions had never been more excited.

Gently stroke the paper.

The delicate feeling, as if touching a delicate woman, makes people daydream continuously, and finally closes their eyes and fantasizes about everything.

Opening his eyes, Ye Zhen's pupils shot out a fiery light.

Then peel off the top paper and take out the second paper.

Then spread it evenly on the dragon case.

After stroking Shunping, he picked up the pen and dipped it in ink, and then started to write the characters.

After finishing writing in one breath, filling the entire facial paper, Ye Zhen raised his chest and looked down, laughing with satisfaction and saying:
"Good! Good paper! The best paper in the world!"

"Come on, forget this...forget it!" Ye Zhen saw that there was a stack of paper beside him, so he took another paper and continued to write.

Write down all the things you want to write down most on paper.

Soon the stack of papers was all written.

Only then did Ye Zhen stand up straight, stretched his waist, stretched his arms and murmured: "It's a pleasure! It's been a long time since I've had such a good time."

With black and white writing all over the floor, Ye Zhen has never been so happy.

He sat upside down on the dragon couch, looked up at the beams, and showed a smile that only he could understand.

"The world... has been divided for a long time!"

The appearance of paper gave Ye Zhen countless reveries and plans.

The brain is running at high speed.

With paper, the family is bullshit!
A thousand-year-old family, a century-old dynasty, hahaha, everything will become bullshit.

Ye Zhen, who was originally angry at Ye Qing's attack on the Yang family, understood Ye Qing's confidence and courage.

My Da Zhou, my Ye family has the weapons to deal with the aristocratic family.

With the strongest force to disintegrate them.

So... why are you afraid of them.

As for the Yang family, what else can they do without the iron industry.

"Come here! Pass the decree to reduce Ye Qing's county prince to marquis, and the ban will be extended for half a year!"

"No!" At that moment, someone went to deliver the decree.

The tall board was lowered gently.

Xiaoyao Mansion beat Yang Mansion and blackmailed half of the iron mines, and the result was such a punishment.

Noble confinement, back and forth that's all!

When I am happy, I will add it back.

This Xiaoyaohou is really a wonderful thing.

Xiaoyao Mansion attacked Yang Mansion, this was big news, it shocked everyone.

During Ye Qing's confinement, he even led troops to attack the Yang Mansion.

The Yang family is one of the most powerful families in the Great Zhou.

Is it really good to do this?
No scruples at all.

But the result soon surprised everyone.

Ye Qing besieged but did not attack, and no soldier crossed the border to enter the mansion. Yang Biao gave in directly and gave up half of the iron mine.

This result simply refreshed everyone's cognition.

The dignified Yang family even admitted that Xiaoyao Mansion's dominance and vindictiveness further penetrated into the hearts of the people.

"It's a pity! The Yang family is soft, and Yang Biao, the idiot, is actually soft."

Fufeng Palace, as one of the spectators, naturally hoped that the Yang family would be wiped out by Ye Qing.

At that time, the Yang family will start a war with Ye Qing, and the family of the Hongnong Palace will not be able to stand idly by, they will also join the battle group, and then the two tigers will fight.

"However, who is framing the blame?" Ye Tao kept guessing in his mind, but he was still unable to determine the candidate.

The third child is impossible, the fifth child and the seventh child have the greatest rift, and the eighth child and the ninth child cannot be ruled out.

Now the two are eligible to compete for the crown prince.

Don't underestimate the two of them.

After all, they have the support of Wei Guo and South Korea.

Hongnong Palace!

"Go and investigate! Go and investigate immediately, who is blaming the Yang family." Ye Wei was really angry this time, and he, who has always been a man of the city, was a little impatient at this moment.

What happened to the Yang family made him passive all of a sudden.

If one is not handled well, the family lineage will be divided.

Yuan Yuan must be found, he wants to see who is playing tricks and tricks under his nose.

"Lao Liu, Lao Liu, what on earth do you want to do? You haven't seen such an obvious loophole, such a clumsy little trick, or you have already wanted to get the Yang family's idea." Ye Wei suddenly fell into deep thought, touching He murmured with his chin:

"Iron mine, do you have the method of making iron and steel? If so, it would be terrible!"


"Hahaha, okay, the stupid Yang family and Ye Qing, you finally got into a fight.

Kill it, kill it, kill it until the blood flows like a river, kill it fiercely. "As soon as Ye Cai heard that Ye Qing was furious and went out to attack the Yang Mansion for the sake of his lowly people, his heart immediately became elated.

Just do a little trick by yourself.

This time he finally managed to trick Ye Qing, he himself felt incredible.

The shrewd Ye Qing was fooled.

And even led troops to destroy the Yang family.

This time Hongnong Palace is going to go to war with Xiaoyao Mansion.

He foresaw the next scene.

"My lord, new situation, new situation!"

Suddenly someone came in and reported to Ye Caihui:
"My lord, the Yang family has softened, and Yang Biao has softened to Ye Qing. He handed over half of the iron mines, and Ye Qing led the troops to withdraw."

"What?" Ye Cai stepped forward, grabbed his subordinate's collar, and raised it lightly:
"Tell me once more!"

"My lord, it's true. The Yang family's service has softened. Ye Qing led his troops back to Xiaoyao Mansion. They didn't fight, and the soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion didn't enter the Yang family."

"How can it be like this!" Ye Cai pushed his subordinates out, his face turned ferocious.

"How is this possible!"

How can the Yang family be subdued, you are one of the biggest families in Zhou.

How could Ye Qing do this, you should wash Yang's house in a rage!

How could it be like this, it's over after a start.

what is this?
The trousers are all taken off, so let the people in Chang'an see this.

Ye Cai is unwilling.
It was designed step by step, but the target stopped halfway, and then turned back on the spot.

When walking, he also walked away with the bait left on the road.

You are not angry!

"Your Majesty, but... But Your Majesty sent the forbidden army out of the palace. He wanted to ask Ye Qing, saying that he wanted to take him into the palace. At this time, the forbidden army has gone to Xiaoyao Mansion." Seeing that Ye Cai was about to go crazy, the subordinates who reported were bloodthirsty. With the urge to kill, he quickly reported the news that was not good news.

Sure enough, Ye Cai, who heard the news, lost his expression.

His eyes were like lightning, and he asked in question: "It's really like that!"

The messenger nodded.

How dare he lie about this.

"Okay! That's great! Father must have heard that he was going to attack the Yang Mansion, so he sent someone to arrest him and ask him to be held accountable!" Ye Cai suddenly laughed again, this time it became dark:
"The Yang family is a big family after all, how could the father sit back and watch Ye Qing mess around, unless the father wants to break up with all the families, but... that price is too high, Ye Qing is not worth it at all."

Ye Cai also knew what kind of character Ye Zhen was.

In Ye Zhen's eyes, people who are worthless are worse than practicing ants.

The value of interests is what the emperor always cares about and considers.

The royal family is ruthless, and that thing has already been fed to the dogs.

As the son of the empress, Ye Cai is very clear about the lineage of the royal family.

"Let's go, let's enter the palace with Gu, and see how Ye Qing was escorted into the palace!" Ye Cai wanted to receive the result of Ye Qing's punishment as soon as possible.

This time, even a god can't save Ye Qing.

Even if the emperor didn't say anything, the aristocratic family and all the officials would go to sue Ye Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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