Chapter 249
Dong Bai said: "The aristocratic family headed by King Hongnong has taken action, and the Liu family will be cut off from salt from today!"

"Break the salt!"

Ye Qing guessed that the aristocratic family would counterattack, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

It was shot in less than a day.

They really are a group of arrogant guys.

To have energy is to be willful.

"That's right Your Highness, the Liu family has let us know that the Liu family's salt will not be sold to those who participate in the projects outside His Highness's city." Dong Bai said:

"If other people resell to these restricted households, they will also face blows from the Yang family, Liu family and other aristocratic families."

"Hehe, that's interesting! How can they accurately figure out who's going out of the city to help me build water conservancy facilities!" Ye Qing sneered:

"Also, the official salt is now in the Shaofu, and the family officials from the household department can't control the official salt. The Liu family doesn't sell salt, so they can buy official salt!

Trees move to death, people move to live, I believe that believers are not stupid. "

Dong Bai showed a hint of cunning, shook his head slightly and said: "Your Highness, you don't know how shameless the family is. They can't figure out which family has produced strong labor to help Your Highness build water conservancy facilities, but they know which workshop has produced more people. They The supply of coarse salt in this workshop will be stopped directly, and people will be sent to supervise other people's speculative reselling into this workshop. Your Highness should also know that there are many officials from the family lineage, and the Governor of Chang'an is also from the family lineage. He can help and cooperate. , with officers and soldiers taking action, it is easy to make the people below submit."


Hearing this, Ye Qing punched the table heavily.

The possibility that Dong Bai said is too great.

The family can really do it.

And the emperor had nothing to do with them, because buying and selling were free.

The family itself has this energy.

The Xiaoyao Mansion just burned the Yang family, so Yang Liu and the others are not allowed to fight back in a reasonable way?
Even if Ye Zhen is upset, he can only bear it.

This is politics. If Da Zhou wants to be stable, he must appease these blood-sucking bugs.

Otherwise, it will be a loss for both sides.

Although the Dong family is also an aristocratic family, they still disdain this method.

Moreover, the Dong family is fundamentally different from Yangliu Cui and other families.

"As for the official salt, His Highness also knows that the price of official salt is high, and there are many impurities. Originally, there was no wages for His Highness's work, just to save a strong laborer for the family. The food consumption in winter and spring, but now I have to subsidize the money to buy it. Unpalatable high priced salt.

Does Your Highness think that the common people will settle this account? "Dong Bai said:

"Even though His Highness used money to subsidize these strong laborers, those ordinary people who did not participate in the project suffered for no reason. They would not blame the Liu family, nor would they seek their troubles, but would instead bear hatred for His Highness.

As long as someone takes the lead, they dare to come to Xiaoyao Mansion to make trouble. Then His Highness will kill or beat them or drive them away.

Or could His Highness give them money and food subsidies benevolently? , How much money does His Highness have to subsidize. "

No need to count, Dong Bai felt that this was an unsolvable headache.

Yang Liu and the others made this move ruthlessly.

One punch paralyzed Ye Qing's project, making Ye Qing's image project come to an end without a problem.

Fierce, one hit is sure to hit.

This is what the family does.

Of course, this is just an appetizer, and the real big move is still brewing later.

If Ye Qing was a stubborn person, he would subsidize money and food and spend it.

Until all of them are exhausted, the huge Xiaoyao Mansion will be defeated.

If Ye Qing was a hesitant person, he would hesitate in this matter.

It is also the goal that the family wants to achieve.

Ye Qing closed the curtain and began to meditate, Dong Bai did not disturb, but soon Ye Qing opened his eyes and showed a bright smile.

No baldness or distress at all.

This made Dong Bai surprised and amazed.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Heaven and God will take the blame if they don't take it. If the time is too bad, they will suffer the disaster. The Liu family gave such a good opportunity to come out. I feel sorry for them if I don't accept it from Xiaoyao Mansion."

Dong Bai was puzzled, how could Ye Qing still laugh at this time.

Instead, he smiled more confidently and charmingly.

Even the odds are in hand.

"If the Liu family is going to be broken up, let him do it. I'll take over when he does. I also have salt in my hand. No wonder I'm afraid he won't do it!" Ye Qing was secretly delighted. , he would really be a little troubled.

But with this technology in hand, the Liu family's little trick was broken in minutes.

Instead, it was an opportunity.

If the Liu family doesn't jump out, it's hard to make a move.

But if they want to vent their anger on the Yang family, then let's get rid of them together.

"Uh!" Dong Bai was taken aback!
Only then did he realize, yes, Ye Qing still has a bunch of official salt in his hand.

In order to support Ye Zhen, he brought the salt and iron into the Shaofu, but paid 5 taels of silver.

That's a lot of salt in the calculation.

But it seems that there are still some!

The official salt of only 5 taels of silver may not last for a few days.

Ye Qing said: "Don't worry about this matter, I came to you today just to ask about the Lantian Pavilion!"

"Lantian Pavilion, Your Highness means..." Dong Bai finally understood Ye Qing's purpose for calling him here.

Dong Huang also mentioned the matter of five thousand Tibetan soldiers from the Chu and Yue clan staying in the cave in Qinling Mountains and then transferring them.

After all, they came to Xiaoyao Mansion, so they stood in line.

Then this information must be known and shared.

Only in this way can we be sincere.

"That's right, that's the matter. Recently, the Lantian Pavilion has been closed to the mountains, making it difficult for outsiders to make progress. My people haven't found any useful clues. What's going on with you?" Ye Qing asked bluntly.

Dong Bai has entered the mansion, and he is one of his own.

Although they can't be as close as Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, Li Ru and others, they can discuss everything.

But most foreign affairs can still be known.

Dong Bai also shook his head and said: "Your Highness, my Dong family has also sent people to investigate. As you said, the Chu Palace and Queen Xiongyue are indeed suspected. They also raised a large number of elite soldiers, and finally disappeared mysteriously. But Their whereabouts have still not been found out.

The only suspect is Lantian Pavilion. Grandpa notified the matter to Qishan Pavilion according to the scriptures. I believe they will pay attention to this point, and they should send people to check again. At that time, Lantian Pavilion wants to cover up or have other schemes. It's all hard to get to the bottom of it. "

"That's good. I hope they can be quicker. I have a hunch that there is a terrifying conspiracy brewing in Lantian Valley. This conspiracy may involve the other four factions, and it is even enough to shake the entire East."

so serious!

Dong Bai looked suspicious.

Ye Qing wouldn't be alarmist.

But Ye Qing has his own charisma, and he won't talk nonsense.

It seems that he has information that even the Dong family can't grasp.

Lantian Pavilion, is something really going to happen?

It was Ye Qing who wanted to kill him.

With Mount Taihua in front, Dong Bai wasn't sure if Ye Qing wanted to get rid of the martial arts school that was closest to the capital.

"My lord, there is an emergency!"

While talking casually, Shen Wansan hurried up the stairs from the outside yard and walked into the hall.

Seeing Dong Bai was there, he saluted Ye Qingzhong to Dong Bai, but did not speak immediately to report the specific matters.

(End of this chapter)

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