I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 250 Then Start a War with the Liu Family

Chapter 250 Then Start a War with the Liu Family

"Speak directly about anything, it's all yours!"

Ye Qing knew the reason for Shen Wansan's sudden silence.

But he also knew that Shen Sanwan knew what to say and what not to say.

So I said it very generously.

This naturally won Dong Bai's approval extremely, and a warm feeling flowed through his heart.

Shen Wansan deliberated and organized his language before saying: "The Liu family took action and cut off the salt of all the workshops, even the merchants who have business dealings with our firm have also cut off the salt.

I guess it's also going on outside the city, but it hasn't been passed on yet. "

"Salt break again?"

Ye Qing and Dong Bai looked at each other, the Liu family was more ruthless than imagined.

Not only those ordinary people were cut off, but even the shops and merchants with business contacts were cut off.

Among them, there must be more cities in the East and West.

The supply channels and sales channels outside the city, as long as they get involved with the Xiaoyaofu Commercial Bank, they will be cut off.

This is to further force other people to do business with Xiaoyaofu.

If the front is only for the common people, the card will be fame and prestige, and it will be chaotic.

Then this is to pinch the source of wealth and strangle the neck.

Where is the next step? It is estimated that another family will make a move.

"If it's broken, it's broken. Tell the merchants and firms that have business dealings with us, what price they can sell the Liu family's salt in the past, and reduce it by [-]% on this basis. I will supply salt to him in Xiaoyao Mansion." Ye Qingfa said harshly:

"The Liu family wants to start a war, so they will fight, and they will take over all the customers they don't want, and I will eat them all, and I won't leave any of them to him.

If [-]% of the salt price is not enough, then [-]%; if [-]% is not enough, then [-]% to [-]%.

Anyway, grab it for me! "

I have salt, and it is refined salt, will I be afraid of him?
The dimensionality reduction blow drove Liu's family back to Hedong, and finally even robbed him of the market in Hedong.

"It's my lord, I'll do it now!"

With Ye Qing's words, Shen Wansan has confidence.

If you fight, I will fight, come to the Liu family, I, Shen Wansan, am not afraid of you either.

Better than salt... you won't die from saltiness!
"Uh! Your Highness, isn't this too impulsive!"

Dong Bai was taken aback, Ye Qing has become a stud, and the more he plays, the bigger he gets.

Now he wants to compete with the Liu family in the salt industry.

Far from protecting himself, it was a fierce counterattack.

Where does he have so much money to support it!

Even if the emperor gave him the salt industry of Shaofu and the official salt, he would not be able to resist the Liu family's attack.

It is wise to compete in what the Liu family is best at.

Ye Qing is so calm, how could such a bold and careful person suddenly behave like this.

Dong Bai was a little confused!
Ye Qing seemed to see his worries, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry about small things, just watch it, you will understand how powerful our Xiaoyao Mansion is, hehe, no one can guess! "

The strength of Xiaoyao Mansion, what I saw was indeed the tip of the iceberg.

There are still many things that he can't touch yet.

Because he is not the real core yet.

Even the back courtyard of Xiaoyao Mansion is not allowed to enter, and can only stay in the front courtyard.


Ye Cai, who had been depressed all night, woke up one day and finally heard the good news from his subordinates.

"My lord, it's a great thing, the Hongnong Palace has taken action against the Xiaoyao Palace.

Yang Liu and other aristocratic families started to fight back against Ye Qing. "The subordinate invited credit to report.

Ye Cai, who was originally a bit sluggish, was shocked when he heard the words, and asked with great joy:

"If so, what did they do?"

"My lord, the Liu family took advantage of their advantages in the salt industry to cut off the salt for all the workshops, and used their power to force people to break up with Xiaoyao Mansion." The messenger added:

"By the way, it seems that the merchants, villas, and merchants who cooperate with Xiaoyaofu Commercial Bank have also spoken harshly. They will also cut their salt. It is estimated that other Cui family and Li family will start to join the counterattack sequence. !"

"Okay! That's great, at least I didn't let my work go to waste." Ye Cai Wenyan laughed even louder, and his whole face was full of glory.

"Go, keep watching, and see what's going on in Xiaoyao Mansion. If there's any news, come back and let me know as soon as possible. Today, I'm going to the karaoke workshop to listen to Xiaofengfeng's singing." Ye Cai strutting, happy I couldn't help it, and started to go outside to be unrestrained and unrestrained.


Hedong Palace!

Fatty Ye Jin heard the news, poured the wine, and sipped it slowly.

Xiaoyanqing thinks that the scriptures will soon become a fortune.

"Sixth brother, you really went too far this time. The Yang family is different from Taihua Mountain. You should experience the taste of the aristocratic family. Their energy and methods are definitely something you have never seen before. Next time ...I hope you can have a next time, hey, life is as lonely as snow..."

Fufeng Palace!

"My lord, what are we going to do?"

Ye Wei smiled and said: "Don't do anything now, let Xian Hongnong Palace fight in front for a while, if you can't take Xiaoyao Mansion, we will take action to solve it, if you can win, then step on it hard, let him never Turn over!"

"My lord is very right. It should be like this. I'll contact the person right away. I must sharpen the knife first!"


Tai Chi Palace!
Imperial study room!
"The Liu family is the first to stand for the Yang family after making such a move so quickly. The friendship is very numb!" Seeing the Liu family's move, Ye Zhen didn't feel any anger this time, on the contrary, he was extremely calm.

A calm expression.

"Your Majesty, do we need to help Xiaoyao Mansion?" Liu Buren asked mysteriously.

Liu Buren knew that Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion should have a place in the emperor's heart now.

It is definitely not the original pawn that can be discarded at will.

"Help, why do you want to help? If such a small matter can't be stopped, what big things can you do?" Ye Zhen snorted coldly:

"Who loses, who takes advantage, how do you know if you don't see the end?"

Liu Buren was a little puzzled, the emperor seemed to have confidence in Ye Qingchao today.

To be able to say such words, could it be that there are other honor guards in Xiaoyao Mansion.

"Old dog, you are my eyes and claws, when are you going to think about this kind of thing, get out!" Ye Zhen suddenly thought of something, and angrily yelled at Liu Buren.

As the emperor's dog, as long as it bites, it's fine. When does it need to think about things for its master?

Only then did Liu Buren realize that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly bowed his head and retreated.

But after leaving the palace gate, he returned soon.

"Didn't I tell you to get lost? What are you doing when you come back!" Ye Zhen was dissatisfied and was looking for paper to write on, only to realize that the paper Ye Qing gave was used up.

I have to order Ye Qing to bring some over.

"Your Majesty, please take a look at the latest battle report sent back by Liangzhou Shadow Guards!"

Liu Buren handed over a seemingly ordinary bamboo tube, which contained news from Liangzhou sent back by the shadow guard in a hurry.

He didn't dare to delay, so he received and delivered it as soon as he went out.

"Liangzhou sent it, quickly present it!"

This was sent back by the shadow guards, not the Liangzhou military horses, so this news is absolutely important.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the shadow guards to use this urgent single-money channel to send news from the front line.

So Ye Zhen is extremely concerned, and doesn't know whether the information inside is good or bad.

(End of this chapter)

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