I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 252 Kill You Running Dogs

Chapter 252 Kill You Running Dogs
The Cui family controls all the basic officials in the world, has countless disciples and apprentices, and occupies half of the Great Zhou.

Just ask which department, which county does not have officials from the Cui family.

Either high or low, light or heavy.

Especially the Ministry of Officials, which is in charge of the promotion of officials, is firmly in the hands of the Cui family.

If the Cui family wanted to ruin a person's official career, they had too many means of manipulation.

Unless a person wants to stay in a position for a lifetime, has no desires or desires for a lifetime, and does not want to be promoted.

As long as there is a little ambition, it will not offend the Cui family.

So the Cui family's move is a must-kill move.

Those who entered Xiaoyao Mansion or Nancheng County still wanted a bright future, so they should leave the broken ship of Xiaoyao Mansion as soon as possible.

If you want to be an official, want to be promoted, once you are completely stamped with the Xiaoyao Mansion mark, it will be over for a lifetime.

I have to say that the Cui family are the real ruthless people, the werewolf killers!

As soon as the news came out, I believe Guo Jia, Gongsun Yang, and Zhang Yi would leave immediately.

And those petty officials who just entered Nancheng County even ran away.

"This is a hard work for the Cui family!" The Cui family has the greatest energy, especially the influence in the officialdom, so Ye Wei pays more attention to it.

Ye Wei bowed to the Patriarch of the Cui family to show his respect.

The energy of other aristocratic families is mostly in the local or business field, which is only supported by wealth and fame.

The Cui family is the biggest help to whether they can establish the position of prince and secure the throne of emperor.

"In this way, the Xiaoyao Mansion is empty of money and people, and in the end there are only a group of ordinary generals left. Although there are no big waves, they will not die after all, and they need something..."

In order to completely suppress Ye Qing, the aristocratic family started further discussions.

Either don't make a move, if you want to make a move, this big trouble will be completely solved.


All the squares in Chang'an City, and the shops near the gates of the squares, suddenly changed their signboards.

It turned out that there was a turmoil in the whole market, and the news that the Liu family did not sell salt was deliberately spread wildly.

The people who had just stepped out of the gate felt like they were struck by lightning.

Surprised and stunned, he was speechless for a long time.

Then they ran home one by one, picked up the cloth bags containing salt, and ran to Liu's salt shop.

It's a pity that the place was already full of people.

And the more people there are, the more people there will be.

"Everyone, I have run out of salt in the Liu family Yijing, and I can't sell it in this workshop for the time being. Please forgive me!"

"There was salt yesterday, why is it gone today, open the door, we need to buy salt, I don't believe it's gone!"

"Yes! Open the door, we want to buy salt!"

The people gathered around lied.

It seems that the rumors are true, because the Liu family is at war with Xiaoyao Mansion, they are not going to sell salt to the various workshops that help Ye Qing.

Under the instigation of some people, the people around became more and more anxious.

Human nature is like this, buy up and not buy down.

Buy and don't buy and get free.

The more you can't get it, the more you want it.

"Everyone, we are really out of salt. People bought all the salt last night, but everyone is in a hurry. We have urgently transferred the salt to the east of the river, and it will be delivered in a few days. You can rest assured. !"

The people from the Liu Family Salt Shop waved to appease everyone.

Then he kept looking at the crowd on the street.

Soon the people hiding below received the signal, looked at each other, and communicated secretly.

Then they all murmured:
"It seems to be true. Your Liu family can't do this. Xiaoyao Mansion offended the Yang family, and it's not us who offended the Yang family. Why didn't you sell us salt!"

"That's right, you just cut off the salt from Xiaoyao Mansion, and you just want to cut off the salt from those who help Xiaoyao Mansion. Why do you want to blame us so that we can't eat salt!"

"Damn Xiaoyao Mansion is Xiaoyaohou. If he hadn't beaten the Yang family during the confinement period, the Liu family would not have helped the Yang family to vent their anger. It's all because someone in our workshop helped Xiaoyao Mansion, which caused everyone to be implicated. Drive these people out of our workshop!"

"Yes! Get out of our workshop!"

"Get out of our workshop!"

"Hey! You are not talking out of anger, are you? The folks in the big hometown have lived in neighbors for most of their lives. Their houses are all in the workshop. How can they move out? In my opinion, Xiaoyao Mansion provoked this matter. , we should go to Xiaoyaohou and ask him to apologize to the Yang family for making you wrong!"

"Apologize! That's right, go to Xiaoyaohou in Xiaoyao Mansion. If he doesn't apologize, we will go to Suzaku Street. We will sue His Majesty. Even if I give up my old skin today, I will sue him."

Hula, someone took the lead and took away a group of people in an instant, and then many people thought about it and followed blindly.

Whether it's watching the fun or fighting for your own interests, you have to go and see it!
But soon when they reached the gate of the workshop, a banner with red letters on a white background blocked everyone's way.

"What is this?"

People in Dazhou are quite unfamiliar with banners, and have never seen them before.

After all, not many people can read.

It's useless to pull.

But then someone stood up and explained:

"Everyone, the Liu family violated their commercial trust and refused to sell salt to everyone. Our Xiaoyao Mansion expresses deep sympathy, so my Highness said that if anyone is short of salt, they can go to our commercial salt shop to buy salt, and the price is favorable.

We have [-]% less money here than the Liu family. Welcome everyone to come and buy. "

The person who was explaining pointed to the salt shop that had just changed its signboard next to it.

The door of the salt shop is just an ordinary piece of yellow wood, with three new black ink characters 'Huimin Salt' written on it.

The handwriting is very fresh, quite rough.

It couldn't be more hasty.

Looking inside the shop, there were indeed square wooden barrels piled with white crystals.

There are small particles as fine as snow and white as sand.

There are also rough and slightly reddish large particles.

"Could it really be salt!"

Someone muttered, with doubts in their eyes.

When did Xiaoyao Prefecture produce salt and sell it?

All the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Anyway, I don't know how to do it.

At this time, the rhythmic Liu Jia Anzi said with a loud voice:
"I'm afraid it's fake! Everyone, don't believe him, it's a lie. Xiaoyao Mansion doesn't produce salt, so where can you get the salt?"

The shopkeeper of the Xiaoyaofu Commercial Bank raised his hand with a smile and said, "It's true or not, just go in and have a look, touch it, and taste it and you'll know."

"My Xiaoyao Mansion doesn't produce salt, why should I tell you people from the Liu family that they can't do it!" The shopkeeper of the branch bluntly pointed out that he had already seen through the identity of the rhythmic person just now.

The people around nodded their heads one after another, feeling that it made sense.

You can tell if it is true or false by tasting it, and everyone can tell the difference between salt and salt.

"It turns out that you are from the Liu family, okay, you didn't sell us salt, and now you are encouraging us to make trouble. When we are beaten to the scalp and blood, and there are countless casualties, you are controlling the overall situation, looking at us with contempt and pity from above. , Kill you lackeys!"

There are dark sons among the common people in the Liu family, so of course Xiaoyao Mansion also has them.

Moreover, they were members of Jinyiwei, they were more clever, they immediately jumped out to accuse those who provoked trouble, and by the way, they also damaged the Liu family.

(End of this chapter)

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