Chapter 253
Only then did the people nearby wake up.

It turned out that the Liu family was playing tricks in the dark and wanted to use us to shed blood and sacrifice.

This family cannibalism does not spit out the bones.

so insidious.

Hearing the words, the instigator's expression changed drastically, and he was terrified. He avoided Jin Yiwei's pursuit and ran away in a desperate manner.

"Damn Liu family, insidious and despicable!"

"That is, the dignified family, who dare not fight head-on with Xiaoyao Mansion, just wants to trick us into helping them charge the battle. Do you really think we are pigs?"

"Hmph, the Liu family is not a good thing!"

The wind direction was suddenly reversed, and the faces of the servants of the Liu family who ran back were pale, and the shopkeeper of the Liu family salt shop was even more startled by the reversal of the situation.

On the side of Laifangmen, the wind turned, and everyone was looking at the newly opened 'Huimin Salt' shop.

Because the guys inside, all with sincere smiles, made gestures of invitation to let them in.

The bold ones go in first, without having to taste it, just sniff it with their noses, and smell the salt.

"It's salt! Really salt!"

Then he reached out and grabbed a handful and put it between his nose, showing an expression of enjoyment, and then licked it.

Salty as hell, but exciting!
"The quality of this salt is no different from that of the Liu family." A middle-aged woman asked the waiter in the shop:

"Is this salt really [-]% cheaper than Liuxia?"

"Of course, if Eldest Sister doesn't believe it, you can buy some at will. As long as I charge an extra penny, you can destroy our shop!" The waiter patted his chest and said.

The middle-aged woman immediately said: "Come, weigh ten stones!"

"Ahem! Eldest sister, ten stones, do you buy a little too much, and it's hard to get it home!" The shop waiter didn't expect that the other party was a bold and rich woman.

It is called ten stones when it comes up.

The middle-aged woman pointed to a man outside with a smile and said: "I have a man, and my man can carry it back in one breath without taking a break."

The shop clerk was taken aback when he heard this, then gave a thumbs up and said:

"Big sister is so lucky, I will give you an extra half stone at my own discretion!"

Add half a stone!

Calculate how much it costs!
It turned out that this middle-aged woman was greedy for the fact that the salt at the Huimin Salt Shop was [-]% cheaper than that of the Liu family.

Ten stones saved me a lot, so I placed a big order with pride.

As a result, I still gave myself half a stone more, and the smile on my face was not to mention how bright it was.

When the people around heard this, they were shocked even more.

It is really sold at the price of one floor less, and half a stone more.

Make a lot of money.

Small people are the most sensitive to prices.

At the same time, we are most concerned about these real discounts.

"I, me, me, give me five stones, will you give me five stones?"

"Come on, do you have two stones?"

That's how people are, they don't like to take advantage, but they like the feeling of taking advantage.

Regardless of whether they have to give it away or not, they are actually determined to sell it, and it must be fast.

I'm afraid I won't be able to buy it when it's too late, so I started to add salt to myself one by one.

Xiao Er naturally replied with the words "send and send".

As for how much to send, it is naturally a matter of later, because it is not important now.


Regarding the new situation, the shopkeepers of the Liu family immediately went to the Liu family to report the news.

Wanting to seriously injure Xiaoyao Mansion, guiding public opinion failed.

Instead, it caused a commotion, and only the Patriarch can solve it.

Seeing his subordinates coming to report the situation one by one with anxious faces, Liu Zhengqing said:
"Don't worry everyone. Let Xiaoyao Mansion sell salt. The more they sell, the better. At the output price of official salt, they can't afford to burn it, and they can't sustain it."

Only then did I understand from the shopkeeper where the salt in Xiaoyao Mansion came from.

It turned out to be official salt.

Ye Qing purchased official salt forcibly subsidized.

This prodigal behavior can't last long.

"So now I give you a task." Liu Zhengqing glanced at everyone, then sat back on his couch and said:

"After I got back, I sent someone to go to the 'Huimin Salt' shop to buy as much salt as I could."

buy salt!

Our Liu family still needs to buy salt!
If someone else explained it like this, they would turn the table over.

It's just that the head of the family explained it, so there is some way.

Why buy salt from Xiaoyaofu, because it is cheap.

What are you buying it for?
Naturally, to sell, to make money!
Earn the difference!

The owner is really clever!

Huimin Salt Shop is not far away, just a little transportation, there will be a price difference between the two.

It is more cost-effective than transporting it from Hedong.

"Patriarch, I understand, I will mobilize everyone to buy more! Earn more!" All the shopkeepers stood up, all showing excitement.

This matter can be done in a big way, if you do it early, you can make money early, and if you do it late, there will be no salt in Xiaoyao Mansion.

Liu Zhengqing waved his hand and said: "Go, do it with confidence and boldness, don't be afraid of putting your money in front of you, our Liu family has nothing else, that is, we have a lot of money, and we can afford it."

"It's the owner!" All the shopkeepers immediately went down.

Liu Zhengqing took a sip of ginseng tea, rinsed his mouth, and then spat it back, looking at the shopkeepers leaving, he was full of complacency.

Xiaoyaofu, Ye Qing, is tender.

How about you in Qiangshuang, as long as you fall down once, you will have no chance to stand up.

And our family, even if we fall down a hundred times, as long as we have a chance to stand up, we will still be that huge, unshakable existence.


"My lord, I found out that there are servants of the Liu family and people from the Yang family, Cui, Zhang and other families pretending to be hired to buy our salt. The 'Huimin salt' shops in each square may soon be sold out. At that time, the Liu family will continue to use the old plan." Li Ru came to report that Jin Yiwei is doing nothing now, just staring at these aristocratic families.

If there is any trouble, come back and report immediately.

So Li Ru can grasp the latest news.

Ye Qing sneered and said, "Let them buy it. It seems that the lesson of food was not deep enough last time. This time, let them pay more for salt!"

"Come here, urge the Shaofu to bring the salt mine as soon as possible. Our salt factory in Minwufang will increase the horsepower for refining. This time, we don't need quality. We will replace it with coarse salt and suspend refined salt." Ye Qing continued. :

"Let Shang Yang pay attention to the situation in Nancheng County. No one is allowed to spread rumors at this time. Anyone who causes trouble can be caught or killed. I would rather kill the wrong than let it go. No one can spoil the major event of my water conservancy project."

"It's the lord!"

Someone is going to pass the order at the moment.

Shaofu should have handed over the coarse salt to Xiaoyaofu to refine refined salt, but because of Ye Zhen’s order, the coarse salt was not refined, and the salt mine or the worst salt full of impurities was shipped directly to it. Xiaoyaofu.

In this way, a large number of labor and time costs for refining and sorting are saved.

Earn more.

So it is also a hard support.

With the constant support from Shaofuguan Salt Mine, coarse salt from Xiaoyaofu is also continuously produced, and then transported to the "Huimin Salt" shops in various workshops.

In Chang'an City, there was an upsurge of panic buying some time ago.

Other small aristocratic families or civil servant profiteers who saw business opportunities also fell into trouble one after another, buying a large amount of salt from the "Huimin Salt" shop, as if they were going to buy it all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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