I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 254 Liu Family Salt Price Reduction

Chapter 254 Liu Family Salt Price Reduction

After a few days, although the salt from the 'Huimin Salt' store was sold out in some workshops, there was a shortage.

But soon 'Huimin Salt' added new salt.

In this way, the common people also recognized the 'Huimin Salt' shop, and gradually stopped panicking.

I believe Xiaoyao Mansion has this strength.

Even if the Liu family does not sell salt, they can still eat salt.

Those families who were planning to let their men go home and not work on projects outside the city also calmed down.

Did not go to call back the strong labor of the family.

They were afraid that after they were called back, they would really have no chance to go.

Although Xiaoyao Mansion is easy to talk, it also holds grudges.

Today you ran away and wanted to go back, but you may not accept it.

The food intake of a strong laborer for several months is enough for a family to live for a long time.

Under the premise that there is no way to make money from other sources.

Saving is the only way to go.

Hongnong Palace!

"Have you noticed that something is wrong, Ye Qing still has subsidized salt, it seems that he can't run out of coarse salt!"

Questions were raised.

A few days passed, the common people bought a lot, and they each collected a batch. As a result, the salt at the 'Huimin Salt' shop continued to be sold.

Although there was a shortage, people made up for it.

"That's right, I can feel it. Does Xiaoyao Mansion have so much money? The official salt of the Shaofu Mansion has been covered by them. The dead pit has not shown signs of weakening until now! Anyway!"

"How about we stop and see the situation!"

Another suggestion was made.

Then he looked at Ye Wei and Liu Zhengqing.

Liu Zhengqing said: "This point is indeed a bit suspicious. The quality of salt in Xiaoyao Mansion has declined recently, and it is not as good as it was in the first day."

"Everyone, I have obtained reliable information here!" Ye Wei saw that everyone was going to retreat, so he said:

"Now Shaofu Yijing doesn't care about the refining of coarse salt, and my father sells the salt mine directly. Now the salt in the 'Huimin Salt' shop is refined in Xiaoyao Prefecture, so the quality is naturally not comparable to the original.

At the same time, the line of Xiaoyaofu..."

Speaking of which, Ye Wei deliberately paused for a while, everyone was whetted and listened attentively, Ye Wei said with a helpless wry smile:

"Xiaoyao Mansion, last time by using the opportunity of frying grains, it made more than 400 million taels of silver, so now Ye Qing's treasury is still sufficient."

This news was only obtained yesterday, and Ye Wei didn't believe it at first.

The news came too suddenly, it appeared suddenly.

But be real.

He proved it with experience.

"What? Xiaoyao Mansion made more than 400 million taels of silver last time by frying rice!"

All the aristocratic families collectively fry the pot.

More than 400 million taels.

With this astronomical figure, Xiaoyao Mansion only took ten or eight days.

More than 400 million taels, the average aristocratic family does not have so much money at the bottom of the box.

Xiaoyaofu made so much money in just one click.

It's all about robbing their money.

Although everyone expects Xiaoyaofu to make a lot of money, it is about 80.

The result was still so much underestimated.

"My lord, is this news true? How did he do it?"

Yang Biao, the Patriarch of the Yang Family, asked.

Last time, it was counted that his Yang family was cheated the most.

He really couldn't imagine how Ye Qing earned it.

More than 400 million taels, how many generations and how many years will his Yang family accumulate.

"Of course it is true. This is what Ye Qing earned by reselling the grain in the official warehouse." Ye Wei was a little jealous when he said this.

Ye Zhen actually helped Ye Qing.

He privately used Guancang to rescue Ye Qing.

It can be seen how much he attaches importance to Ye Qing in his heart.

I'm afraid that I have already wanted him to be the prince and inherit the position after a hundred years.

Thinking of this, Ye Wei felt like a knife cut his heart.

He is unwilling.

On the surface, Ye Zhen made eight people fight at the same time, but secretly made a small fuss for Ye Qing.

This is not fair at all.

But he was so angry that he didn't know how much Ye Qing had paid.

The information Ye Weineng received was packaged by Ye Qing.

Many unknown secrets, Ye Qing did not let anyone reveal them.

Otherwise, I won't be too jealous.

After all, isn't it obvious what kind of character the emperor Ye Zhen really is?
"Opening an official position privately, he...how could His Majesty be so reckless!" The Yang family was struck by lightning upon hearing the words.

It turned out that it was the emperor, Ye Zhen, who plotted against the Yang family.

The Patriarch of the Liu Family and the Patriarch of the Cui Family looked at each other, both of them were bright and angry.

The emperor still owes them a lot of money and food to these aristocratic families.

This last life-saving relief food, Ye Zhen actually used it to deceive their aristocratic families.

What an emperor.

So calculating, so confused.

All the aristocratic families discussed and muttered.

There is dissatisfaction on the face.

They were not afraid of Ye Wei suing them either.

So there is no hiding.

Because Ye Weian can only rely on them.

He has no other supporters.

If it offends the families, it can be replaced at any time.

With so many princes and such a powerful aristocratic family, no one would want to win him over.

Including the second prince Ye Tao.

If any family lineage turned against him, he would probably be able to kneel down and call him father immediately.

"What's wrong with Your Majesty? How can he support Xiaoyao Mansion? Does he want to cause chaos in the whole Great Zhou Dynasty and turn the Great Zhou Dynasty into ruins?"

"It's no wonder we couldn't kill Ye Qing. It turns out that His Majesty has always protected us."

"Your Majesty is a good player... Humph!"

"So, this time, Your Majesty still wants to help Ye Qing and punish my Liu family!" The head of the Liu family sneered a few times, with a cold tone.

"It's no wonder His Majesty wants to take back the salt and iron. It's all for this reason. Everything was planned long ago."

"What should we do now? Ye Qing has 400 million silver to back him up. If we don't increase our efforts, it will be difficult to consume his money."

400 million taels!

They also had to spend the same amount of money in order to make Xiaoyao Mansion lose the money they earned by frying rice.

If they want to spend so much money, each of them needs to spend 10,000+ taels of silver.

"Why are we increasing our efforts? We can do both, so we don't need to invest too much money!" Suddenly Liu Zhengqing stood up and said:
"'Huimin Salt' shop can sell at a reduced price, and so can my Liu family. He sold me [-]% of the original price, and I am now reduced to [-]% of the original price. If his salt shop wants to continue to operate, it has to Continue to reduce the price, my Liu family has high quality, his quality is poor, there is no price advantage, and my Liu family is the first choice for buying salt!"

"High! Brother Liu's plan is brilliant!" The Patriarch of the Zhang family praised with a smile:

"If Xiaoyao Mansion wants to keep going, it has to reduce the price to [-]% of the original price to make a comparison. With such a stone salt, Xiaoyao Mansion will benefit by [-]% compared to the original. With this in and out, we can save half of the money when we go to buy. .”

With business thinking to solve this problem, suddenly it is easier.

The crowd suddenly realized.

Half of the funds can be invested, which is barely acceptable.

And when they enter the market, other speculators will also increase their investment after accounting.

So one ebbs and flows.

Ye Qing's 400 million taels of silver will soon be lost.

Money is the backbone of Xiaoyao Mansion, if the backbone is interrupted, Xiaoyao Mansion will not be strong.


(End of this chapter)

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