Chapter 255

"Oh! Reduce the price! You want to oppress us with the price..." Ye Qing sneered and shook his head, rubbing his chin:

"It's so naive. Do you have this advantage in a price war? I'm really used to being the boss, and I take everything for granted!"

"My lord, let's lower the price to [-]% of the original price. If he is lowering, we will continue to lower the price, which will be [-]% lower than the Liu family!" Shen Wansan said confidently.

Xiaoyao Mansion's salt refining technology is much higher than that of Liu's family.

Coarse salt is an insult to Xiaoyaofu's technology.

If it is possible, Xiaoyao Mansion can directly throw the refined salt out to reduce the dimensionality and strike, and kill the Liu family to pieces.

But Xiaoyao Mansion doesn't plan to do this now, and will play with the Liu family first.

Slowly spread the salt shop, gradually eroding the Liu family's share, and finally hit the fatal blow.

With this business layout, Shen Wansan always felt that Ye Qing was a born businessman.

You are a fake businessman.

Ye Qing shook his head slightly and said: "No! This time, change the game mode, first reduce [-]%, and improve the quality a little. If they are following suit, then reduce the price by half, and then equalize the quality, don't worry about it later, then At that time, they invested all the money they could invest in Yijing, and Yijing was out of money!"

"My lord is still clever, counting in such a chain, they can't jump out even if they want to." Shen Wansan patted his ass, and then asked:

"My lord, what about refined salt, when will we sell it on a large scale?"

"There's no rush, I'm talking about taking the market share first, and I'm talking about the luxury of refined salt for the time being, mainly for foreign countries, and I'm talking about earning money from outsiders first!" Ye Qing said.

Shen Wansan was convinced, so he went down and continued to work on supervising the salt shops in each square.

In just a few days, the entire Chang'an City, every square has a 'Huimin Salt' shop, which has successfully gained a foothold and penetrated into the hearts of the people.

Also because of haste, he needed to check it himself.

If not managed well, accidents are easy to happen.

The price of Liujia Salt Shop has been reduced, and the price of 'Huimin Salt' Shop has also been reduced by another [-]%.

Soon another wave of panic buying began.

Compared with food, coarse salt is easy to hoard, especially in autumn and winter.

As long as there is no spring tide, coarse salt will generally not deteriorate.

And the storage conditions are not so particular. It is feasible to store them in a warehouse or pile them up under the eaves.

So you can buy in bulk.

It is [-]% lower than the original Liujiayan.

It's like a piece of fat.

No one is unmoved.

Especially speculators.


Yang, Liu, Cui, Zhang and other aristocratic families even threw down all the pre-invested money.

Hanzhong Grain Store!

"The son said that the price of salt is so low now, even if it is shipped back to Hanzhong, it will still make a profit. Buy it hard. Anyway, we need a lot in Hanzhong."

In Hanzhong, there are not only people who learn from the people, but also a large number of troops raised by the Zhang family.

This salt is an important element that guarantees the replenishment of human strength.

Therefore, Hanzhong Grain Store launched its own channel advantages and also bought in large quantities.

Then Fufeng Palace, Hedong Palace, Luoyang County Palace, Wucheng County Palace, and Chu Palace all threw money unceremoniously.

This is a collective attack on all Xiaoyao Mansion.

Everyone knows that Xiaoyao Mansion is a huge threat.

Taking the opportunity to kill Xiaoyao Mansion is the best policy.

Who dares not to fall behind.

Competing for positions is a cruel thing.

Even if it turns out that Ye Mu, Ye Miao and Ye Qing had cooperated, they would continue to unite to deal with the Chuyue clan.

But it's his own future that matters, so he can't take care of it at this time.

Of course, they didn't do it blatantly, but quietly sent people to do it in private.

"Hmph! They are all good ministers of my Great Zhou, my good sons." Ye Zhen was trembling with anger when he saw Liu Buren's letter.

Everyone was killing Ye Qing.

Seeing benefits was like a mosquito smelling blood, and they all rushed over.

"Your Majesty, if this continues, I'm afraid Xiaoyao Mansion won't be able to handle it!" Liu Buren, as the leader of intelligence, saw these bloody knives, and couldn't help feeling chills and a little bit of panic.

This Sixth Highness is so unpopular.

They shot together, trying to crush him to death.

With his Xiaoyao Mansion, which has only been established for a few months, it is really difficult.

"I can't bear it, you're thinking too much. As I said, the matter hasn't come to an end yet, who knows what the outcome will be?" Ye Zhen sneered with malicious intent on his face.

As for refined salt, Lao Liu's most ruthless move has not yet been released, so it can be seen that there is still room for it, and he is still playing tricks.

This time I don't know how many people have been cheated.

Liu family, Yang family, Cui family, how much money do you have to invest in?

Hahaha, my young mansion has also made a lot of money this time.

The more salt mines Ye Qing needs, the more Shaofu will earn.

At this time, Ye Zhen could not believe that Ye Qing would be in the pit a little more, and more people would join the army stepping on Xiaoyao Mansion.

"By the way, Your Majesty, the Cui family has spoken. Anyone who enters Nancheng County will never be promoted and reused in other places." Liu Buren suddenly remembered this and reported:

"Many small officials in Nancheng County retreated from the past, resigned and withdrew from Nancheng County.

Those small aristocratic families in Nancheng County also started to make noise, mobilizing public opinion among the people, wanting to expel Xiaoyao Hou, and even jointly signed a letter, preparing to submit it to the imperial court. "

"Damn! Shameless!"

Ye Zhen was furious when he heard the words.

The heavy shot was shot on the dragon case.

If he just used money to suppress Xiaoyao Mansion, and used salt and food to force Ye Qing, it would be hard for him to say anything.

Business methods are compared with money and connections.

The shameless Cui family directly used political power to suppress Xiaoyao Mansion.

Really think that Da Zhou is the failure of his Cui family.

Is the order of his Cui family stronger than mine in the Great Zhou court?

This is a blatant challenge to his status.

How could Ye Zhen not be angry.

"How did the sixth boy react?" Ye Zhen asked.

You must know that Xiaoyao Mansion lacks officials, and there are not many talents in literature and Taoism.

Now even the family of the petty official wants to block him.

The affairs of Nancheng County are not going to be paralyzed.

This kid should be in a hurry and go out to find Xianda.

Liu Buren said:

"Your Majesty, the Xiaoyao Mansion did not respond to this, and His Highness the Sixth Highness did not take any action, as if... nothing happened."

Liu Buren added: "However, the affairs of Nancheng County are still running normally for the time being. Guo Jia, Zhang Yi, and Gongsun Yang are all experts in governance, and they are as resourceful as the princes in the court, so they can deal with problems quickly and well. !"

"The main reason is that I gave him a quota of [-] soldiers. He has soldiers in his hand. If I'm not wrong, he has sent soldiers to garrison all the squares, and there are soldiers to control the places outside the city. That's okay, that of Shang Yang. The new book, once there is a disturbance or riot in Nancheng County, the army will suppress it directly." Ye Zhen couldn't help feeling:
"It's really easy to have an army. If you don't accept it, you will kill it, and if you dare to make trouble, you will suppress it. It seems that my Dazhou needs this to achieve long-term peace and stability."

"The previous kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty were too kind and tolerant, and gave everyone too much freedom, which made the court more and more constrained." Ye Zhen squeezed his hands tightly, looked outside through the window:

"The matter of salt and iron is over, it's time to clean up the entire Great Zhou at all levels."

(End of this chapter)

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