Chapter 257
"General Zilong's words are wrong. There is no one in Liangzhou who is better than Zilong in martial arts, and no one in Qiang is better than Zilong. If Zilong is here, Liangzhou will be like a tiger with wings, and the Qiang people will feel like they are facing an abyss. If you shrink back, it will give us a strong momentum in Liangzhou and reduce many casualties." Ye Yu clasped his fists and said:

"That's why I sincerely invite General Zilong to stay in Liangzhou and join us in Liangzhou civil and military affairs to kill the enemy and exterminate the Qiang. Of course, I will not say anything to the sixth brother. I will not make things difficult for Zilong, nor will I make it difficult for my sixth brother!"

Winning is very clear.

His eyes were burning, and he was full of sincerity.

Liangzhou civil and military people are also full of expectations.

With a teammate like Zhao Yun, it will definitely be much easier to fight against the Qiang people in the future.

Only when you fight with the strong can you win the battle.

No one likes to be with the weak.

Zhao Yun looked at Xu Shu and Li Cunxiao, their eyes were restrained and their faces were calm.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, with divine light in his eyes, he clasped his fists and faced east and said:

"The King of Xiliang's kindness is appreciated by Yunxin. Yun's greatest vision in this life is to go to the battlefield with the lord, defeat the enemy and break the formation, capture the enemy's chieftain alive, and stain the white robe with blood. Even if one day he dies in battle, he will be satisfied."


Ye Yu's face turned ugly, and his throat seemed to be blocked.

If you don't want to, you don't want to, Ye Qing can't see it if you say so affectionately.

The Liangzhou civil and military people around felt uncomfortable for a while, and a little bit aggrieved for Ye Yu.

Whether it is Xu Shu or Li Cunxiao, they are too ignorant of flattery.

Wouldn't it be good to follow the First Prince Xiliang?

Why follow Ye Qing, who is precarious, not valued by the emperor, and suppressed by all the princes.

What is so good about Ye Qing.

worthy of your allegiance.

"Okay, let's advance to the city, stick here, and influence the soldiers behind to go to the city to rest." Ye Yu waved his hands and walked in front and said:

"Mr. Yuan Zhi, when you come from Chang'an, you must have never tasted the delicacies of my Liangzhou. Let's eat and drink while we leave, and tell me about the sixth brother by the way. The eldest brother misses me very much!"

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao both cast their eyes on Xu Shu, Xu Shu slightly nodded at them, and then followed into the city.



Tai Chi Hall!
At this time, the court meeting was still in progress, but the urgent battle report from Liangzhou was sent directly to the main hall.

"Okay! Great! Hahahaha, God bless me."

Ye Zhen stood up, extremely excited and excited.

The officials below followed suit.

All eyes were fixed on Ye Zhen.

The military newspaper from Liangzhou, I'm afraid there will be a big victory!

What earth-shattering event did the king of Xiliang do, and what great victory did he win?

Ye Zhen was high-spirited, bold and confident, glanced at the officials below, and then said:

"Great victory in Liangzhou. Tiger Benwei and Xiaoyaofu cavalry reinforce Liangzhou and help Liangzhou turn the tide of battle. The king of Xiliang led his army to encircle and wipe out the entire Baigou Qiang, and wiped out more than [-] of its troops!"

Really big win!
Another part of the Qiqiang was destroyed.

Once the white dog is wiped out, there are only five Qiang left.

The situation in Liangzhou has changed drastically, the west is gradually stabilizing, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will be prosperous!
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to my great week!"

The Ministry of War was the first to come out to congratulate.

As long as it is a war, whether it is Liangzhou, Xihe or other places, it is the business of the Ministry of War.

Victory is the merit of the Ministry of War.

Naturally, Han Zhan was the first to stand up and congratulate.

Others stood up one after another when they heard the words: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to my great week!"

"In this battle, not only the King of Xiliang wiped out the Baigou Qiang, but Xiaoyao Mansion's lone army went deep into the hinterland of Bai Lan Qiang, burned countless supplies of Bai Lan Qiang, killed countless people, and severely damaged Bai Lan Qiang. Qiang, this is the most worthy of commendation and learning from this great victory in Liangzhou." Ye Zhen released another news about the list, and sure enough, the crowd was stunned in amazement when they heard the words.

Xiaoyao Mansion even went to the hinterland of Bai Lanqiang to wreak havoc.

Bai Lanqiang is the strongest among the seven Qiang, with the best foundation, the most soldiers and the most elite.

It's really daring, it's worthy of being from Xiaoyao Mansion.

It's the same temperament as Ye Qing.

But... after entering the hinterland of Bailanqiang, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back!
Good spirits, stupid behavior.

Ye Qing, Ye Qing, your elite cavalry has just died.

It seems that God is going to kill you!

Ye Tao exchanged glances with his Wen Palaces.

Ye Wei also made eye contact with the family members.

There was gloating in each other's eyes, and they shouted congratulations.

Ye Cai sneered secretly.

"Then, Your Majesty, what happened to the Xiaoyao Mansion Knight?"

As a general, Han Zhan is still very concerned about the vitality of the Great Zhou.

Whether it is the Xiaoyaofu cavalry or the tiger and cardinal cavalry, they are all the troops of the Great Zhou, and they are all the cavalry of the Great Zhou.

They are all troops that can fight abroad and survive to protect the Great Zhou, because they are all Zhou people.

Standing on the top, Ye Zhen had a panoramic view of the expressions of all the people below.

Except for a slight change in the Ministry of War, I am a little disappointed with the other ministries.

"The Xiaoyao Mansion rider did not face the main force of Bai Lanqiang. He took many detours, crossed many wild places, trekked through mountains and rivers, and finally..." Ye Zhen raised his voice and continued:
"I finally returned to Jixian County, Liangzhou safely, and I will be able to return to Beijing with Huben Qi in a few days. You don't have to worry, my heroes of the Great Zhou will never end, and the Great Zhou will prosper in our hands!"

Not dead!

And come back alive.

Bai Lanqiang eats shit.

It actually let Xiaoyao Mansion escape from birth.

A bunch of trash, they were so powerful before, why are they so crippled this year.

You can lose in everything else, how can you lose in this aspect, Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry is not familiar with the place, and you can't kill [-] cavalry.

The civil servants, aristocratic families, and Chuyue kingdoms who were secretly happy when they fell into trouble, felt extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden.

But he had to keep a smile on his face, and shouted after the people in the Ministry of War:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Great Zhou has been around for thousands of years, and the heroes of the Great Zhou will never end. They will definitely open up the territory for my Great Zhou, and never fade away!"

"According to my decree, the king of Xiliang has made great achievements in destroying Baigou Qiang. He will add [-] households in Shiyi, reward [-] taels, [-] horses, and add [-] soldiers and horses to the Xiliang palace."

Ye Zhen looked at the ministers who didn't mean what he said and said with a smile:
"Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry defeated the warrior Guan Yougong, caused heavy damage to the hinterland of Bailanqiang, burned and killed the enemy's hinterland, and greatly increased the country's prestige. Xu Shu was made a county man, Jia Poqiang was a captain, Li Cunxiao was made a county uncle, and Zhao Yun was made a county uncle."

The reward for Ye Yu was never expected.

After the Baigou Qiang was wiped out, it was common practice to add food and rewards to merchants, and it was barely acceptable to increase the number of government soldiers.

Now the three people in Xiaoyao Mansion can be knighted at the same time.

This makes people uncomfortable.

Xu Shu is a scribe, and he also added a school lieutenant title, so he is in the rank of general.

Xiaoyao Mansion has six generals in one mansion and four knights.

Portion size counts.

But it's not over yet, and then Ye Zhen said again: "Ye Qing is meritorious in the nomination, and should be rewarded, thinking that he was in the confinement period, so the punishment was withdrawn!"

Lift the ban!
This is a dangerous signal.

Ye Qing didn't have this restraint, so he could come out again.

(End of this chapter)

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