Chapter 258

If he is leading troops to kill someone's mansion, there will be no obstacles to take care of.

The emperor is going to let the tiger out.

Could it be that because of the salt, Ye Zhen is going to protect Ye Qing again.

I really want to object, but whoever dares to stand up at this juncture of the big victory will be thrown into the valley.

become a shameful existence.


The forced smiles in the hall could not conceal the pain in his heart after all.

After the court, all factions and departments went back to gather one after another.

Hongnong Palace!

"Everyone, your majesty's meaning is very clear. Now that Liangzhou has won a great victory, your majesty only has King Xiliang and Ye Qing in his eyes, and no one else." Yang Biao, the head of the Yang family, stood up and said:
"Over the past year, His Majesty has practiced martial arts. After all, he is still biased towards warriors. In the end, he will only use force to solve all the ills of Dazhou, so we have to make preparations early."

The Yang family suffered a huge loss, all because of Ye Zhen's instruction.

So Yang Biao's resentment towards Ye Zhen is also growing.

The respect shown was naturally getting smaller and smaller.

"It's time to make preparations. We can't continue to be so passive. Your Majesty has been delaying the establishment of a crown prince for more than ten years in order to balance the situation. Now that the situation is gradually broken, we can't let it tilt at will. We should be more proactive. Liu Zhengqing from the Liu family also stood up and said:
"Strength is the decisive factor that determines everything. Great Zhou cannot do without us, so I think it is appropriate to urge His Majesty to appoint a crown prince and stabilize the country as soon as possible. Only in this way can we dispel other people's delusions."

After speaking, Liu Zhengqing looked at the head of the Cui family, and so did the others.

The Cui family is the most powerful and can influence the general situation of the court.

If you don't make a move, you will be slowly played off by the emperor.

The emperor should not leave the area restricted by a group of forces.

The traces of Ye Zhen's suppression of power are becoming more and more obvious. If he doesn't go back, he will take advantage of it and make further progress.

The Patriarch of the Cui family looked at Ye Wei, Ye Wei had a trace of concern in his eyes, and a trace of longing in his eyes.

The Patriarch of the Cui family nodded slightly, stroked his beard, squinted his eyes and said: "Don't be too anxious, you are anxious, and there are people who are more anxious than you. The question now is whether you can press Ye Qing to death or not. After taking the next step, if we press the button to death, our enemy will change, and it is not certain who we will deal with at that time.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind. If you are in a hurry, it may be the praying mantis. "

Ye Weidao: "Patriarch Cui is right. We can't mess up our own positions yet. We are still winning the battle of the Liu family's salt industry. I heard that many officials in Nancheng County have left now. This shows that the scriptures have begun to bear fruit. We must first Consume the money and food of Xiaoyao Mansion, and let Xiaoyao Mansion lose all its pillars."

The head of the Zhang family said: "My Zhang family recently invested 8 taels of silver to buy salt from the 'Huimin Salt' shop. The warehouse is almost full. How are you doing?"

"My Yang family bought 12 taels!" Yang Biao stood up and said, "My Yang family will give out at least 8 taels again. This time, I vow to completely use up Xiaoyao Mansion!"

Among those present, the Yang family and Ye Qing had the greatest hatred.

So he has to work hard.

The so-called greater the effort, the greater the harvest.

The Yang family not only wants to use up all the money in Xiaoyao Mansion, but also wants to regain the lost iron mine.

Liu Zhengqing said: "The Yang family has done a good job, and it is worth learning from. My Liu family has bought 22 taels with scriptures, and I will also take out at least 10 taels. I will definitely not hold you back!"

"My Luo family has [-]..."

"My Zeng family has [-]..."

"My Kong family has [-]..."

All the big families reported their numbers one after another!

After summarizing, almost 200 million was taken out, and 60 million will be taken out.


While the Hongnong Palace was planning to pay, Ye Qing was congratulating with his subordinates in Xiaoyao Mansion!

"Okay! Yuanzhi and the others did a good job. Ping An is the best result, and they didn't disappoint me." Ye Qing said to everyone:
"In this way, our Xiaoyao Mansion has six generals and four nobles, I am happy for you!"

"It is our honor to be honored with the Lord!" Everyone raised their glasses with bright smiles on their faces.

Xu Shu and others returned safely, and were awarded titles and rewards, and even Ye Qing's restraint was lifted.

The situation is very good.

The future is expected.

"My lord, let me also report the situation of the 'Huimin Salt' shop recently. It's the icing on the cake. I'll make everyone happy!" Shen Wansan stood up and drank a toast.

Cheng Yaojin urged: "Wan San, if you have something to say, hurry up and say it, you are trying to suffocate us!"

"That's right, Master Wan San whetted our appetite!"

Everyone is also looking forward to how much money they will make this time.

Ye Qing didn't speak, and played with the wine glass, probably he should be able to guess it.

But when Shen Wansan reported the number, he was also a little surprised.

Shen Wansan straightened his body and said with a smile:

"Everyone, this time our 'Huimin Salt' shop has achieved a turnover of 500 million taels of silver so far, and there will be a small continuous wave. The stalls of our 'Huimin Salt' shop have covered the entire city of Chang'an Even outside the city, Chang'an, Wannian, Lantian, Baling, Duyou, Lanchi, Xinfeng and other counties took root."

One million taels of silver!

Everyone was stunned!
so much?
Although he cheated the family last time, he also made more than 400 million taels.

But this kind of thing can't happen often.

So much money has been made now.

And this time the money completely belongs to Xiaoyao Mansion itself.

There is no need to hand it over to the emperor.

Regardless of the cost, the profit of Xiaoyao Mansion is more than 400 million taels.

More than 400 million taels, how many great things can be done.

Sure enough, it is still salt and iron to make money.

No wonder Yangliu and other aristocratic families can prosper and stand tall.

The wine glass that Ye Qing was holding suddenly stopped, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Although he has countless money-making things in his hands, so far he hasn't used them on a large scale in exchange for profits, because some things are really not suitable for early disclosure.

Only this salt brought huge wealth in an instant.

With more than 400 million taels of silver, how many troops can be raised?
How much food can be stockpiled?

How long can the road be built?
Ye Qing couldn't help thinking about it himself?
My mind is planning the next step.

What will Dazhou do next, and how should Dazhou be guided to change?

"Hahaha, whether Wansan is real or not, you can't talk nonsense, be careful." Cheng Yaojin's laughter was extremely magical, and he walked towards Shen Wansan's place with the wine jar.

Shen Wansan patted his chest and said: "General Zhijie, this can still be false. In front of everyone, my lord, do I, Shen Wansan, dare to play this kind of trick? Now our turnover is 500 million taels, and the material fee paid to Shaofu It’s only less than 50 yuan, and the other expenses are the store and decoration. If the owner said that the store should be bought instead of leased, our expenses would be even less.”

"Hahaha, it's fine if it's true. Lao Cheng admires you this time. Last time it was 400 million taels, and this time it's 500 million taels. You are the God of Wealth in our Xiaoyao Mansion." Cheng Yaojin approached, and then He grabbed Shen Wansan and said:

"Come while you're happy today, we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"Ahem! General Zhijie, I can't drink so hard, let's have a small drink!" Shen Wansan suddenly had a bad feeling. He had just pretended to be cowardly when he was followed by Cheng Yaojin.

"Big man, be bold, show your boldness to make money, come, let's drink, I will do it first to respect Lao Cheng, if you don't drink, you will lose face!" Cheng Damowang poured out the wine jar with one hand and began to drink vigorously.

Everyone else laughed when they saw everyone, and then looked at Shen Wansan with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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