I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 259 Preparing for a School

Chapter 259 Preparing for a School

After celebrating during the day, most of the drunkenness of the people disappeared at night.

But after hearing Ye Qing's new plan, everyone's drunkenness disappeared without a trace.

All of them were extremely surprised!
"Don't be too surprised. Now that our white paper scriptures are successful, paper books will replace bamboo slips in the future and become a new carrier of knowledge." Ye Qing looked at everyone and said:
"The popularization of book knowledge is the ultimate blow to destroy the family, and it is the best way to completely wipe out the soil of their existence.

So we have to start cultivating talents by ourselves, regardless of whether it is high school or low school, we are all cultivating by ourselves.

The school will be set up in the mansion, and everyone in the mansion must study, and the children of each family must also be forced to enter the school, and education must start from the baby.

When the school we established in the mansion has experience, it will be spread to the civil affairs workshop, and then it will be spread to the entire Nancheng County.

As long as all the people in a county are included in the education system, we don't need to recruit talents from anywhere, and we will have a steady stream of talents that we can use. "

Listening to Ye Qing's idea, everyone knew that this matter must be done.

And it is of great significance. What education changes is not the embarrassing situation of no one available in Xiaoyao Mansion.

It's about changing Da Zhou's talent structure and sources.

Once a large number of ordinary people appeared, the decline and demise of the family became inevitable.

At that time, even if the aristocratic family has not fallen, the great will become a wealthy family.

It is no longer possible to trap the empire and the people with the knowledge resources in their hands.

The Cui family has made a move, and Xiaoyao Mansion will implement the preparations for the school as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if you can survive this time by luck, it will be difficult to say next time.

"My lord, I agree with this. If we have time, we will also substitute for the class!"

Everyone passed.

"My lord, I have two questions here." Cai Lun stood up and said:
"We have paper, but we don't have so many scribes to transcribe books. It may be difficult for us alone to meet the requirements of students; the source of second books is difficult to obtain, and many classics are in the hands of aristocratic families. , we can't touch it at all!"

Only then did it realize that there was a huge obstacle in this problem from the beginning.

Now that the Cui family has let go, it is estimated that it is too difficult to hire literate scribes to transcribe books, even if they have money, they may not be able to hire them.

The second is that most of the books are in the hands of the aristocratic family, and they will definitely not release them.

The first problem can be solved slowly, and it can be diluted with time.

The second question is really unsolvable.

Everyone is also a talented person, and I can't think of a good idea to solve it for the time being.

Ye Qing looked at his subordinates worried, and said with a smile: "The first problem is easy to solve, I know that there is a technology called printing, which can be done by workers, and the method is fast, accurate and neat to print out a book.

There is no need for any scribes to transcribe one by one! "

"There is such a heavy technology!" Cai Lun was overjoyed, but some couldn't believe it.

Because if it is true, the dissemination of paper books will be more convenient and faster.

This is what he desires most as a paper craftsman.

Ye Qingdao: "Of course, you will be in charge of the latter work."

At present, there are no passers-by to take care of it, so we can only let Cai Lun take care of it first.

"As for the source of books, this is also simple. We can't get the books in the hands of the aristocratic family, but the royal collection is also rich. I can ask His Majesty for it." Ye Qing said:

"At the same time, we can collect scattered books from the people at a high price. Whether they are incomplete copies copied from aristocratic families or from other countries, we can buy them without leaving any room. Don't be stingy about this. I believe that with these books, it should be barely enough. It’s not enough, we will compile it ourselves in the future.”

Mention the royal tome.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that, yes, the royal family also has a huge collection of books, which is richer and more complete than that of the aristocratic family.

How could I forget about the palace.

I want to knock my head off.

Of course, thinking of what Ye Qing said in the end that he made it up, everyone smiled wryly.

Shall we all write books and biography?
It seems to be a bit embarrassing!

The older ones are only in their 20s. Isn’t it a bit of a joke to write books at such a young age?

"Be confident, everyone. We may not be able to compile such profound things, but we can still produce children's and juvenile books that give children enlightenment, understanding and rules." Ye Qing said solemnly:

"Everyone writes about the things they are good at. For example, Cai Lun can make paper, so he writes basic explanatory books about papermaking. Lu Ban knows carpentry and architecture, so he writes books on how to do carpentry, how to build walls, houses and forts.

Another example is that Zhang Yi is good at eloquence, so he writes how to teach people to improve their eloquence, Shang Yang is a legalist, so he writes down the legalist knowledge in his mind, Wansan is a businessman, he can write about business economics, how to manage the employees below, etc., we The talents that Xiaoyao Mansion wants to teach are not just used to be officials and masters, but to build the entire Great Zhou, and all aspects are needed. "

Guo Jia suddenly joked and laughed: "In this way, Jia is good at drinking and visiting flower houses, so I wrote a book about wine tasting and appraising beauties, so that my students from Dazhou can find out whether good wine is good or bad, what kind of woman easy……"

"Ahem!" Ye Qing's face darkened suddenly, and the others turned their faces to cover their mouths and sniggered!

"Feng Xiao seems to have the most free time on weekdays. When he is free, he will be responsible for sorting out the book list and assisting Cai Lun in printing books." Ye Qing suddenly thought of a position that was most suitable for Guo Jia who escaped, so he instructed:

"By the way, in the future, my Xiaoyao Mansion's publicity and news will be disseminated. How to confuse the enemy will be handed over to Feng Xiao. Feng Xiao, you are the propaganda captain of my Xiaoyao Mansion this time. Work hard and let me hear You go to the brothel, heh heh, I won’t send someone to save you next time.”

Propaganda Captain.

This task seems to be very important.

To confuse the enemy, to spread fog?

Hey, I, Guo Jia, are good at this.

But... Ladies and sisters, from now on, Guo Jia will miss you.

At the thought of being assassinated, Guo Jia didn't dare to laugh anymore.

He can be chic and uninhibited, but he still doesn't dare to make fun of his own life.

After the meeting ended, Ye Qingkai buried himself in the study and started writing the manuscript!

It was late at night when I wrote this.

Huanhuan came in with a food box and brought him soup to nourish his body.

Looking at the paper all over the table, it was densely packed with words.

Curiously asked: "Young master, what are you writing? Why did you write so much? The copying of things can be done by the clerk in the mansion. You have worked so hard."

After self-beauty level five, Huanhuan became more confident and cheerful.

She felt less ashamed, and took the initiative to talk to Ye Qing more.

Because she still goes into the palace from time to time to chat with the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager also teaches her a lot.

For men, you can't just support and care silently, you have to express this concern publicly and strike up a conversation appropriately.

(End of this chapter)

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