I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 262 Martyrs Cemetery

Chapter 262 Martyrs Cemetery
"Special customs clearance document! I really dare to ask for it!"

Ye Zhen received the brochure from Xiaoyao Mansion, and after reading it, he directly threw it on the dragon case.

"I'll give it to him, I want to see how the Turkic people want to deal with me Da Zhou!" Ye Zhen's face turned cold, and he half-groaned:
"Let's get the cows here and talk about it first, but this old sixth has a big appetite. The more the better, the more the better. He dares to speak with a million cows, and he is not afraid of scaring others."

"It seems that he won the salt battle again, and he should have made a lot of money... But why is I not so happy!"

It's finalized here in Chang'an!

In the border area, the Turks and the Great Zhou immediately stopped all petty frictions.

They didn't even send scouts to each other.

The first batch of [-] cattle was driven southward.

Xihe County!
Recently, a mysterious troop roaming the county and the Turkic land, the powerful combat cavalry called Yanyun Iron Cavalry by the Zhou people, also disappeared suddenly.

No longer take the initiative to attack and kill Turkic tribes and herdsmen.

It even disappeared in Xihe County of the Great Zhou Dynasty, which made many people puzzled.

This sudden troop came and went in a strange way.

The name is even more strange.

It doesn't sound like Da Zhou's troops!
At this time, Luo Cheng, the commander-in-chief of this army, brought Yanyun Eighteen Riders to a place called Baideng Mountain.

"The honored guest is heading east to the Beidai Kingdom, and to the east of the Beidai Kingdom is the Ji Kingdom." The guide invited at a high price introduced to Luo Cheng:

"There is a slightly weaker Turkic Xianbei country in the prairie to the northeast, I don't know if it is farther away!"

Luo Cheng threw a bag of gold to the other party.

The other party approached, then clasped his fists and said, "Before I leave, I will send a word to the honored guests. This Beishi country is full of barbarians, and they love to fight and be brave. Don't wait too long. If they find out, they will definitely draw their swords and shoot their bows."

After speaking, the guide urged the horse to leave.

That's right, Luo Cheng and the others are currently located in Beishi Country.

There are five counties in Beishi Kingdom, namely Taiyuan County in the capital city, Shangdang County in the south, Yanmen in the northeast, Yunzhong and Dingxiang in the north.

Baideng Mountain is in the east of Yanmen County, and tens of miles to the east is the small country of Beidai.

Beidai State is a subsidiary state of Wei State, and the relationship with Beishi is not very good.

So it's not safe here.

Luo Cheng glanced to the south, and then urged his horse: "Go, go to Beidai Kingdom, and see what dragons and tigers' dens are there. When we come back, we are exploring Xianbei and Beishi Kingdom's Yunzhong County!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to buy beef cattle peacefully because they could not fight the Turks, Ye Qing issued a new order to Luo Cheng, that is, to go to the border of the grassland and explore the northern defense line of Beishi Kingdom, as well as the situation of Beidai Kingdom and Xianbei Kingdom.

That's how Yanyun Eighteen Riders appeared in Baideng Mountain.


"The cow really came!"

"Of course, otherwise there will be fakes. I heard that the first batch is [-] head!"

"My darling, how much money will Xiaoyao Mansion cost?"

"A poor one costs five taels of silver, and a good one costs more than ten taels. How much do you think it will cost?"

"I know how to count and I still ask you?"


Facing the cattle coming from the north, Ye Qing asked Murong to get all of them to the workshop near the southeast corner of the city wall in Nancheng County.

He directly vacated the households in this workshop, and moved out all the few hundred or so households.

In order to facilitate management and transformation of cattle.

Even sent a large army to garrison.

24 hours patrol guard.

There are also Jinyiwei people watching from the dark.

When the people in the capital were talking about cattle, Ye Qing went out of the city in person and met Xu Shu and others who had returned from Liangzhou by the Weishui River.

"My lord! You have fulfilled your mission and are back!" Xu Shu dismounted first, then clasped his fists in salute.

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others also got off their horses one after another, and all the riders from Xiaoyao Mansion also got off their horses.

"My lord, I'm back!"

"Okay! Just come back, you are my pride, the pride of Da Zhou, I am proud of you!" Ye Qing stepped forward, first helped Xu Shu, Li Cunxiao, and Zhao Yun up, and then walked down, one by one. lift up.

Help each one to read a person's name.

The riders of Xiaoyaofu couldn't be more moved.

At the end of the count, Ye Qing turned around and walked back from the side, saying:
"I am very pleased and excited to see you come back, but also a little sad, because only 380 people came back, and my heart hurts, because whether they were killed or returned, they are all my best soldiers in the week!"

"My lord, ten thousand years, I will swear allegiance to my lord to the death!"

When the riders heard the words, they were even more tearful, and they all replied sonorously.

His eyes became more determined, and his body seemed to have infinite strength.

The fatigue along the way was also swept away.

"So, I decided to build a cemetery in Nancheng County and erect a huge monument. On it will be engraved the names of every soldier who died fighting for Xiaoyaofu and the country. I want the descendants of Xiaoyaofu to remember what they have done. His glorious deeds." Ye Qing glanced across the cheeks of the crowd, and promised loudly:
"If possible, I will communicate with Liangzhou. In the place where you fought, you must also set up a monument to remember it. Let the people and soldiers of Dazhou see what it means to go forward bravely and what it means to fight to the death. Soldiers , only forward, not backward.”

"Soldiers, only move forward, not retreat!"

Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others also felt that the pores all over their bodies were enlarged and swollen.

The lord is the lord, and I can't wait for this exaggerated charm.

"Soldiers, only move forward, not retreat!"

All the palace guards also roared loudly.

The shock made Huben Wei, who had just crossed the Weihe pontoon bridge, shiver.

They all paid attention and paid respects.

No wonder the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry are so brave. It turns out that they have a master who is so good at leading troops.

"Get on the horse! Go home!" Ye Qing glanced in the direction of Hubenwei, without saying hello to Qin Hu, and then rode on the horse and headed for the west gate.

The cavalry followed, and rumbling took the lead to enter the city.

Qin Hu reined in his horse and watched, watching the back of Xiaoyao Mansion riding away with infinite emotion in his heart.

A king of Xiliang used the scriptures to make the soldiers of the Great Zhou run around enough, and now there is another Xiaoyaohou who is equally good at fighting, and he doesn't know where he will lead the Great Zhou.

After returning to the city, Qin Hu went to communicate with Ye Zhen and reported the situation in Liangzhou in detail.

And also reported what Ye Qing said by the Weihe River.

"Building a cemetery, erecting a stele and engraving characters is not too troublesome. He really knows how to play. It seems that there is too much money to burn!" Ye Zhen dismissed this. If he wants to gain the loyalty of these soldiers, how can he need such bells and whistles? s things.

It is enough to directly give power, give rewards, and make a good handle.

Ordinary soldiers, as long as they obey orders and do things obediently.

The ones to win over are the generals, the truly talented and capable people.

It is a person who has resources and can use his strength to help himself to take a step forward.

Mudlegs died when they died, and they were recruiting and training.

Ye Zhen didn't know what kind of role the Martyrs Cemetery could really play, so he naturally scoffed at it.

Qin Hu frowned slightly while listening below, as if he had a different feeling about this matter in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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