I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 263 Beishi started the war, and the east of the river lost half

Chapter 263 Beishi started the war, and the east of the river lost half
Ye Zhen was not the only one who sneered. After hearing about it, all the forces also smiled contemptuously.

I'm afraid Ye Qing is not crazy to do this for mud legs!

You just need to give them a bite of food to eat these mud legs, and it will be fine.

Giving too much will cause trouble instead. People are greedy.

The mud legs are more despicable and more savage.

For them, it should be a red date and a wooden stick.

Give one if you are obedient, and hit him with a stick if you are not obedient, until he is obedient.

What kind of martyrs cemetery is wasting this money.

It's simply insulting the nobility and tarnishing the identity of the royal family!

Tens of thousands of beef cattle will be sent every now and then.

The salt war also came to an end quietly.

Although the aristocratic family headed by the Hongnong Palace was defeated, no one would speak up.

The Liu family had no choice but to knock out their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

Look at the 'Huimin Salt' shop, constantly eroding the share in the Guanzhong area.

When Shen Wansan was developing the Guanzhong market, he naturally actively penetrated into Liangzhou and Hongnong County.

It seems that Chang'an became silent for a while, and the smoke of gunpowder was hidden.

Apart from being unable to recruit small officials, Xiaoyao Mansion continued to develop in other aspects.

The construction outside the city is still in full swing.

Time flies and half a month later!
A shocking news came from Hedong County?
At the east gate, the messenger with red feathers on his head galloped into the gate.

The guards and soldiers who originally wanted to stop the cavalry were stunned for a while, then flinched back.

Hongling is the fastest messenger who is in a hurry.

Can not be blocked by anyone.

"Hedong is in danger. The North Stone Kingdom raided our Great Zhou Hedong County, and lost everything north of the Wei River..."

After Yu Ling's messenger left, he left behind a crowd of shocked people.

"What! The North Rock barbarian is making trouble again!"

"It's time to come. These northern stone barbarians can't stop for a while."

"The point is not this. The north of the Weishui River is completely lost. This means that half of the river east is gone..."

Half of the east of the river is gone?
That's pretty cool!

Since when did the Northern Stone Barbarians fight so fiercely?

Half of the east of the river is gone, how did the frontier army guard the east of the river.

The governor of Hedong is a shit eater!

Why did you lose half of the county all of a sudden?


Tai Chi Palace!
Ye Zhen, who received the urgent report from Hedong, also had a confused expression on his face.

Then fly into a rage.

Immediately convene a hundred officials to discuss the matter!

Ye Qing, who was in Xiaoyao Mansion, also received the emperor's edict.

After dismissing Zhang Rang, Ye Qing first gathered his subordinates and said, "I just received the news that Beishi Kingdom did not keep its promise and launched a war suddenly, and won consecutive battles. The Hedong Army concealed the situation, and the Beishi Army smashed eight cities in a row. , hit Weishui, and half of Hedong County is gone."

"What? How is this possible? Half of Hedong is gone. Hedong County is full of wine bags and rice bags, and the governor of Hedong eats shit." Cheng Yaojin was the first to jump out and yelled.

Zhao Yundao: "Don't be irritable when you know the festival. The south of the river is the essence of the river. It's just that Wenxi is still in my Da Zhou's hands. The North Stone Kingdom wants to attack Anyi. It doesn't take time."

"With the foolish ability of the governor of Hedong, it's strange to be able to keep Wenxi. I'm afraid that the reinforcements haven't arrived in Anyi, and there is no one in the whole of Hedong, and the northern stone barbarians have hit the Yellow River Ferry." Cheng Yaojin blushed his neck. He was aggrieved, and was quite disappointed with the governor of Hedong.

Ye Qing didn't look at Cheng Yaojin, this idiot, but at Li Ru.

Li Ru's face was gloomy, and his tone was a bit cold, and he said: "My lord, the matter is not so simple. You must know that Baibo Valley is in the north of Hedong. If Beishi comes to attack, the Hedong Army can't stop it. Could it be that Baibo Valley will block it?" Can't stop!"

Baibo Valley, one of the big Saturday factions, is in the east of the river, and it is the existence that Beishi Kingdom has been facing since it went south to break through the third city.

Now that the northeastern part of the river has fallen, what is Baibo Valley doing?

"You mean, there is something wrong with Baibogu." Ye Qing glanced at Li Ru, although he didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't help but suspect Baibogu.

Did Baibogu, one of the big Saturday factions, invest in Beishi Kingdom?

Lantian Pavilion hadn't found any clues yet, but Baibogu directly rebelled.

How ironic.

"Even if they didn't have any problems, I think, at least on the issue of the Battle of Hedong, they chose to remain silent and did not help the Hedong Army and the Governor of Hedong." Li Rudao:

"No help, in fact, Yijing is helping Beishi Kingdom, because the Hedong Army originally wanted to guard Baibogu, so they underestimated the enemy's carelessness, ignored this point, and did not do enough to deal with it, or the way to deal with it was wrong Only then will Beishi Kingdom have a greater opportunity to take advantage of."

Everyone fell silent now.

With such a clear analysis, there is no longer any doubt about the possibility of Baibogu's rebellion.

"If this is the case, it will be troublesome. The Northern Stone Manzi has Baibo Valley as a backing, so it will be more convenient to go south, but it will be difficult for me, Da Zhou, to retake the northeastern part of the river, and even keep the southern part of the river." Zhang Yi murmured:
"Things are tricky. Originally, the troubles in Liangzhou were resolved this year. Da Zhou can go to recuperate and spend this winter peacefully. As a result, another incident happened in Beishi country!"

"It's useless to talk about these scriptures. Beishi Kingdom invaded by the scriptures and Baibogu betrayed. Then who will be sent to preside over the matter, how many troops to send, and how to fight are the things that Da Zhou should consider." Ye Qing Suddenly I also have some headaches.

The loss of Hedong is too bad for Da Zhou.

Beishi Bing pointed directly at Guanzhong, it was a fishbone, like a stick in the throat.

When this question was mentioned, Guo Jia, who had been thinking about it, suddenly had a flash of understanding in his eyes.

Then the corners of the mouth raised slightly.

"My lord, don't you think that this battle happened too timely?"

Everyone turned their attention to Guo Jia, not understanding what he meant.

Ye Qing was also a little confused.

Beishi attacked Zhou, except for the last time Zhao Feiyan came to Zhou, he didn't take advantage of it, maybe he would be angry because he went, but...

Yes, last time Beishi started to move around.

Only then suddenly it quieted down again.

Because Beishi Zheng made Li Mu discuss the alliance in the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they wanted to deal with the Turks together.

In addition, they can join forces to defend the Wei State and ease the tension between the two countries.

That's why Da Zhou relaxed his vigilance against Bei Shi.

The battle between Liangzhou and Qiang also drew all the attention.

The North Stone Kingdom has learned the art of war, and has created a fake alliance, which is really paralyzing.

"Mr. Feng Xiao, don't talk about such mysterious things, just point it out, otherwise my heart will be like a cat, and I will be scratched uncomfortably." Cheng Yaojin is quick-tempered, and those who can be lazy will never use their brains, such things that they can't understand , the best gag.

Guo Jia gave him an angry look, then looked around at Congren and said:

"I'm afraid this is a trap. After the salt war, all parties suddenly became quiet. Now that there is a war in Hedong, I'm afraid that the court will let the lord take command and go to Hedong to preside over the war."

"Uh... Feng Xiao, what you mean is that this is a conspiracy, and someone wants to harm the lord!" Zhang Yi frowned slightly. He is an eloquent person, the most logical, and his thinking is also meticulous.

Li Rudao: "It's true that you want to harm the lord, but it's just incidental. Beishi Kingdom must have wanted to hit me in the first place, and it happened that someone had other schemes, so they amplified the hole a little.

I agree with Feng Xiao's words. I am afraid that the lord will be unanimously elected as the chief officer of the Hedong war. My Xiaoyaofu cavalry may go to battle again, and this time the infantry may not be spared. "

(End of this chapter)

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