I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 264 Mencius named Ke

Chapter 264 Mencius Named Ke
"Let me go, okay! Let's see who can play better."

Ye Qing is not afraid of conspiracies and tricks.

All enemies that can be seen can be pushed horizontally.

Although Hedong is in danger, it is a crisis, and there is an opportunity only when there is danger.

If the Baibo Valley rebelled, then the Baibo Valley would be flattened.

If the Hedong family wanted to make ghosts in Mingtang, they would kill them all in one go.

With Baibogu standing in the open, Ye Qing believed that the Liu family in Hedong might have played some dishonorable role.

The Salt War was defrauded of several 10 taels of silver, and the Liujia Salt Shop was also squeezed to the point that it could no longer survive in Chang'an.

He didn't believe that the Liu family would swallow this breath willingly.

Even the Yang family dared to pay for murder, but the Liu family might be even crazier.

If you play with fire, you will all be burned.

Everyone was still meeting, and Gu Yangyang came over there again and said:
"My lord, Cui is here again in the palace. Please go to the palace to discuss important matters. This time it is Eunuch Cao!"

Ye Qing stood up and said, "Okay, got it, I'm leaving now!"

When they came to the gate, Cao Zhengchun was outside, whisking the dust with one hand.

A polite smile on his face.

"I have seen His Highness the Sixth Highness. Please follow me into the palace. Your Majesty and the court ministers are waiting."

Ye Qing made a gesture of invitation and said, "Then let's go together, it's windy outside, Eunuch Cao will ride with me in my carriage!"

Cao Zhengchun hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "I have heard that the carriages in Xiaoyao Mansion are luxurious and comfortable, so I will offend Your Highness!"

So the two got into the carriage, and the groom drove the horse to the palace.

While the carriage was walking, it was escorted by Xiaoyaofu riders all around.

After leaving the civil affairs workshop, Ye Qing asked: "Why did Your Majesty suddenly ask you to deliver the decree!"

In fact, Zhang Rang came here just now, but Ye Zhen was in such a hurry to ask Cao Zhengchun to deliver the imperial decree again.

The urgency of the situation can be seen.

Cao Zhengchun said: "Your Majesty, I don't know. In the past, many important officials of the court entered the palace. They simply discussed a plan, which is to ask His Highness to lead a team to support Hedong in advance, to stabilize the war in Hedong, and hope that the Northern Stone The country continues to move south."

"Oh! They all advocated that I should lead the troops there as soon as possible. They should all be cavalry. Who will lead the follow-up army?" Ye Qing had expected it a long time ago, and he did exactly what Guo Jia and Li Ru said.

Those guys really wanted to push themselves into the fire pit.

Cao Zhengchun said: "It is true that they are all cavalry, and they can only be cavalry from Xiaoyaofu. The rest will not be given to the lord. As for who will lead the army in the future, there is no conclusion. The Ministry of War hopes to be the general or the Minister of the Ministry of War, but the civil servants don't want to." I agree, saying that Han Zhan’s ability is not good enough, the Turks almost made dumplings last time, and the Minister of War has not led the army for many years, I’m afraid Sheng won’t be able to judge the situation, so he also refused.”

"Of course they proposed letting the King of Hedong lead the army. The reason was that the King of Hedong was entrusted with the land in Hedong. Some said that soldiers from all over the country should gather in Hedong, and let the governor of Hedong be the main general to take the blame and make meritorious service."

"Bullshit!" After Ye Qing heard this, he immediately exploded.

The reasons given by the civil servants are too nonsense.

Ye Jin had never led a soldier before in a war, so this fat man was afraid that he saw something wrong, so he was the first to run away.

Ming is the King of Hedong, but his energy and place of business are tied to the Zhang family, which is in Hanzhong County, not Hedong at all.

As for the Taishou of Hedong who committed crimes and meritorious deeds, it is even more ridiculous.

If he was able to do things with his ability, how could he end up in this situation, making the situation in Hedong so passive.

It is estimated that he has long been the spokesperson of Baibogu and Hedong Liu's family and other aristocratic families.

There may be some dirty deal.

All the handles are held in other people's hands. At the critical moment, if there is a change, I don't know how I was killed.

"Is there any other news?" Ye Qing asked again.

Cao Zhengchun continued:
"Your Majesty said that you need to transfer supplies to Dawang City first, and hoard them by the Yellow River. They must be needed in the east of the river, and they will be supported immediately. However, the Ministry of Households cried poorly and said that they could not get it out. The other ministries also said that they did not have it. It means that the business has failed recently, and there is no money left for food."

"Hahahaha, interesting, they are collectively trying to dig into His Majesty's small treasury, let the Shaofu pay for it, pay back to His Majesty, and give His Majesty a wink." Ye Qing laughed suddenly, Ye Zhen made a lot of money last time , 300 million taels of silver fell into the bag, and the official warehouses inside and outside Chang'an City were also filled.

It's no wonder that this family of civil servants is borrowing money. If you want to make this reason, let Ye Zhen ruin his family first.

Cao Zhengchun also chuckled lightly and said, "That's why His Majesty is very bold this time, saying that he will first give out 200 million taels and 50 shi of grain to support the battle to regain and counterattack in Hedong."

"Your Majesty didn't see it. His Majesty felt so confident and elated at that time. It was the first time that this old slave saw His Majesty's expression in the palace for so many years. I felt that His Majesty at that time was the real His Majesty!" Cao Zhengchun sighed slightly, and when it came to Ye Zhen, he also had a complex expression on his face.

Ye Zhen has been suppressed for too long, and he has always been strong, but many things in Dazhou are not in his hands.

The neck has been stuck all the time, and the harem alone has been infiltrated by various forces, and no one is easy.

"This is Qian Zhuang's cowardice. If you have money, you can talk tough. It's cool not to ask for help!" Ye Qing laughed dryly, and didn't want to comment on Ye Zhenyi's scriptures.

"Ding! The master Zhao Feiyan of Beishi Kingdom wants to know whether His Royal Highness Ye Qing will lead troops to Hedong to participate in the war on Saturday, so that he can make a judgment and make a plan. He is willing to spend 1000 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, please go to the underground dark hall of Baibo Valley to check in. If you successfully check in, you will be rewarded with [-] catties of pepper seeds (one hundred varieties)!"

After so long, the system is finally here.

Sure enough, when there is a crisis, the invincible system will jump out to do things 1
This pattern, I like it.

Ye Qing closed his eyes, thought for a while and said, "The system sold this news!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, Master, you still have 6000 taels of silver and a chance to draw a lottery!"

Ye Qing immediately said again: "System, draw a lottery!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a Chinese Educational Character Card!"

It's not a general card!

What kind of cultural figure will emerge at this time.

Ye Qing couldn't help being a little upset.

"The system uses cards!" Ye Qing gave another order.

He wanted to see who it was for this time?
"Ding, congratulations to the master for using the cultural education card and obtaining the Confucian Mencius!"


Mencius was named Ke (kē) and styled Ziyu.

A philosopher, thinker, statesman, educator, and one of the representatives of Confucianism in the Warring States Period.

Many people are very familiar with his "Fishing I Want", "Getting the Right Way Helps Much, Losing the Right Way Helps Little", "The Widowed in the Country", "Born in Sorrow, Die in Peace" and "Wealth and Nobility Can't Be Sexy".

"If you brought Mencius here, why didn't you bring Confucius, Laozi, and Mozi to play mahjong!" Ye Qing couldn't help complaining.

"Master's suggestion is good, I will pay attention to the three of them next time!"


(End of this chapter)

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