I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 265 Crowd Pushing Ye Qing

Chapter 265 Crowd Pushing Ye Qing
Say you are fat and panting!
"But it's not like Mencius can't use it!"

I just need someone to manage the school on my side, and the appearance of Mencius is undoubtedly more suitable than Cai Lun and Guo Jia.

It's just that the war in Hedong is urgent now, and the timing of Mencius' arrival is not very suitable.

"Forget it, it's all here. If you go to Hedong by yourself, you should still have a chance to gather some information and win a few prizes."

Ye Qing comforted himself, he was originally an optimistic person, so naturally he would not care too much about this.

Believe in the invincible system.

It will be made for itself.

Soon the carriage stopped on Suzaku Street, Ye Qing and Cao Zhengchun were about to get out of the car, when Zhang Rang who was waiting here said: "Your Highness, please get out of the car slowly, Your Majesty has a decree, today His Highness's carriage and horses can go directly to Liangyi Hall! "

Liangyi Hall is behind the Taiji Hall. It is a small hall where the emperor and important ministers discussed state affairs and handled state affairs.

It is quite different from the main hall of Daji Hall.

The carriage went straight to Liangyi Hall.

After getting off the carriage, Ye Qing tidied up his clothes.

Then walk into the Liangyi Hall.

At this time, the minister who should come has already arrived.

Ye Tao, Ye Wei, Zhong Jin and others were also there.

Hearing the sound, everyone turned around and saw that it was Ye Qing, with expressions of waiting for a long time on their faces.

With a half-smile in his mouth, he has different looks.

Ye Qing took a glance.

Those who can come are basically the ministers and ministers of various ministries, as well as the patriarchs of the major families. Of course, these patriarchs have their own official positions, high or low.

And other important royal family members and princes and princes.

The number is around fifty.

Ye Qing walked to the position of the Ministry of War, where there were General Han Zhan and Shang Shu of the Ministry of War.

One of the advantages of holding a meeting in Liangyi Hall is that there are few people, but there are seats instead of standing.

There is also a table in front of the seats, with tea on it, which can be used by important ministers to quench their thirst and moisten their throats.

After Ye Qing sat down, the superior Ye Zhen said, "Continue with the meeting, where did we talk about?"

At that moment, a servant from the Ministry of Rites stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the most urgent thing is to send an advanced army into Hedong to give him confidence and stabilize the overall situation. However, I think that only those who are brave and brave in battle will be selected." ..."

"Your Majesty seconded the proposal that King Hongnong should lead his troops to Hedong immediately. The generals in King Hongnong's mansion are all from the first-class families in Dazhou. They are rich in knowledge, rich in resources, and good at local affairs. They are the most suitable .” Before the Minister of Rites could finish speaking, Ye Qing stood up and hurriedly said.

The servant was suddenly choked up.

When did Lao Tzu say to let King Hongnong go, what a fart you seconded.

Ye Wei, who was lying down and shot, turned dark.

Yang Liucui and other aristocratic family heads also frowned.

He looked at Ye Qing carefully.

Curse secretly, what a cunning little fox.

I don't know how he got the news, but he rushed to answer.

Ye Zhen above was stunned for a moment, then he glanced over the crowd as if he had watched the show, and fixed his eyes on the servant of the Ministry of Rites.

"go on!"

The servant of the Ministry of Rites was sweating profusely, and looked at his Shangshu as if asking for help.

His own Shangshu had no choice but to stand up and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is wrong. Although King Hongnong is excellent, the generals of Hongnong Palace are also talents, but what they are good at is governance, not fighting. I think it should be handled by Xiaoyaohou. to take on this task."

Speaking of this, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites paused, and found that neither the emperor nor Ye Qing had any intention of stopping it.

On the contrary, Ye Qing looked at him with a smile, indicating that he would continue talking.

This made the Minister of Rites a little confused.

Ye Qing didn't disturb himself by interjecting.

He was doubtful, but he continued to say: "The iron cavalry of Xiaoyao Mansion are elite and brave, and the generals of Xiaoyao Mansion Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun and others are even fierce generals who can fight thousands of miles away.

And Xiaoyaohou is even better at leading the army, with outstanding martial arts skills. He once had a great achievement of defeating the Turkic army of [-] with [-] cavalry. Out of the river east. "

Are you so good?
It made Ye Qing want to be humble, and he wanted to laugh no matter what he touched his nose.

At this time, the Yang family, Liu family, Cui family and other aristocratic families also came out and said: "Your Majesty, ministers and others seconded the proposal, Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry can be as good as a hundred, Xiaoyao Hou is invincible and invincible in all battles, and no one can take on this great task except him now. .”

The civil servant department started, and the aristocratic family department fell into trouble, and the Chuyue department also came out and said: "Your Majesty, the ministers and others also seconded, the military situation is urgent, and there is no delay. Now we should let Xiaoyaohou lead the army and rush to Hedong first!"

"Your Majesty, our Ministry of War disagrees. Military and state affairs should be played with caution. After all, the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry has just returned from victory and is exhausted and powerless. Going to the battlefield at this time is tantamount to death." Han Zhan First One stood up and objected.

"Every man, how can your vision be so small? In the face of a hundred thousand troops, you should let go of your personal gains and losses. It is their honor that the empire needs them to fight. How can you bear the humiliation at home..."


Facing the joint pressure from various ministries and forces, the Ministry of War was defeated in an instant.

All with red ears and thick necks, they really wanted to rush out of their seats and fight five fights.

The group of people in front had said it once, and now they expressed their pressure and quarreled with the Ministry of War again, but Ye Zhen was a little annoyed by it.

He didn't pay much attention to it, but looked at Ye Qing and saw that his face was calm, as if he had expected it or didn't take it seriously, so he asked:
"Qing'er, what do you think?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I have a few questions I would like to ask all the ministers who recommended you!" Ye Qing said calmly.

Ye Zhen nodded slightly, and the Ministers of the Ministry of Rites, Ministers of the Ministry of Industry, and Ministers of the Ministry of Households all said, "What Xiaoyao Hou wants to say, please speak directly."

Ye Qing smiled and said: "Do you think that I am the one who can go to Hedong to stabilize the overall situation, help the governor of Hedong to gain a firm foothold, and block Beishi Kingdom?"

Why do you ask such a question.

You are serious.

This is just an excuse for us to compliment Huyou.

You won't be so narcissistic to believe it.

Although they sneered in their hearts, everyone said one after another: "It's none other than Xiaoyaohou. Only Xiaoyaohou and Xiaoyaofu cavalry can stop the vicious Beishi Barbarian."

"Okay, in this way, everyone admits that my brother and the brothers are not as good as me, and they can't lead troops to fight, and they can't share the national conditions and military affairs." The corners of Ye Qing's mouth slightly raised. Ye Qing walked in.

When did I say that other princes are not as good as you, and when did I say that they can't share the country's military affairs and can't preside over the overall situation.

If this is the case, it is rumored that King Hongnong, King Fufeng, King Chu, King Hedong, King Wucheng County, and King Luoyang will all lose their reputations and be labeled as incompetent and useless princes.

Everyone was about to refute and argue with reason, when Ye Qing raised his right hand, stretched out two fingers and said:
"The second question, since I am the only one who can save Hedong, should I listen to me when I go to Hedong, the prefect of Hedong, and the family of Hedong, and all the empire's power in Hedong? Let the virtuous give way to the virtuous, retreat to the foolish, and kill all the chaotic.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Qing's eyes were burning like the scorching sun in the sky, staring at Liu Better Qing's body, as if he was going to melt him.

(End of this chapter)

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