Chapter 266
Liu Zhengqing frowned, thinking seriously about Ye Qing's words.

Everyone in the hall was taken aback!
Ye Qing wants to take power.

To command and dispatch the entire Hedong.

rather than a vanguard.

Ye Zhen smiled, and leaned against the dragon couch, ready to watch a good show.

These guys wanted to fool Lao Liu to go to Hedong, but now, Lao Liu took them into the army instead.

The Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Finance, Ye Tao, Ye Wei and others were embarrassed.

How to answer this.

Agree, that's not giving Ye Qing great power.

Let him lead the battle in Hedong.

If he didn't agree, Ye Qing shook his hands and quit, and also slapped himself in the face.

Just now, he praised Ye Qing that there is nothing in the sky, and there is nothing in the earth. He is none other than him, but in a blink of an eye he said no, that was not a slap in the face with the left hand.

"I think His Royal Highness Six is ​​right." Han Zhan stood up and said:
"It's a matter of urgency. His Highness the Sixth Highness rushed to the aid of Hedong alone. He is not familiar with the place of life. And if the battle in Hedong becomes more sluggish, if the Sixth Highness is not given the right to act cheaply, I am afraid that he will not be able to control the situation of the war and stop the army of the North Stone Kingdom.

The minister believes that His Royal Highness Six should be given the right to unite the battle in Hedong, as long as the empire's power in Hedong must be dispatched by His Royal Highness Six. "

"Seniors and others!" Everyone in the Ministry of War stood up and echoed.

What they hate most is that civil servants are pulling back behind them.

Today I helped Ye Qing fight for this power, and with Liezi, they will go to war separately in the future, and they will have evidence to follow, so as to reduce the pressure on themselves.

Nature is the most agreeable.

When the Ministry of War came and came out, this was a corner where the civil servants and the aristocratic family were forced into a corner.

Of course they were unwilling to give Ye Qing this power.

I don't want to hang a knife over my head.

They were the ones who hung the knife over Ye Qing's head, so why would they give Ye Qing a rope to strangle him.

"Xiaoyaohou is only here for urgent help, and our army will follow up later. I don't think the conditions that Xiaoyaohou wants are appropriate. This is a privilege that can only be exercised temporarily by the commander of our army. It must be ordered by His Majesty, so what Xiaoyaohou said ..." Liu Zhengqing stood up and directly objected, saying that he would not give Ye Qing such a blow, even if he slapped himself in the face.

"Not good, Si, I came in a hurry when I came here today, and I bumped into it when I stepped on the carriage, and my feet are a bit inconvenient, and I need to rest for a while." Ye Qing clasped his fists to Ye Zhen before Liu Zhengqing finished speaking and said:

"If Your Majesty doesn't mind, I will recommend myself to be the commander in charge of conquering Beishi and recovering Hedong. I am willing to contribute 100 million taels and 50 shi of grain to raise [-] troops for the imperial court to go to Hedong."

"Cough cough!"

The crowd almost lost their temper.

Your sister had a bump, and she was fine when she entered the palace, so there is no leg problem.

Talking nonsense with your eyes open, when we are all blind.

How dare you want to be the commander of the conquest, recruiting [-] troops, it's a beautiful idea.

However, Ye Qing's words completely disrupted all the arrangements and plans of the civil servants.

No more excuses.

Ye Zhen was very happy up there.

Well, this general has nothing to say on the civil servant's side.

Ye Zhen asked in a deep voice: "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I think it is feasible for Xiaoyaohou to be the coach."

The Ministry of War is still seconding the proposal.

Ye Zhen looked at the civil servants.

Everyone looked complicated, contemplating countermeasures.

Do you want to agree to Ye Qing's conditions?

The lesser of two evils.

If Ye Qing didn't take the bait, he still wanted to be the coach and make great achievements, which was even more impossible.

If Ye Qing were to be the coach, it would not be just sending Ye Qing to the top position.

The commander-in-chief of the first army quelled the crisis in the east of the river, and his prestige was immeasurable, so what else could stop him.

This is absolutely impossible.

Everyone looked at each other several times, and they all understood what was in each other's minds, and only then did someone stand up and say:

"Your Majesty, I feel that Marquis Xiaoyao has concerns. The lone army really needs some guarantees to go to Hedong, so I can give some convenience."

If someone speaks out, someone will naturally let go, and others will also say: "You can give some convenience as appropriate!"

Give Ye Qing a little bit of sweetness first, and deceive him to Hedong. Whether it's the Liu family, the governor of Hedong and others, it's another matter whether he will listen to Ye Qing or not.

Seeing that it was almost done, Ye Zhen looked at Ye Qing again: "Qing'er, how do you feel now?"

"Your Majesty, I want a sword! I want an imperial decree!" Ye Qing ignored whether these civil servants were from the family lineage or the Chuyue lineage, and only said to Ye Zhen:

"I want a Shangfang sword. Seeing the sword is like seeing the emperor. It can kill disloyal ministers and cut off unhealthy tendencies. The imperial decree I want is only one. Cut it first and then play it, and do things cheaply.

With one sword and one decree, the minister can issue a military order to resolutely block Beishi from going south, stabilize the exhausted war in Hedong, and create the most favorable situation for the main force of our Great Zhou Dynasty to recover Hedong. "

After speaking, Ye Qing bowed deeply, without arguing or arguing.

Go if you agree, don't go if you don't.

Let you talk like a tongue, and you can't get what you want.

Xiaoyao Mansion did not send out any soldiers.

He needs his own principles and bottom line.

Now Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion Yijing are no longer being manipulated and persecuted at will.

Not even the emperor!
One word, just now!

The two words are very rigid.

Both civil servants and generals were stunned.

Shangfang's sword follows the right to cut first and play later.

This is incredible.

Fortunately, Ye Qing dared to speak.

Even the great general, even Ye Yu, king of Xiliang, dare not ask for these two things and privileges.

Is Ye Qing blackmailing His Majesty?
Ye Zhen's face was as cold as frost in an instant.

The seemingly obedient knife suddenly jumped out to want his own thoughts and become his own master.

"Okay! It doesn't matter if I give it to you. As long as Hedong is safe and sound, as long as Hedong can be recovered, I can give you everything you want, but you have to remember your promise." Ye Zhen waved his hand and said:

"Come here, give my imperial famous sword Feiying to Xiaoyaohou, and draw up a decree. Before the main force of the army arrives, all things in the east of the river can be handled by Xiaoyaohou, and all personnel can be dispatched by Xiaoyaohou. Xiaoyaohou has to beheaded first, and it is cheap right."

Someone went to fetch Ye Zhen's saber right now.

Originally, the drafting of the edict was done by ministers, especially officials from the Ministry of Rites.

But this time, the decree was drafted by the eunuch who was beside Ye Zhen.

After writing it quickly, stamped it with a big seal, and handed it to Ye Qing along with the sword.

Everyone below whispered, their thoughts became more complicated.

What does Ye Qing want to do?
What does Ye Zhen want to do again?
One really dares to ask, and the other really dares to give.

Could it be that they are all crazy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the minister ordered me to thank you. I'm going to order some cavalry horses and rush to the east of the river as soon as possible, so I'll leave first!" Ye Qing got what he wanted, and slowly exited the Hall of Liangyi.

Ye Zhen and Cong watched him off and left.

After he really left, the corners of Ye Zhen's mouth raised slightly, looking at the crowd, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

Then he said in a deep voice: "My lords, the matter of dispatching the army in advance has been agreed upon. Next, we will continue to discuss who will be the commander in chief and how to arrange and allocate supplies from all parties."

(End of this chapter)

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