I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 267 Five People Follow the Army

Chapter 267
Ye Qing left the Tai Chi Hall,

Cao Zhengchun followed.

"Your Highness, by order of His Majesty, this servant will send you out of the palace!"

Ye Qing knew that Cao Zhengchun had something to say, so he nodded and got on the carriage.

Cao Zhengchun followed, and when halfway there, Ye Qing said:

"When I'm not in Chang'an, pay more attention to the situation in the palace. This time the situation in Hedong came suddenly. There was no warning for Baibogu's rebellion. I'm afraid there will be new situations in the whole Zhou Dynasty, and the palace will definitely be the place with the greatest impact."

"It's the lord. This old slave will pay attention. Your Majesty will inform the lord as soon as there is any situation here." After speaking, Cao Zhengchun took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ye Qing, saying:
"My lord, this is what His Majesty asked me to forward. It contains things that you may need to go to Hedong."

Ye Qing didn't read it, but put the paper into his cuff.

The carriage left the palace gate, Cao Zhengchun got off the carriage and sent Ye Qing away.

Back to Xiaoyao Mansion.

Everyone stared at Ye Qing expectantly.

Ye Qing said: "You guessed it, Baiguan asked me to take the iron cavalry in the mansion to go to Hedong first."

"It's really shameless, our Xiaoyao Mansion riders have just returned from Liangzhou, and we have only rested for half a month, and now we have to go to Hedong to fight fires as cattle and horses!" Cheng Yaojin groaned dissatisfied.

Everyone ignored Cheng Yaojin, but focused on the two things in Ye Qing's hands.

A sword, and an imperial decree.

Ye Zhen issued edicts to Xiaoyao Mansion, usually oral edicts, rarely imperial edicts.

Ye Qing drew the Shadowless Sword lightly, and the cold light flickered.

It only takes one glance to know that it is a good sword, pull it out and swing it.

The voiceless sound flows, and the aura goes with you.

"Good sword!"

Everyone praised.

Ye Qing casually threw it to Xu Shu and said, "Yuan Zhi wipe it!"

With a movement of Xu Shu's body, he took the sword and danced. His body was like a wild goose, and he was as light as a goose feather. The simple sword moves were all killing moves.

Ye Qing said to everyone: "This is Your Majesty's 'Wuying' sword. Seeing the sword is like seeing the emperor. It is a Shangfang sword invited for me. It can kill disloyal ministers and cut off unhealthy winds!"

Shang Fang Sword!

"Your lord is wise, you have some swords in your hands, and you will not be bound by other things when you go to the east of the river."

Everyone immediately praised Ye Qing's move.

This means that he is invincible, and what he fears most in war is being held back by his own people and holding him back.

I'm even more afraid that someone will command blindly and make trouble.

With the Shadowless Sword, many conveniences can be obtained.

Ye Qing went on to say: "There is another imperial decree here. I asked His Majesty for the right to kill first and then play later. I can act cheaply when I go to war in Xiaoyao Mansion."

"What? My lord, you still took it..."

This time Li Ru, Zhang Yi, Guo Jia, Xu Shu and others were not calm.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing took such an imperial decree.

Ye Zhen even agreed to this condition.

It seems that the hundreds of officials in the DPRK forced him to be very embarrassed.

"Everyone can take a look!" Ye Qing gave the edict to everyone, and then sat down in his seat.

After everyone checked, they were happy for a while, but soon showed worry.

"My lord, with this imperial decree and the Shadowless Sword, it really solves the worries of the future, but I'm afraid that the east side will not cooperate, and even if the lord really does what your majesty needs us to do, after the end of this battle, I'm afraid all the officials He will use this as an excuse to impeach the Lord, and His Majesty will also have thorns in his heart and dislike the Lord."

You must know that no emperor would like a person who dared to threaten him and make conditions with him in the face of danger.

Today's temperament, everyone has a role.

No matter which prince he is to, he doesn't have much affection.

The emperor is a loner, and everyone is his pawn, an existence that he can use.

The only difference is whether the value is high or low.

"The future is the future. Who knows what will happen?" Ye Qing said, "Let me make arrangements. Yuanzhi, Jingsi, Zilong, Rengui, and Hansheng will go out with the army."


Xu Shu, Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Xue Rengui, and Huang Zhong answered with clasped fists.

Xu Shu is a military adviser, and the other four can fight on foot or on horseback.

Can fight at a distance as well as at a distance.

More suitable for unfamiliar and dangerous battlefields.

So Ye Qing called their names without hesitation.

This made Boss Cheng Yaojin unhappy.

There is no part for him.

"For the affairs of the mansion, Li Ru is in charge of the inside, Guo Jia is in charge of the outside, Zhang Yi is in charge of wealth, Shang Yang is in charge of government, Yu Jin is in charge of training, Li Si is in charge of defense, Cheng Yaojin is in charge of protection, and everyone else performs their duties." Ye Qing continued to arrange:
"When I'm away, be careful at all times, don't interfere with everything, and continue walking at our normal pace. If Li Bai comes back, you can ask Dong Bai to come forward and discuss with Dong Yushi and the old queen about the Lantian Pavilion. .”

"It's the lord! I will definitely keep it in mind."

After discussing these matters, Ye Qing went to the backyard to explain to Huanhuan and Wu Linglong.

"Your Highness, go to Hedong, be careful. I have a bronze medal here. If Your Highness can't collect any useful information in Hedong, you can take it to find..." At this moment, Wu Linglong whispered in Ye Qing's ear. A few times, and then looked at Ye Qing affectionately.

Ye Qing nodded with a charming smile on his face and said: "You are interested, I hope I don't need these, so the situation will be better. If I really need to use them, I won't hesitate. This is going to be bad luck, and you can wait at home." Come on, I'll be back."

"I, we are waiting for Your Highness!"

After bidding farewell to the second daughter, Ye Qing rode out of Chang'an City with Xiaoyao Mansion, and disappeared into the land of Hongmeng.

"Out of town!"

"Leaving the city, I saw them walk through the east gate with my own eyes."

"That's good, when you get to the east of the river, hehe, go vertically, you can only come back horizontally..."

In the city of Chang'an, countless eyes watched Ye Qing leave, and their thoughts became active one by one.

Ye Qing is walking in Zheng County!
The system's notification sounded immediately.

"Ding! Master Beishi State's attacking Zhou Dajun, the general, wants to know the situation of Dazhou rushing to help Hedong, so that he can make an accurate judgment and plan for the next step, so as to plan a better and faster attack on Hedong. He is willing to spend 5 taels of silver as a reward. Is it for sale!"

"Ding! Master Zhou Dongliu's family wants to know which route Prince Ye Qing will take to enter Hedong on Saturday, so that he can ambush him at the ferry and kill Ye Qing. He is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, the Taishou of the East of the Great Zhou Dynasty wants to know the attitude of Ye Qing, the prince of the Great Saturday, towards him and Ye Qing's preferences, so that he can make a countermeasure to preserve the position of the prefect. He is willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not. !"

Three pieces of information!

Three parties involved.

The first one is the enemy country, which is acceptable.

But the Liu family!

Really want to do something.

When he was in danger, he didn't think about how to repel the northern stone barbarians, but thought about plotting to assassinate himself.

Sure enough, he only cared about his own interests.

Still thinking about how to turn defeat into victory in the salt industry, re-dominate the market, and control Dazhou salt.

Selfish, vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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