Chapter 269
The ferry boat is very small, and a boat can only ferry dozens of people at a time.

Besides, there are war horses in Xiaoyao Mansion.

It's not easy to get everyone there.

All of a sudden the ferry was busy.

Ye Qing asked Li Cunxiao to cross the river with Zhao Yun first.

After Xue Rengui lived, Huang Zhong was with him.

After the first batch of people crossed the river, countless refugees and refugees began to rush to the shore.

Someone clamored: "The boat is coming, hurry up, you can go there when you get on the boat. I heard that His Highness Xiaoyaohou is benevolent and will not let us suffer!"

"Xiaoyaohou will definitely not stop us, quickly, knock down this group of damned Qiu Ba Ya servants."

Countless refugees shouted and rushed, holding large and small bags in their hands, pulling their children or wives, or carrying the elderly on their backs.

The local soldiers and yamen servants who maintained order waved sticks and began to expel and push.

And shouted loudly.

But it was okay before, the refugees were not agitated so hard, and there was no hope.

Now that Xiaoyao Mansion is riding over, I feel that the hope is greater, so I rushed faster.

Some of the soldiers and yamen guards who blocked them were about to be rushed over.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao looked at each other.

Just now they discovered through experience that someone was agitating secretly, showing up from time to time.

This undoubtedly confirmed what Ye Qing and Xu Shu said, so they nodded to each other, and then Zhao Yun immediately took out his long bow and drew an arrow to the string.

Li Cunxiao held an iron gun in his hand, and quickly walked towards the shore.

Seeing Li Cunxiao rushing up with a weapon, the secretly agitating person realized that something was wrong, instinctively backed away, and lowered his body to hide.

At this time, Zhao Yun's eyes were sharp, and his pupils gathered together, and he shot out with an arrow.

Arrows flew into the crowd, and a man who was about to squeeze back was knocked back by the refugees rushing forward.

I was anxious and wanted to wipe it again, but at this moment Zhao Yun's arrow shot at the back of his head.

With a sound of "Pfft!", the person lost consciousness instantly.

"Ah!" The refugees and refugees around saw this and exclaimed in surprise.

"No, the people from Xiaoyao Mansion shot arrows and killed people. They want to kill us old people..."

A man not far away saw his accomplice shot to death, thought it was an opportunity, and was about to shout at the refugees around him, when another arrow flew towards him, and he instinctively lowered his head to hide behind other civilians.

But the arrow seemed to be on him, and he knew where he would go.

Passing through the gaps in the bodies of several refugees, an arrow hit the shoulder of this person.

"Those who disturb the hearts of the people will be killed!"

Li Cunxiao, who rushed to the front of the refugees, let out a roar, stabilized the terrified refugees and refugees, and then stabbed a man to the right who was at the front holding a farm tool and beating the officers and soldiers.

The man knew he was in danger and wanted to hide, but he was too slow and was stabbed in the chest by Li Cunxiao.

Then Li Cunxiao lifted him up with all his strength, lifting the man in the air.

"Those who disturb the hearts of the people will be killed. Whoever is bewitching the hearts of the people and storming the shore of the ferry will be killed without mercy!"

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao's two arrows shot one after another, and under the bloody shock, the turbulent refugees and refugees stopped attacking one after another.

And very self-consciously took a few steps back.

This is really killing people, not a joke.

The man who was lifted to the top by Li Cunxiao was still alive.

Howling, blood continued to flow down the black iron gun!
This kind of deterrent power is too strong, too graphic.

Who dares to approach the past.

Even those who hide and stir in the dark are also terrified.

The three accomplices were thus killed.

Zhao Yun's arrow seemed to have eyes, and he was killed as soon as it came out.

"Among you, there are spies from Beishi Kingdom, just to confuse you and make trouble. Do you want to be the knife in the hands of Beishi barbarians who harmed you and caused you to lose your homeland?"

Xu Shu jumped up, held the Wuying sword in his hand and raised it high, saying: "This is Your Majesty's sword 'Wuying'. Seeing the sword is like seeing Your Majesty. It can kill disloyal ministers and cut off unhealthy winds. Who will treat Da Zhou today? Unfaithful, whoever speaks evil words to confuse people, it is not a pity to kill them!"

The emperor's imperial sword.

Seeing the sword is like seeing the emperor.

The soldiers and yamen servants maintaining law and order abandoned the refugees and refugees one after another, and knelt down to Xu Shu.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

When the refugees and refugees saw it, they also knelt down one after another: "Your Majesty, ten thousand years, ten thousand years!"

Seeing the sword is like seeing the emperor, this is the loyalty carved from the bone.

There is no reason to be loyal to the Great Zhou Empire.

This is the belief of Zhou Zimin.

Whether it is fear or true loyalty, it is true to kneel at this moment.

The fear is also real.

With the shadowless arrow, being killed is also a white kill.

Refugees and refugees knelt down on their knees with a clatter.

The agitators hesitated for a moment and looked around, trying to find different groups.

As a result, this hesitation and search immediately exposed them.

Zhao Yun drew the arrow and sent it away.

Shoot three arrows in a row.

Three agitators who tried to kneel down or turn their heads to run were shot dead on the spot.

Li Cunxiao threw the man in the gun into the water of the Yellow River, then walked quickly, stomping lightly.The body flew out, and by stepping on a man's back with his strength, he stabbed out with a gun.

At this time, after escaping, the agitator returned and stabbed him with a knife.


An inch is long and an inch is strong. A short knife is not as fast as a long spear.

A shot pierced through, and the short knife that encouraged the man let go, and the dagger, which was no threat to Li Cunxiao at all, fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out of his mouth continuously.

"Ants also want to disrupt the situation!" Li Cunxiao drew his spear and snorted coldly.

Thought to be a strong man, turned out to be a waste.

After finishing off these instigators, Xu Shu signaled Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun to put down their murderous aura and withdraw their aura of intimidation, and then put down Wuying Sword Way:
"Everyone is suffering. My Highness knows that it is not easy for everyone. However, there is no place to accommodate you on the other side. After crossing the river, you will be erratic. Instead, you will be arrested by the counties as rumors and spies. .

So my Highness has asked people to raise food, and it will be delivered at any time to solve the problem of everyone's food in advance. At the same time, we will send the best craftsmen to build a shelter for everyone to protect against the cold and wind. All you have to do is wait patiently. My Xiaoyao Mansion We will make decisions for everyone and give everyone a guarantee. "

"Okay! Marquis Xiaoyao is a good highness! We listen to Marquis Xiaoyao, everyone step aside first, let the soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion go north to reinforce Fucheng, and let them fight back the northern stone barbarians."

Hearing that they will bring food and build houses, most of the refugees and refugees feel relieved.

They don't have to cross the river now.

Just inner anxiety.

If you are still caught when you cross the river and treated as a spy, then you should save your life and stay in the east of the river!
At least for a while, the northern stone barbarians will not be able to come here.

What's more, the brave Xiaoyaofu cavalry are all here, and they will definitely be able to drive the Beishi barbarians away.

Hedong is their home, and they don't hope that the Northern Stone Manzi can occupy the entire Hedong.

So I have more expectations for Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Mansion Rider.

With Xu Shu's reassurance and promise.

Refugees and refugees began to retreat.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a Confucian robe commanded the crowd to retreat, but he did not leave when the crowd retreated.

Xu Shu looked at him curiously, stepped forward and said, "If you dare to ask Mr. Lao's name, Mr. Lao will uphold justice for me in Xiaoyao Mansion!"

That's right, this person is one of the refugees who spoke for Xiaoyao Mansion just now.

It was he who persuaded the refugees to retreat, so that Xu Shu and others could go so smoothly.

"Anyi Sima Guang, I have met Master Xu!" The middle-aged man reported his name.

Hearing this, Xu Shu looked at the man who called himself Sima Guang again, and asked curiously, "How does Mr. Sima know my name?"

(End of this chapter)

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