I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 270 Water Ghost Assassination

Chapter 270 Water Ghost Assassination
Sima Guang smiled and bowed and said: "Mr. Xu is a scribe, so it's hard for people to guess. Besides, the Wuying Sword is the emperor's imperial sword. It was given to His Highness the Sixth Highness as a Shangfang sword, so that His Highness can trust him so much." , and those with high-profile swordsmanship, I don’t think there are many in Xiaoyao Mansion!”

There are only a few literati and counselors in Xiaoyao Mansion, and Xu Shu is the only one who has martial arts.

Analyze it and guess it immediately.

Xu Shu clasped his fists together and said, "Mr. Sima is very intelligent, with top-notch thinking and literary talents. I think he is from a famous family."

"Mr. Xu is poor. Guang is from a humble family, and so is Mr. Xu!" Sima Guang grew a long beard, stroked his beard and showed an amiable smile.

Hearing that Sima Guang was from a poor family, Xu Shu's eyes sparkled.

Poor people are good.

Xiaoyao Mansion likes such talents.

So continue to chat with him.

On the other side, Ye Qing and Huang Zhong started to cross the river. They were not in the same boat, but they were next to each other.

Halfway through, the boat crossed the rapids in the center of the river and arrived at the gentle river bank.

At this moment, Ye Qing's boat stopped suddenly.

No matter how the boatman paddles, it just can't move forward.

Ye Qing squinted his eyes halfway, and glanced at Huang Zhong's boat. After Huang Zhong understood, he put away his pan knife, took out his bow and loaded an arrow.

At this time, Ye Qing's boat began to shake and pitch from side to side.

The supplies piled up on the boat suddenly fell into the river.

Several soldiers lost their balance and fell to the boat.

Ye Qing stood firmly on the deck of the ship, holding the Overlord Panlong Halberd.

Eyes and ears staring left and right.

"What's going on, it didn't hit the rocks!"

The boatman was puzzled in panic.

As soon as the words fell, the hull shook more violently, and capsized to the left.

Although I have been a veteran for many years, I have never seen any strong winds and waves on the river, and my body is about to fall into the water uncontrollably at this time.

Seeing this, Ye Qing stomped heavily to the right.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the boat, then lightly lifted it and threw it into the cabin.



Two figures broke through the turbid water of the Yellow River and emerged.

Both held a sword in their hands, and stabbed Ye Qing from left to right.

With a sound of "Hoo!", an arrow shot over, and shot an assassin who broke through the water, and shot him back into the water.

When another stab came, Ye Qing dodged sideways and swung the Overlord Coiling Dragon Spear to slash.

"Pfft!" The assassin was instantly cut in two and fell into the water.

At the same time, Ye Qing did not relax, but kept shifting the light points under his feet.

Where he stood just now, a sharp blade pierced the thick deck from below.

Then came the second, and then the third.

Ye Qing escaped.

After evading this series of assassinations, the hull began to shake again, and more violently, several soldiers fell into the water, and more supplies also fell into the river.

However, this has no effect on Ye Qing, he can control it calmly, stand firmly on the boat, and control his body.

"Small tricks, what skills do you have, let's use them together!"

After the words fell, the swaying hull began to reverse and hit another small boat parked in the middle of the river.

"Move quickly, swipe quickly, don't let His Highness hit you!"

The soldiers of that small boat shouted one after another, and then interacted with the hull, trying to make way for Ye Qing's boat.

Seeing this, Ye Qing stomped his feet and pressed the bow of the forward ship so hard that it almost sank to the waterline, and the stern was raised high.

Several water ghost assassins were suddenly exposed, and Huang Zhong on the rear side fired three bows.

Shooting three consecutive balls, three arrows came one after another, hitting three water ghosts.

Then Ye Qing jumped up, jumped to the stern of the ship, stomped heavily on the landing deck, and waved the Overlord Panlong Halberd in his hand.

Hitting on the water surface, the boat originally controlled by the water ghost assassin suddenly moved along Ye Qing's current direction, stopping the friendly boat crashing into the Hezhong District.

With such a move, the boat rushed through the waves and reached the beach, Ye Qing lightly jumped ashore.

The Water Ghost Assassin was silent now.

The boatmen, soldiers and supplies that fell into the water were also picked up by Huang Zhong's commander.

The soldiers on both sides of the strait and the soldiers in the river watched all this and shouted loudly for Ye Qing's ability to guard the river safely.

The Water Ghost Assassin was sent by the Liu family, and his strength was far inferior to that of the Blood Shadow Pavilion's assassin.

Ye Qing didn't pay attention to these, but looked at Xu Shu.

Because at this time Xu Shu came with Sima Guang.

"My lord, I just found a great talent after crossing the river." Xu Shu pointed at Sima Guang and said:

"This is Sima Guang of Anyi. He has a lot of ideas about government affairs and local governance, and has an upright personality. He is a rare talent!"

Sima Guang made a bow and said: "Sima Junshi pays homage to the Sixth Highness. The Sixth Highness sailed through the waves just now, beheaded Xiao Xiao, his martial arts skills are superb, and he is not chaotic in the face of danger. It is admirable and admirable."

Sima Guang!
This guy is Sima Guang.

As soon as he entered the river east, Ye Qing looked at Sima Guang and said with a smile: "Mr. Sima, you don't need to be polite. I was on the other side of the river just now, and I saw him persuade the people to retreat and work hard for my army. I have a feeling in my heart, and my husband will not give up, so I am willing to sit down for a while!"

"I want to do what I want, I dare not ask!" Sima Guang made a gesture of invitation and said, "Your Highness, please first!"

Ye Qing nodded and walked in front.

When they arrived at the pavilion at the ferry, the three sat down.

Continue to chat about people's livelihood and state affairs, as well as things about Hedong.

Sima Guang was originally summoned by Ye Qing, he was loyal and reliable.

Ye Qing pointed in the direction of the refugees and refugees: "At first, there was no suitable person to manage their food and accommodation, let alone to help me take care of the affairs in the rear of the river. Now that I have Junshi, I can rest assured.

Junshi is willing to take on this great task and do some practical things for my Xiaoyao Mansion, for the Great Zhou Dynasty, and for the people of Hedong. "

"It is Guang's great fortune to be trusted by the lord. Guang is willing to show what he has learned and do his best to do this. He will definitely hold the back for the lord and will not hold back the lord." Sima Guang got up and solemnly received the order.

"Okay, okay, there is Junshi, I don't worry, if you have any difficulties, you can mention it to me, or send someone across the river to Xiaoyao Mansion." Ye Qingdao: "At the same time, you must also pay attention to safety. I will leave twenty riders for you to command and dispatch. You recruit soldiers under 500 people, do it boldly, and I will take care of it if something goes wrong!"

"It's the lord!"


After all the riders had crossed the river and rested for a while, Ye Qing led his men to the north.

From Fenglingdu to Puban, Leishou Mountain lies in the middle.

Leishou Mountain is a place where filth is hidden, and there are countless bandits in it.

They plundered all over the country for disaster, with strong soldiers and strong horses, and their momentum was not small.

"Master, according to Junshi, there are nine peaks in Leishou Mountain, namely Yangshan Peak, Ganzao Peak, Dutou Peak, Xiangshan Peak, Yaoshan Peak, Boshan Peak, Zhongtiao Peak, Lishan Peak, and Leishou Peak. There are less than one or two thousand bandits on the Nine Peaks, and more than five to six thousand." Xu Shu pointed to the overlapping mountains covered by rain and fog and said:

"The prefect's mansion and the county soldiers have been encircled and suppressed countless times, and the four peaks have been captured. The longest time took five months. In the end, they failed to wipe out all the bandits here. Instead, they used up the money and food of the county mansion, and finally retreated. Go back, the bandits from Leishou Mountain are not easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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