I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 273 The Power of the Liannu

Chapter 273 The Power of the Liannu

The gangsters who rushed forward suddenly fell down.

It turned out that Xiaoyao Mansion had dug holes around and covered them with weeds.

As soon as a person steps on it, he immediately falls in.

Then he was stabbed by a sharp object buried in front, and found the sound of howling.

Then he was trampled to death by other gangsters who passed by above.

"Be careful there is a pit, everyone pay attention to your feet!" A little boss just reminded him, and then he also heard the sound of screams. It turned out that Xiaoyao Mansion had not only dug a big pit, but also a small pit, and there were also iron tools buried in the small pit. Forged sharp nails.

When this kick went down, it directly pierced the bone of the foot.

It is said that the ten fingers connect to the heart, and this foot is even more connected to the internal organs.

It hurt even more when he stepped down, so that he squeezed out tears.

There are quite a few people who have encountered the same situation as him, and people have been tricked one after another.

There were constant howls.

"Go in! Don't stop, even if you're stepping on the mountain of knives, climb over it for me." The person who supervised the battle behind waved his long whip and flicked it.

Beat the gangsters who stopped.

"Is Momojiji waiting to be shot dead by the dog officer as a living target?"

That's right, in just this short period of time, the arrows that were shot non-stop have already harvested the lives of many gangsters.

The leader of the war supervisor who saw the problem kept yelling.

The gangsters had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward. Soon they didn't know who was tripped by something, and then fell down one by one, followed by a row of people who fell to the ground.

There was a stone or sharp object in front of you just now.

Immediately, they screamed in terror again.

"It's the tripwire, cut it!"

The bandits slashed with their knives, listened to the rope, and finally advanced to the fence. They easily borrowed weapons and pushed, and opened the fortifications of the Xiaoyao Mansion's camp.

"Kill! Hack and kill these dog officers..."

Facing the bandits rushing in, Ye Qing beat the military drum himself, and the sound was as loud as thunder.

All the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry retreated one after another, and they still had a second line of defense, which was the supplies brought by the army and the trenches dug out of emergency piles that could not reach the knees of the small earthen wall.

"Change the crossbow!"

The servants riding in Xiaoyao Mansion lowered their bows one after another, each holding a Zhuge Liannu.

Then Qi Qi aimed at the rushing bandits!
"Shoot, burst!"

Under the command of the centurion, the centurion pulled the trigger in an instant.

On one side is a hundred Zhuge Liannu.

Because of the prototype, Ye Qingzao asked Lu Ban to split it up and study it.

So this time when I came to Hedong, I brought [-] Zhuge Liannu.

The sheer number is simply staggering.

Hundreds of crossbows fired at once, and a thousand crossbow arrows flew out like rain, shooting and killing all the bandits who rushed up.

Down a bunch.

The closer the crossbow arrow is, the stronger the lethality.

It shot out suddenly, and there was no way to hide.

A rain of arrows flew out non-stop.

The gangsters in front were covered in blood, and there was no time to react.

All those rushing from behind were tripped by the fallen accomplices in front, and the crowd rushing from behind also collided together.

Without any momentum.

"Shoot, swipe slowly!"

The 100th team retreated, and the 200th team stepped forward. This time the centurion was not like the previous one, because at this time the bandits were attacking, and there was no need for fierce shooting or deterrence.

So this time it was changed to burst shooting, so that each crossbow arrow could injure a bandit.

What matters is suppression and precision.

As long as there is someone who stands up and rushes forward, just pull the trigger lightly and shoot.

These thieves and bandits rushing to the front are ordinary people, they don't have any martial arts skills, and they can't even be called elites. They are deliberately used by the peaks to consume the vitality of the Xiaoyao Mansion.

It was brought to death.

Exchanging ten lives and twenty lives for one Xiaoyao Mansion rider is a big profit.

So it's too easy to shoot them.

And those bandit leaders who are really capable and skilled in martial arts are commanding behind them at the expense of their lives.

They don't need to do this kind of death work.

The little soldiers are used to make meritorious service, and if they are gone, they are just going to pull a group of people, and they are just going to coerce a group of people.

They don't care how many low-level gangsters die, as long as the result.

But the result now is a bit depressing.

It's all here, but the vanguard is still stopped by the Xiaoyaofu cavalry.

Ren Shi was shot by the crossbow so that he didn't dare to move forward, instead he retreated.

The power of the Liannu was too strong, a shower of arrows came, and a large area died.

No one is afraid of this kind of formation.

"Damn it, let me charge forward, their arrows are limited, it won't take long at all, kill me..."

As soon as the upper-middle-level leader drew his knife, he chopped down an ordinary bandit who had retreated. His eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and he roared like a ghost.

But still no one dared to charge forward, Xiaoyao Mansion's crossbow arrows shot from time to time, one after another they fell down, how far they could retreat.

The leader swung his knives a few more times and killed several people, only then stopped the gangsters from retreating timidly.

"Listen to me, going forward is death, and retreating is death! The dog prince burned our village, wanted to kill us, and wiped us out. We have no way out. Now we have to kill the dog prince, kill these dogs! Officers are the only way to survive, the boss said to die, add [-] coins to the original reward, and add [-] women, there will be more, if you don’t die, you will go to see the king of Hades.” After speaking, the leader walked forward with a knife :

"I take the lead, it's a man, it's a hero, follow me!"

"Listen to Boss Tian, ​​the Gou Guanjun burned my house and the money and food I had accumulated for several years. I fought with the Gou Guanjun..."

"Fight, fight with the dog officer..."

Driven by this leader, the thieves who were frightened screamed again and started to rush forward.

"Kill it!"

Ye Qing beat the drum in the middle, checked all directions, and said to Xu Shu: "Yuanzhi, go and tell Rengui and Hansheng to let them organize the best soldiers in the army, change their bows, and shoot the leader of the bandit for me, don't let them Bring up the rhythm, knock out the opponent's warriors as soon as possible, and grind as long as you can."

"It's my lord, I'll go right away!"

Xu Shu immediately went around to spread the message.

With Ye Qing's explanation, Xue Rengui and Huang Zhongsui kept an eye on the most active bandit leaders in the front, middle and back positions.

Seeing one kill another, Hao is not relentless.

The heads of the rushing bandits were quickly wounded and killed, and the ordinary bandits were also repulsed by the fiercely fired crossbows.

Those who did not rush to withdraw were also shot to reap their lives.

In this way, the thieves rushed forward and then retreated, leaving behind a pile of corpses, piled up like a mountain within a limited distance.

However, Lu Wei and the others did not retreat, and still sent their confidantes to continue to deliver the heads, constantly consuming the energy and arrows of the Xiaoyaofu riders.

That's right, it is impossible for Xiaoyao Mansion to ride into the east of the river with too many arrows, and there will always be a time when they run out.

Moreover, the accumulation of corpses is getting higher and higher, and the indirect gangsters have become the trend of the government.

Climb up the corpse and hit the low Xiaoyaofu riding camp with acceleration.

"Boss Lu, I think it's almost done. Four to five hundred brothers from various peaks have died, and the arrows in Xiaoyao Mansion are almost exhausted. Now we have the advantage of the location and can launch a general attack on Ye Qing."

Everyone looked at Lu Wei, Lu Wei stood up, raised his knife and said: "Okay, let's make a general attack and replace them with the most elite seeds from each peak, and the masters from each peak will also go to the front. With Ye Qing, from now on, I will be known as Leishou Mountain, and my name as the hero of the Nine Peaks will be resounded throughout the Zhou Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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