Chapter 274 Attack
"it is good!"

The big masters of each peak, go down and make arrangements.

The thieves who were still attacking suddenly received an order, so they retreated one after another.

The noisy battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Ye Qing swept his eyes in all directions and stopped beating the drums!
At this time Xu Shu stepped onto the platform road, pointed to the place where the torches were densest in the distance and said:

"My lord, the bandits from Leishou Mountain are going to change their moves!"

Ye Qing's stern face showed a trace of disdain: "Get ready to go to the elite and master, the strongest blow, the tricks used on the battlefield, it seems that they have learned how to deal with the county soldiers of Qingshou Mansion. To do this, there are some skills!"

"My lord, we can give it a go." Xu Shu said:

"Let me beat the drums next, the soldiers need the lord to lead them!"

"Okay! You come to play the drums, keep an eye on the surrounding situation at all times, and let Zilong and Jing Si make a move in time."

"It's my lord, I understand!" Xu Shu replied, and took Ye Qing's double drum hammers.

Ye Qing stepped onto the battlefield and came to the direction where Lu Wei's Leishou Peak was attacking. With his bow in his hand, his eyes were like stars, shining brightly.

The soldiers on this side also straightened up suddenly, they were proud of Ye Qing fighting together.

They can overcome anything.

"Soldiers, are you ready? Are you ready to follow me to crush and kill the tens of thousands of mobs on the opposite side!"

"Ready at all the time!"

"Ready at all the time!"

The sound was like thunder, and everyone was full of energy.

The exhaustion of a night of hard work is gone in an instant.

Ye Qing is like a sun, shining on them and guiding the way of victory.

This night, they had already seen through it. In front of Xiaoyao Mansion, there is only victory, no haze, and no fog!
"What a strong momentum!" The attacking masters and elites from all peaks were all taken aback.

One person can be used by tens of thousands of people, but a cavalry with thousands of people is like a mountain, as stable as a rock.

This is probably the difference between the regular army and the miscellaneous army like the county soldiers!

"Jinsha, no matter how strong Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry is, tonight belongs to our Leishou Mountain, our own carnival place, gentlemen, don't lose to outsiders in your own land!"

"Kill with me!"

In fact, if these thieves fight their lives, they are not inferior to any frontier generals, and they are also people who add blood to their swords all the year round.

The killing spirit on his body is also strong.

He also climbed up from the bottom, that kind of ruthlessness and the wind of sacrificing his life, also not weaker than others.

One by one, the bandit masters jumped onto the mountain of corpses lightly, then waved the weapons in their hands, pointed forward, and the elite who followed behind also rushed up and stopped on the mountain of corpses.

Then the masters rushed first, and the elites also swooped down.

"All the crossbows and arrows are fired together, don't hesitate, give me the shortest time to shoot empty!"

As soon as the words fell, the two hundred crossbow machines on this side shot out the crossbow arrows as quickly as possible with uneven positions.

Keep pulling the trigger in your hand, you don't need to look at success at all, as long as you finish shooting.

Immediately after shooting, put down the crossbow, then lift the shield, and hold the gun.

Facing the rain of crossbow arrows, this time was stronger than any previous one, but the bandit masters at the front waved their weapons one after another, and some of them stepped forward with leather shields to block the crossbow arrows.

But the crossbow bolts are still too short and too dense. .

Countless people were still shot and fell to the ground.

Even the masters of the first and second ranks are no exception.

It's okay to hit the arrow, and after hitting a few arrows, there is basically no need to rush forward.

Finally, after the crossbow was shot, it still fell down.

No matter how strong Lei Shoushan's elites are, they are still powerless under the blow of a powerful crossbow.

However, there were still a few who broke through the rain of arrows and rushed to the side of the Xiaoyaofu cavalry, swinging their weapons and stabbing at them.

Ye Qing shot one arrow after another, and the rushing Leishou Mountain bandit masters fell down one by one.

The cavalry officers and soldiers of Xiaoyao Mansion lifted their shields to block them, and stabbed out their spears, stabbing the rushing bandits to death one by one in front of their eyes.

Without the suppression of the Liannu, more Leishou bandits rushed forward and engaged in a frontal contact battle with the Xiaoyaofu cavalry.

Both sides sent out their long weapons, constantly stabbing at each other.

Although the number of riders in Xiaoyao Mansion was small, the defense was tight. After the stalemate, many people were injured, but not many died.

The thieves and bandits don't have so many shields, and many of them died and were injured. Once they were injured or given to death, they were immediately stepped on by their companions, becoming a rocky mountain for their feet to rely on.

Apart from Ye Qing's side, the other directions were also fiercely fought.

Experts from various peaks jumped into Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry team from time to time to break through the defense, but Jun was beheaded by Ye Qing, Xue Rengui, Huang Zhong and others.

"Die Xiaoyaohou!"

Suddenly a first-rank expert from Lei Shoufeng leaped in, stabbed a soldier of the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry with a spear, then turned around and opened a hole with a thrust, and then returned his spear and rushed towards Ye Qing who was deep outside.

Seeing that the opponent was approaching fiercely, Ye Qing urged his horse to swung the Overlord Panlong Halberd and slashed towards him.

The man stabbed with a spear, and was knocked away before reaching the horse.

The whole person was stunned.

The strength is too great, Ye Qing's strength is ten times his.

He couldn't even hold his weapon.

It just refreshed his understanding.

He is a first-rank military general, and he beat the generals of the Governor's Mansion of Hedong even in Hedong, but he couldn't catch Ye Tai's halberd.

"Death!" Before he could react, Ye Qing swung his halberd, stabbed him on the shoulder, and then pushed it to the bandit who was rushing in through the breakthrough.

The group of people were knocked down in an instant.

Ye Qingcui's horse galloped over, and Wu Hao stomped on his front hoof, crushing the head of this first-rank general from Leishou Mountain.

Xuan Qing swung his halberd at the same time.

The thieves who had just stood up moved their limbs and heads, and their bodies flew back and forth.

"Get on your horse, soldiers, follow me!"

Ye Qing swung left and right again, knocking away the elite bandits who rushed up.

The bravery and violence far exceeded the expectations of all bandits.

The first-rank masters on our side will be killed in seconds with one move, and the elite soldiers will be killed even if they can't get close.

How to fight this, it's too yellow and too bloody.

The killing moves are too crazy.

Is this still a first-class dog prince?

"Kill!" The Xiaoyaofu riders with guns turned back to mount their horses one after another, then drew out their swords and followed Ye Qing with a roar.

Ye Qing, one man and one horse in front, killed towards the periphery, Wu Zai directly smashed into the stone mountain, Ye Qing danced left and right, no matter whether it was people or weapons, they were broken into two pieces.


Ye Qing charged back like a devil, and the Leishou Peak thieves who wanted to charge forward after killing them were terrified and terrified.

One after another retreated to both sides, a hundred riders rushed out following Ye Qing's charge, with a long sword in hand, I have it in the world, and also kept waving it, slashing and stabbing bandits who were not in a hurry to retreat in the future.

Seeing this, Xu Shu stopped drumming and drew his sword and said, "Give Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao the order to attack!"

Immediately, the two soldiers, who had been prepared for a long time, shot the ignited rocket into the sky.

The rockets fly into the air, and they are all sortie orders.

Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun, who were supposed to be on the outskirts and hidden in the direction of Fengfenglingdu, charged away from the forest.

Then, like a nightingale pouncing on food, he charged towards the Leishou bandits on the left and right sides of Xiaoyao Mansion's riding camp.

"Damn it! Ye Qing hid soldiers and horses outside!" Lu Wei was surprised when he saw the cavalry rushing out from the two wings.

At the same time, someone pointed behind him and said, "Look, master, the place where we ambush is on fire!"

Lu Wei and the others turned around and looked back, and sure enough, the place where they ambush was ablaze during the day, and the rising fire dragon was particularly dazzling.

As if mocking everyone, they were fooled again.

The people from Xiaoyao Mansion not only burned their village during the day, but also sneaked into the temporary camp at night.

(End of this chapter)

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