I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 275? Xu Huang kills Lu Wei

Chapter 275 Xu Huang kills Lu Wei
"Ye Qing, you are so ruthless, this is thinking that I will die." Lu Weixin rushed forward with a knife in his hand:
"Kill me, I will never die with Xiaoyao Mansion today!"

After Lu Wei finished speaking, he rushed out, and his subordinates gritted their teeth and rushed forward. They had no other choice.

Only fight to the death.

Either Xiaoyaofu rides to death, or dies by himself.

Ye Qing took the lead in waving the Overlord's Coiling Dragon Halberd, as if entering a land of no one. In the dark night, Wu Xiao also led him as if walking on the ground.

Turn a blind eye to the obstacles under your feet.

The Leishou Mountain bandits who blocked Ye Qing, whether they were masters or ordinary soldiers, were all blown up and killed by him with a single halberd.

Soon Ye Qing killed Lu Wei and the others.

Lu Wei jumped up and slashed with a knife. He is a second-rank military general.

The ability is not small, and the sword technique is skillful and domineering.

However, he was still not qualified in front of Ye Qing, and Ye Qing swung his halberd for a blow.

After the golden cry, Lu Wei only felt a pain in the tiger's mouth and arms.

The whole person flew upside down and crashed into the crowd.

Then the four first-class masters who followed him jumped up one after another, or slid to the wings, sent their weapons, and attacked Ye Qing.

Ye Qing swung his halberd and slashed again, killing a Leishou bandit who leaped up, and then dodged sideways to pass a swordsman.

Then he blocked from the left and right, blocking the eyes of the two Leishou Mountain bandits who attacked from the bottom lane.

Then with a light pick, one of them flew away and pierced with a halberd.

Stabbed this person to the point of chilling.

Seeing this, the other had an idea and slashed at Ye Qing's horse's leg.

Wu Zhui is a famous horse, born psychic.

Knowing the danger, he took Ye Qingyue and jumped over.

Then he kicked back with his back foot, another swordsman attacked from behind, and was suddenly kicked away.

"Hahaha, my good Wu Zai, well done!" Ye Qing stretched out his hand and patted Wu Zai's neck lightly, then turned and stared at the man with the knife who wanted to cut Wu Zai's horse's feet just now.

Then he urged the horse to jump, and swung his halberd to chop.

When Ye Qing saw that person coming over, his heart skipped a beat, like a mountain of pressure, he turned around and ran away.

However, he was still not in a hurry to be as fast as Wu Zima, nor as fast as Ye Qing's Overlord Coiling Dragon Halberd.

With a sound of "Puff!", the halberd blade sliced ​​through the man's neck, one head flew up, and a pool of blood spurted out.

The other swordsman was not much better, because he followed Ye Qing to kill the Baiqi, and stabbed him with a spear. He narrowly escaped the first shot, but was caught off guard by the No. 2 soldier's gun in the barrel.

Then another soldier swung his sword.

The swordsman fell in response.

The first-class expert was beheaded by three ordinary Xiaoyaofu riders.

In military battles, high martial arts skills do not necessarily mean invincibility.

What matters in war is coordination and morale.


At this time, Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao also led more than 200 cavalry each to charge and kill, disturbing the bandits on the peaks of Leishou Mountain, and Xu Shu issued an order to attack again.

Xue Rengui and Huang Zhong also led their troops out of the camp and killed them.

Soon the thieves on the two wings broke up and began to panic.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao, two fierce generals, were like harvesters on the battlefield, killing piece by piece, piece by piece of skin bandits were killed, and the leaders of each peak were also terrified when they saw it.

The bosses went up one by one, but they were all killed within two rounds.

"Go up, go up to me, whoever kills them will be rewarded ten thousand yuan, one hundred women!"

The masters of each peak commanded their subordinates to continue to rush forward and work hard, while winking at their confidants.

The pro-guards began to retreat quietly.

Even Lu Wei had tasted Ye Qing's bravery and knew that he couldn't take Ye Qing down, so he had to back away quietly with a knife in his hand.

While retreating, he yelled to direct his men to grind Ye Qing.

"Let's go! Gongming, after you come to command the end, the others will follow me!" Lu Wei looked at a strong and Confucian subordinate next to him and said.

This is Lu Wei's effort to deceive the mountain master. Although his strength is only first-class, he is full of command and dispatch ability.

It's just because he wasn't loyal enough to himself, and he had been in Lei Shoufeng for too short a time, so he didn't reuse him, let alone entrust him with any confidential affairs.

Now that he was in danger, he decided to let him take a wipe to buy time for himself to withdraw smoothly.

This person had such a complexion, he held the golden back mountain axe and said: "He is the master!"

Seeing that this person didn't complain, Lu Wei felt relieved, moved slightly, turned around and took the others to leave.

Suddenly, I felt a gust of wind blowing from the back of my head.

Lu Wei felt something strange, turned around and saw a heavy ax coming down.

Before he could react, Yijing opened a big dipper on his forehead.

"Pfft!" With a single blow, this man named Gong Ming killed Lu Wei with an axe.

This shocked the other leaders of Lei Shoufeng.

"Xu Huang, you..."

The head of Lu Da's family was hacked to death like this
Was plotted against by Xu Huang.

Xu Huang is so brave that he dared to attack the head of the family.

"Hmph, Lu Wei is selfish, he doesn't feel sorry for everyone, he only thinks of himself, in such a dangerous situation, he wants me to stay and wait for death, and live on his own, this kind of person is not worthy of being the head of the family, today I, Xu Huang, are doing justice for the heavens It's gone." Xu Huang raised the ax and pointed:

"Anyone who wants to avenge Lu Wei, that bastard, feel free to fight. I, Xu Huang, am not afraid of anyone!"


Lu Wei is dead, and avenging his fart!

Everyone is not a good bird, who would care about a dead person.

Lei Shoufeng's remaining leaders hesitated a little.

At this point, I was a little overwhelmed.

Xu Huang said eloquently: "If you want to run, then run. After tonight, you will be at Wulei Shou Peak, and there will be no Leishou Mountain; those who don't run away will stay with me. I want to join His Highness Xiaoyaohou. He needs manpower to enter the river. If you vote for him, you can wash your identity, be a new man, take the blame and make meritorious service, and walk on the bright and righteous path from now on, and win glory for your ancestors."


Xu Huang's series of actions still had something to say, which made everyone a little confused.

It's fine if you kill Lu Wei, but now you have to persuade people to vote for Ye Qing.

What kind of bullshit is this.

We are thieves and bandits, and we have been fighting with the officers and soldiers for many years.

How could it be possible to cast a dog on the emperor's son.

But after thinking about it carefully, many people still agree with Xu Huang's statement.

When Ye Qingchu arrived in Hedong, if he wanted to fight the northern barbarians, he needed someone.

And this is an opportunity, an opportunity to whitewash your identity.

After all, before going up the mountain, no one was a child of a good family.

Who wants to be a traitor and embarrass their ancestors.

There was no way before, but now they have the opportunity, and they don't want to be rebels and bandits for the rest of their lives.

Being a bandit is hopeless and precarious.

Except for a few bosses who can live a good life, which one of the ordinary middle and low-level people can really live in peace.

Sometimes in my dreams, I can dream of being beheaded, or my ancestors jumped out and scolded me for being unfilial and disloyal.

When Xu Huang didn't think about these people, he raised his arms and shouted: "Xu Huang is willing to join Xiaoyaohou, like me, abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and follow me if you are a new man. If I have Xu Huang for a day, I will not treat everyone badly for a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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