Chapter 276 Thunder Army

After speaking, Xu Huang turned around and rushed towards Ye Qing who had killed him.

Then he shouted again: "He Dongxuhuang is willing to surrender to His Highness, please have mercy on him!"

Ye Qing, who was charging towards him, was stunned for a moment, and then reined in.

Xu Huang!

Isn't that the five good generals he called out?

Why here, he became a bandit.

Ye Qing shouted and asked: "But Xu Huang and Xu Gongming!"

"It's the grassroots, Xu Huang is willing to vote for His Highness, and from then on, he will change his mind, be a new man, make meritorious service for the court, and fight for His Highness!" Xu Huang took a few steps forward, holding an ax to pay homage.

Seeing Xu Huang's melodies, they gritted their teeth and came over and said, "I am willing to join Brother Xu and join His Highness, and I hope His Highness will not give up!"

"Hahaha, okay, I, Ye Qing, would like to believe you." Ye Qing closed his halberd and laughed loudly:

"Xu Huang listens to the order, I order you to recruit the heroes who are willing to surrender, and make you a loyal captain."

Xu Huang replied loudly: "Thank you Your Highness, I will take orders at the end!"

Xu Huang was named a school lieutenant, and was immediately accepted and reused by Ye Qing.

This is undoubtedly a huge stimulus for the bandits on Leishou Peak who are still watching.

At the same time, it also dispelled a lot of worries.

Ye Qing is not the governor of Hedong, let alone a family.

He is the prince, promises a thousand gold, and represents the royal family.

Since he promised, he will not go back on his word.

Everyone was not worried about Ye Qingqiu's future settlement.

So they threw away their weapons and bowed: "I am waiting for my wish to surrender, please show mercy, Your Highness!"

With a huff, they immediately knelt down in pieces.

Lu Wei is dead, and the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry is so fierce.

Ye Qing is so brave and good at fighting.

At this moment, Ye Qing is a sun, shining on them and rescuing them from the darkness.

Of course, there are still some diehards who quietly ran away to a darker place.

These Ye Qing are not calling.

Ye Qing raised his halberd, stopped the attacking cavalry, then glanced around, Hong Sheng said: "This place is Leishou Mountain, today I give you the Thunder Bugle, I hope you can be reborn from the ashes and become a great Zhou A strong team, create brilliance for yourself, for your family, and for Dazhou."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Everyone was overjoyed.

They can actually form an army of their own and have a name.

Thunder Army!
It sounds domineering and mighty.

At first glance, it is hard work.

It can be seen that Ye Qing attaches great importance to them and does not treat them as nothing.

Ye Qing looked at the crowd, then turned his horse's head and said: "Xu Huang, come to train the Thunder Army, take care of this side, I'm going to another place."

After speaking, Ye Qing picked up Lu Wei's split head with a halberd, and led all the riders to attack the bandits on other peaks in other directions.

"Lu Wei dies, descends from Lei Shou Peak, if you don't want to die, descend quickly!"

"Surrender without killing!"

Ye Qing and the riders kept urging and shouting loudly.

The bandits on the two wings were shocked when they heard this.

Turn around and have a look!
The good guy's own boss has disappeared without a trace.

It's a fart.

So those who should run ran, and those who should surrender also dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Those who surrendered with their heads in their arms, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry did not kill them, and went after those who fled.

The thieves and bandits from each peak ran back to the village in a hurry, following their own masters.

Those who don't have a stronghold run eastward, trying to stay away from Leishou Mountain.

For tonight's battle, their Jiufeng is over. For the bandits, it is better to change to another hill to avoid the limelight.

After the limelight is over, he will fight back, or retake the mountain as king in other places and establish a new force.

Trees move to death, people move to live.

After a night of hunting and gathering.

It was dawn the next day.

The flames burning everywhere were also extinguished.

Coke, dead bodies, stiff blood clots, scattered flags, and weapons and arrows are still telling everything that happened.

All the riders returned to the camp, with a tired figure, but their faces were full of joy.

"My lord, according to the statistics, in the battle last night, 28 people from our army were killed, and hundreds of people were seriously injured!" Xu Shu felt a little sad when he read out the statistics.

The casualties are actually quite large.

Ye Qingdao: "All those who died in battle were sent back to Chang'an, those who were seriously injured were sent to the rear for treatment immediately, those who were slightly injured were bandaged up, and temporarily transferred to Xu Huang's command!"

Xu Huang's Thunder Army has too many people, and he desperately needs elites like Xiaoyao Fuqi to help them suppress the field.

At this time, Xu Huang opened the tent and walked in, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, the Thunder Army has collected and counted, please show me, my lord!"

"Gongming, how many people are there in the Thunder Army?" Ye Qing asked.

Xu Huang replied: "A total of 6000 people, [-] people were attacked by Jiufeng last night, and more than [-] people were killed or injured. Except for those who surrendered, the rest fled back to the peaks or left the Leishou Mountain Range."

"Then you will be under a lot of pressure, 6000 people may not be easy to take!" Ye Qing patted Xu Huang on the shoulder and said: "I will leave some slightly injured Xiaoyaofu cavalry guards for you, and at the same time you take the 6000 The people are divided into three classes, the first-class strong six thousand are kept as the seeds of the Thunder Army, the second-class strong five thousand are used as reserve seeds, and the last five thousand that are eliminated are used as civilian husbands to farm the fields."

Xu Huang Dong Bingfa will train the army, and instantly understood Ye Qing's intentions, straightened his body and said: "It's my lord, Huang knows how to do it, these people need to go through a strict tempering before they can truly become an army. The mob can't help the lord, so I must hurry up and train."

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry, although their fighting power and cohesion are not strong, they can be powerful and prosperous. If the northern stone barbarians know that I still have such a huge number of soldiers and horses, they will always be afraid .”

After resting for an hour, Ye Qing led the rest of the Xiaoyao Mansion to ride quickly through Leishou Mountain.

When passing yesterday's ambush point, Ye Qing reined in his horse and stopped, looking left and right.

Last night, Feng Qingyang, Yang Guo, and Jing Wuming attacked the bandits here, and all the facilities to deal with Xiaoyao Fuqi were destroyed.

Looking towards the mountainside, the one-armed Yang Guo was standing under a big tree hugging a man, smiling slightly at Ye Qing.

"Let's go!" Ye Qing urged the horse to raise the whip without saying hello.

All the riders rushed to Puban.

Ye Qing and the others rushed into the county government office as soon as they arrived at Puban!
First arrest the county magistrate, county lieutenant, and county magistrate!

And sent troops to take over the city defense and county soldiers!
"Xiaoyaohou, why did you arrest me?"

The three of them were a little confused and a little guilty.

Obviously they heard the news.

So the tone was a bit unsteady when I asked the question.

Ye Qing looked at the county captain and said, "Are you from the Liu family?"

"So what? The Liu family is upright and didn't do anything..." Lieutenant Liu argued, scratching his neck to defend.

Ye Qing waved his hand and said, "Pull it out and cut it!"

At that moment, two soldiers dragged Lieutenant Liu out, and then chopped off his head.

The bloody head was also presented in the lobby of the county government office.

Seeing the dead head of Liuxian Wei, the county magistrate and the county magistrate were shocked.

His forehead was sweating, and he was frightened.

Then he lay softly on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Qingbai.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. We have never been enemies with His Highness, let alone harmed His Highness, nor have we ever slandered His Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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