I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 278 The Panicked Liu Family

Chapter 278 The Panicked Liu Family

Anyi City!
It is the capital of Hedong County!
This is the largest in Liliu's family, followed by the governor of Hedong.

Liu family mansion!

"Failed! A bunch of useless waste!"

In the hall of the deep house of the Liu family, the elders of the Liu family and the people in charge were listening to the news that came conveniently from Leishou Mountain.

After listening to each of them, their expressions were not good.

"Lu Wei's death is not a pity. Jiufeng's troops, which add up to 1000 to [-] people, have been manipulated by Ye Qinger. A mere [-] people can't win, what a bunch of wimps!"

"Ye Qing is not dead, my Liu family is uneasy, this guy is holding a Shangfang sword in his hand, if he enters Hedong, he will bring even greater disasters to Hedong."

"Dukou and Leishou Mountain are both the best chances, but now they have failed. If I want to find another chance to get rid of him, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"Now we can only wait for Ye Qing to arrive in Anyi, and let him die at the hands of Beimanzi!"

"Then, are you going to let the northern barbarians in now?"

"No! The Northern Barbarians are determined not to live with Wenxi. When the war reaches Anyi, everything in my Liu family will be destroyed."

The next day!

Someone stumbled and hurried into the Liu residence.

"Clan elders, big things are bad, big things are bad!"

The elders of the Liu family who were holding crutches and struggling to walk were immediately displeased, and shouted angrily, "What's the fuss? You're so flustered. Could it be that the northern barbarians broke Wenxi?"

"No, no! Clan elder, Pubanliu's family is over, Pubanliu's is over."

"What do you mean, please clarify?"

The person who reported the letter replied in [-]: "Xiaoyao Hou arrived at Puban and killed the county captain indiscriminately.

Then he slandered the Liu family for colluding with the bandits of Lu Chang in Leishou Mountain, and ordered the county magistrate, county magistrate and others to attack the Liu family in Puban. "

The Pubanliu family is gone.

Killed, robbed and burned.

The Liu family branch just disappeared.

"How dare he, little thief Ye Qing..."

After a clan elder listened, he loosened his crutches and fell down.

Everyone screamed in surprise and hurried forward to help him up.

Someone asked again: "Where is the back! Where is the little thief Ye Qing now?"

"Xiaoyaohou went north all the way, passing through various cities and counties, killing county lieutenants and county magistrates, and controlling county soldiers. As long as he went to the branch of the Liu family or a family that was related to my Liu family's main hall, he was killed cleanly." Those who came here to report felt their scalps go numb.

It was as if he had seen the scene of rolling heads and mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

This Xiaoyaohou Ye Qing is too ruthless, and his actions are too overbearing and bloody.

All the way.

Never mind that much.

It is to eliminate the power of the Liu family all the way, and it is blatant.

With the Shadowless Sword and the right to slash first and play later, he is unscrupulous.

It's insane.

The county lieutenants and county magistrates are generally local aristocratic families or talents elected by the local people.

The county magistrate was sent by the central government, so Ye Qing did not kill a county magistrate.

It is all the way to weaken the power of the aristocratic families in the counties and cities.

Break the inherent restraint and restraint, and grasp the soldiers, horses, military and administration of each county in your hands.

The style is bold and tough,

It is more violent than hitting the enemy.

"Damn it, is he trying to completely mess up the entire River East? Do you want the entire River East to be given to the Northern Manzi?"

"By doing so, everyone in the south of the river is in danger, every family trembles, and the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty lose their hearts..."

A group of Liu family members were heartbroken and cursed out of concern for the country and the people.

"Where is little Ye Qing now?"

Don't ask a shrewd young clan elder.

At this moment, he regretted that he could obey the instructions of the Patriarch of Chang'an.

You can't mess with Ye Qing!

If you kill him twice, he will destroy all your foundations.

Hedong is really going to be smashed, he is still a prince, he pats his butt and leaves.

Leaving a lot of chicken feathers, it will not be the Liu family's turn to be sad and let the Liu family wipe their ass.

"He is now, now going to Yancheng!" The reporter replied truthfully.


Yancheng, that is the lifeblood of the Liu family.

There is a salt lake in Yancheng, and Liu’s salt is simply processed through the salt lake.

Because of this salt lake, the Liu family's prosperity and current status are possible.

A city was built because of salt, it is for Yancheng!

"What did he go to Yancheng for? It's my Liu family's private city, it's my Liu family's territory, and there is no official office. He has no right to manage it. Even if he has Wuyingjian, he has no right to interfere with my Liu family's salt production, sales, and salt transportation." .”

"Quick! Send someone over there, we can't let him mess around anymore, we must stop him, we can't let him be lawless!"

"That's right, we can't let him mess around anymore, and send people to Chang'an to expose the incident in Hedong, we will sue him..."

Soon the Liu family mansion sent several waves of people, and then rushed to various places.

At this time, Ye Qing led his soldiers and horses to Yancheng.

At this time, Yancheng closed the city by the scriptures. When they heard that Xiaoyao Mansion was approaching, they were so frightened that they quickly closed the city gate and climbed up the wall to take a defensive posture.

"My lord, this Yancheng is the Liu family's private city. The city is not very big, but there are about one or two thousand private soldiers in it. There are all kinds of military equipment, and the crude salt hoarded inside is countless."

The army stopped, Xu Shu pointed to Yancheng and said.

Ye Qing glanced at it, and then urged his horse to the south: "Xiaochenger, I want to take it easy, but now let's go to the salt lake and see what the Liu family's cornucopia looks like?"

Although the mineral salt has been refined technically, compared to that, the lake salt in Hedong is cheaper, and the output is continuous, never-ending, and it is easy to fish.

After tasting the huge profits brought by salt, Ye Qing also had new ideas about the salt lake in the hands of Liu's family in Hedong.

Salt is not only used for food, but also has many industrial applications.

The Salt Lake is so big that you can't see the end at a glance. You can find the lake with criss-cross paths and thousands of silver islands when you gallop on a horse.

There are even islands composed of nitrate piles in the lake.

"This is the sodium sulfate type, which can be industrialized on a large scale." Ye Qing got off his horse and scooped up the salty lake water, his eyes shot out.

He came here to inspect the salt lake.

Sure enough, it lived up to expectations, the mineral elements contained in the salt lake are too rich.

This is definitely a treasure trove.

What the hell is sodium sulfate?

Xu Shu also had question marks on his face.

It seems that the lord is a drunkard who does not care about the wine, and it is not the salt itself that sees the salt lake.

But there are other things here that make it important.

I vaguely feel that those things may change the world in the future.

"My lord, are there people from the Liu family? They said they want to see the lord, and they want to clear up some misunderstandings." Zhao Yun urged the horse to report.

Ye Qing looked at Xu Shu, and Xu Shu said: "My lord, this is because the Liu family is afraid of our idea of ​​attacking Yancheng Salt Lake. They are starting to worry. I guess they are afraid of killing these few days and want to calm down!"

"Okay, let's talk to them for a while. I'll go down to Yancheng and see what sincerity the Liu family has brought." Ye Qing raised his mouth slightly, sneered, and then got on his horse and rushed to Yancheng.

(End of this chapter)

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