Chapter 279

"Liu Family Liu Zhengyi pays his respects to Your Highness!"

Seeing Ye Qing and others coming, a middle-aged man brought several Liu family members to salute Ye Qing.

Looks to be well-behaved.

Ye Qing reined in his horse and stopped, took a look at this man, and asked, "You are the younger brother of the head of the Liu family!"

"Your Highness has good eyesight, it's just right!" The man who called himself Liu Zhengyi replied.

The younger brother of the Patriarch is also considered a direct descendant, and the Liu family is really in a hurry. Ye Qing looked at Yancheng and said:

"Just say what you want to say here, you know, I'm in a hurry here, and I'm needed everywhere!"

You are trying to make trouble everywhere, seeing Ye Qing staring at Yancheng, Liu Zhengyi's heart skipped a beat.

He secretly said in his heart: "This guy really wants to attack Yancheng. It's a good chance. It's a good chance to come in time."

After deliberating for a while, Liu Zhengyi said: "Your Highness, there may be some misunderstanding between us. I am only here to clarify to His Highness on behalf of the Liu family. I hope that in times of national calamity, everyone will put the overall situation first, put aside their prejudices, and work for the stability of Hedong." , the future of Hedong, and the future of the empire!"

Ye Qing withdrew his gaze from looking at Yancheng, and stared at Liu Zhengyi with interest: "Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding is there between us, what are you talking about, how can I not put the overall situation first?"

Playing stupid, pretending to be stupefied, and intentionally ignoring it made Liu Zhengyi a little nervous.

How should I respond to this?

"Your Highness is here to stabilize Hedong and defeat the Northern Stone Barbarians. As a big family in Hedong, my Liu family is willing to cooperate with Your Highness to drive the Northern Stone Barbarians out of Hedong. If Your Highness needs money and food, my Liu Family will support it. I hope Your Highness can take my Liu Family seriously." Justice took a deep breath and said.

Ye Qing can play dumb, but he can't.

Some things are straightforward.

In order not to be taken advantage of by Ye Qing.

Yancheng must not lose anything.

Everything else is easy to say, the root of life cannot be lost.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Liu Zhengyi, you are actually very afraid that the river river will be completely attacked by the northern stone barbarians. The northern stone barbarians are not as strict as the Zhou court. Once they invade the southeast of the east river river, it will be a disaster for your Liu family at that time." Bar."

According to Beishi's character, he would never negotiate terms with the Liu family slowly.

After the attack came in, the first one destroyed the Liu family and took Yanhu and Yancheng into his hands.

That was the time when the Liu family fell to their knees.

So no matter what he did, how he harmed Hedong, how he had conflicts of opinion, the Liu family would support all forces that could deal with the barbarians of Beishi.

After seeing all of this, Ye Qing paid too much attention to the paper tiger of the Liu family.

You have money and food, and you control Dazhou's salt industry, but what's the use.

Fighting together, when you deserve to die, you are the first to die.

Your money, food, and salt cannot protect you, but instead become a reminder.

Of course, the Liu family can recruit and train private soldiers, recruit talents from all corners of the country, and recruit masters, but no matter what a family does, it is not as strong as a country's army.

If you really live your life, any master will take care of himself first.

The Yang family's retainers last time are a good example.

In terms of loyalty, it depends on the soldiers.

Righteousness always comes first.

If selfishness does not have enough personal charm to gather together, it is very easy to disperse.

Liu Zhengyi looked at Ye Qing like a monster.

For a moment, he felt that the 14-year-old boy in front of him was actually an old ghost, an old man who had experienced ups and downs for half a year.

He could see the essence at a glance.

It's hard to talk about it next.

Negotiating conditions with such a little monster, I am afraid that he will have to pay a higher price.

"What exactly does Your Highness want to do, you might as well just say it, my Liu family has enough sincerity to take over everything!" Liu Zhengyi thought for a while, and then said.

Now he wants to know Ye Qing's plan, what exactly does he want?
Not being able to figure out the enemy's purpose is definitely the biggest failure in strategy and tactics.

Ye Qing stared into Liu Zhengyi's eyes, and said plainly: "Do you know what the Yang family paid last time?"

After speaking, Ye Qing whipped his horse, turned around and left.

Yang family?

Half of the iron mines!
At this moment, Liu Zhengyi's heart tugged.

His chest was congested in a panic.

The eyes are slightly red!

Ye Qing wanted half of the salt lake.

The appetite is too great.

No... the next moment Liu Zhengyi pinched his fingers into the flesh.

Half, not just half of the salt.

What Ye Qing really wanted was half of the salt from the Salt Lake and half of the Dazhou Salt Market.

He wants to sit on an equal footing with the Liu family and divide up the Dazhou Salt Industry.

This condition is even harsher than that of the Yang family, and it requires more than that of the Yang family.

It took a long time for Liu Zhengyi to let out a foul breath.

"I'm just afraid that if you want it, you won't be able to take it!" Liu Zhengyi said secretly, and then said to the rest of the Liu family:

"Let's go, go back to Anyi City, let them guard Yancheng, strictly check the people entering and leaving, there must be no mistakes here!"


When Ye Qing arrived in Anyi City, the officials of Anyi City and the aristocratic family came out of the city to greet him.

The aristocratic family is naturally dominated by the Liu family, and the officials are the prefect and lieutenant of the prefect's mansion, as well as Ding Yuan, the son of the prefect of Hedong.

"Greetings, Your Highness, welcome the heavenly soldiers to the east of our river, and relieve our danger in the east of the river!"

A group of people, led by Ding Yuan, greeted them respectfully.

Ye Qing glanced at everyone, and all he saw were old faces, only Ding Yuan was young.

Then he focused his gaze on him, looked him up and down and said, "Don't be too polite!"

Ding Yuan and the others withdrew their hands and straightened their bodies.

Ye Qing said to Ding Yuan: "You are the son of Lord Ding, how old are you this year?"

Fujun or envoy are both respectful names for the prefect.

Although the prefect is appointed by the central government and the emperor, he has certain military and political power in the local area, so every Qingshou should not be underestimated.

They are different from county magistrates. Apart from paying fixed taxes to the court, most of the money can be withheld for their own use.

Whether it is used to develop the county or expand the army is feasible.

So even if the Hedong prefect lost the battle, his status is still extremely high.

Hearing Ye Qing's question in such a friendly manner, Ding Yuan immediately felt relieved.

I was afraid that Ye Qing would question him as soon as he came. After all, Ye Qing held the shadowless sword and had the right to cut first and then play.

The prefect is no exception. The prefect's mansion is also afraid of such power.

Ding Yuan replied truthfully: "Your Highness's eyes are like a torch. The Lord of Hedong is my father. Ding Yuan is more than 17 years old. His father is fighting against the enemy at Wenxi. Due to the inconvenience of business, he can't welcome His Highness, so he asked the boy to come and wait for him." Your Highness, please forgive me!"

"It's okay, the state affairs are important, and the front line is tight. Mr. Ding's doing is right. I am very relieved to be so dedicated to his duties." Ye Qing jumped on the horse and said:

"Lead the way ahead, tell me about the current situation!"

"No, please, Your Highness first!" Ding Yuan made a gesture of invitation very politely, Ye Qing was not pretentious, and walked in front, and the Jun Cheng, Jun Duwei and other people from the county government nodded to him.

Ye Qing nodded lightly with a smile.

Ding Yuan followed a step behind his left hand, and said as he walked: "Your Highness does not know, now all the soldiers and horses in our county, no matter whether they are county soldiers or all the troops have gathered together or recruited temporarily, there are about [-] soldiers, all of them are in Wenxi. ..."

Forty thousand, sounds like a lot, but Ye Qing knew that most of them were mobs, at most they were strong people, and not many of them could really fight.

So he asked: "Then how many soldiers and horses are the northern rock barbarians gathering at Wen Xi'an?"

(End of this chapter)

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