I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 280 Ding Ding Has Ambitions

Chapter 280 Ding Ding Has Ambitions

"Returning to Your Highness, Beishi Kingdom has nearly 5 troops in Wenxi." Ding Yuan replied truthfully.

Ye Qing stopped suddenly, and Ding Yuan almost rushed to his shoulder.

Everyone was taken aback, why did they stop.

Looking into Ye Qing's eyes, Ding Yuan reacted immediately and explained: "Your Highness, the military newspaper did say that Beishi Kingdom dispatched [-] troops, and the other [-] went to Pi's direction. Beishi barbarians also know that Pi's Ferry importance, so the soldiers and horses over there should not be dispatched to Wenxi."

"In this way, the number of Beishi troops in the north of Wenxi is only your guess based on the original [-]. Later, Beishi Kingdom dispatched Cong Shaobing to Hedong, and you have no control over it." Ye Qing said from Ding An important piece of information was analyzed in Ding's words, and his eyes focused on an old man with similar brows next to Liu Zhengyi.

That must be an important person from the Liu family, and they went out of the city together with Ding Yuan and others.

Liu Zhengyi murmured a few times in the old man's ear, and the old man stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, the Beishi people came too suddenly, and the northeastern part of the river fell so fast that we didn't have time to react.

There is only one way to go north, and that is Wenxi. Although the prefect is stuck here to prevent the northern stone people from going south, the northern stone barbarians also blocked us, making us ignorant of the northeastern part of the river. "

This explanation is perfunctory and far-fetched.

Ye Qing was extremely dissatisfied.

Your Liu family is like an emperor in Hedong, so you gave this answer of shirking responsibility.

It's really fooling me.

Ding Yuan on the side said: "Your Highness, the most important thing is that Baibogu is silent, and none of the masters we sent to the north can come back alive.

If Baibogu doesn't give us news, we can't control the news in the north at all! "

Although he didn't say it explicitly, it is clear from Ding Yuan's meaning that Baibogu really served Beishi Kingdom.

Otherwise, with the energy of Stone Manzi in the north, it would be impossible to block the news so tightly.

So there is only one answer, that is, Baibogu helped block all those who tried to spy on the news from the Northland, but passed the news from the Northland to the South without permission.

Only in this way can it be explained.

But Baibogu is one of the six major factions after all, with a high status.

Before they make it clear that they are against Zhou, they still have to deal with this matter carefully, so as not to give up the truth.

"Without news, this battle will be difficult to fight. We will be quite passive. We don't know anything about the enemy, but the enemy knows us well." Ye Qing started walking into the city again, saying as he walked:

"The reason why Beishi Kingdom doesn't attack Wenxi now is because it wants to consolidate the results of the battle, and secondly, to clean up all the forces in the north that resist Beishi, and thirdly... maybe they have other plans."

Other plans?

Think of Pete.

Everyone's foreheads were dripping with sweat.

Crossing the river from Pishi is Longmen.

That area is directly under the rule of Xiaolongmen.

If Xiaolongmen also betrayed Zhou and cast Beishi like Baibo, the Beishi barbarians could directly attack Guanzhong.

If Guanzhong vibrates there, Chang'an will be in danger.

Of course, everyone knew that the barbarians from Beishi would not dare to fight Chang'an, because they didn't have the ability.

Next, Ding Yuan reported other information about Hedong to Ye Qing.

The more he listened, the worse Ye Qing felt.

Because many people escaped from the city of Anyi.

Fucheng Yijing is a little empty.

If Wen likes to break, there will be no soldiers and horses to guard Anyi.

Some of Guohui's soldiers and horses were transferred to Wenxi, and even Min Zhuang was transferred.

The second is that there are too many people fleeing south, and the population loss makes Fucheng want to recruit men from the people, let alone squeeze out soldiers.

There are some in every family.

However, most of them left their self-defense home.

Once the news is not guaranteed, their private soldiers will protect them and flee south across the river to Guanzhong.

The capital city is useless.

Whether it is or not is not important.

Rejecting Ding Yuan's invitation to host a banquet, Ye Qing only asked for a map made by him in Hedong County, and then went to Xiaoyao Mansion's station in the city.

"My lord, this map of Hedong County is much more detailed than the imperial court's. It seems that this Ding Ding is also an ambitious person, not a mediocre!" Xu Shu compared the two maps of Hedong and found that the imperial court gave him The map of Hedong is simply a defective board, and the labels on many maps are not accurate.

Ye Qingdao: "If he is mediocre, do you think His Majesty can send him to take over Hedong? This Ding Ding was born as a commoner in his early years, and his status was humble.

In such a good place in Hedong, if he didn't do something, he would be really sorry for his abilities. "

Anyone who can be prefect is definitely not a fool.

Ding Ding's martial arts are not very high, but they are not low either. He has a second rank, and he is a natural master.

Otherwise, Wenxi's line of defense would not be stable, and Beishi had already broken through.

"My lord, I think that no matter what efforts Ding Ding has made and what he has planned in Hedong, he will never be as good as the Liu family. The Liu family has been in Hedong for generations and knows everything. Maybe the Liu family's map is more detailed, so we have to find a way to get it. This will be more conducive to our plan!" Xu Shu stroked his beard and said with certainty.

Little Ding must have ambitions. Could it be that the Liu family doesn't have them? Even if they don't, they will secretly draw maps for self-protection and to gain the initiative at critical moments.

Even prepare a lot of backhands.

A century-old dynasty and a thousand-year-old family are no joke.

"The Liu family! Maybe, even if they don't, it doesn't matter. If they don't give it to us, we will take it ourselves!" Ye Qing asked Liu Zhengyi for a price, but he was not really greedy for the Liu family's salt lake and the little profit in front of him.

The coarse ore of Guanyan is enough for Xiaoyaofu to seek benefits.

The Liu family's salt is the same whether it is given or not.

The market can be won by itself, and there is no need for the Liu family to send it off.

The reason why he said this was to paralyze the Liu family.

A family who dares to kill himself must be responsible for his actions.

He Ye Qing is not a good person, but he is not so easy to provoke.

Once the enmity is formed, the easiest way is to get rid of the enemy.

If they want to truly control Hedong, and want to create a solid soup that can counterattack the southeastern part of Hedong, the Liu family is one of the problems that must be solved.

There is hope for the southeast of the river where there is unity of thought and strength.

Ye Qing had more issues to consider.

Just when Ye Qing and Xu Shu were discussing the affairs of Hedong.

Liu family!

At this time, they are also discussing Ye Qing's request!
"I don't agree, why give him half of it, the salt lake and the salt industry market were fought by our Liu family with great difficulty.

He said he would give half away if he wanted half, and what will others think of our Liu family in the future!"

"That's right, I don't agree either. Salt is the lifeblood of our Liu family. With it, our Liu family prospers. Without it, can our Liu family still be the original Liu family? We will lose at that time, and we will feel ashamed of our ancestors when we go down."

"It is impossible for Salt Lake to give him half. As for the market, I think it is negotiable, because he took the official salt and lost a lot of market share in the past. We can't keep this aspect, so I think we can give him salt at a discounted price. One is to win over and paralyze him, and the other is to kill Guan Yan and put him back in the cage!"

(End of this chapter)

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