Chapter 281 The Liu Family's Red Dates

This proposal won the approval of all at once.

Everyone said:

"This is a feasible strategy. The official salt is our big enemy. It was because of Ye Qing's appearance that there were twists and turns. If you can win over Ye Qing'er, first seal the official salt back first, which is the first step. victory!"

"I also agree with this idea. As long as you don't give it to Salt Lake, you can say anything, even if it's the cost price. Just stabilize him for now and give him some sweetness..."

"That's right! The thing about Hedong is a big trouble, and who knows what will happen in the end, we just need to verbally promise not to do anything with written documents, and that's it!"

Everyone in the Liu family did not forget that Ye Qing had a grudge against them, and Ye Qing had to get rid of them in the end.

If Ye Qing is not dead, they will not be able to stand up in the future, and they will not be able to really gain a foothold in Hedong, let alone in the Great Zhou Empire.

Soon the members of the Liu family passed a resolution.

Liu Zhengyi said: "So, Ye Qing proposed new conditions. I can feel that he is extremely concerned about half of the salt lake's production and market share, and there is no suspicion of giving in. I'm afraid we can't do what he wants. meaning?"

"Don't worry, there is one thing that he really wants. He and the people in Xiaoyao Mansion like to take risks, and they like to make dangerous moves. He came to Hedong and wanted to defeat the [-] Beishi army quickly and at the lowest cost. He must need it." Find a breakthrough, and this breakthrough can only be found in our Liu family." The oldest member of the Liu family held a cane, with a smug expression on his face and a gloomy glint in his eyes.

Liu Zhengyi seemed to have guessed something, and asked, "Uncle, are you going to give him that thing from our Liu family..."


After nightfall, Liu Zhengqing came quietly, bringing a box with her when she came.

"Visiting late at night, I don't know what brother Liu is doing?" Xu Shu asked directly, casting a glance at the box Liu Zhengqing was carrying.

Then he glanced at Ye Qing, what was in the box seemed to be ready to come out.

Liu Zhengyi said: "What Your Highness said in Yancheng, I will convey it to everyone in the clan. After our unanimous decision... Your Highness's request is quite high and we can't meet it, but..."

Ye Qing lowered his brows, and his eyes became sharper.

The Liu family refused.

Xu Shu was also slightly displeased, and asked, "How about it!"

"However, my Liu family has an alternative method. Salt Lake is the root of my Liu family. If it is lost, the Liu family will not survive, so please forgive me, but we promise to give up half of the salt market in Dazhou, and at the same time, we can give the salt to Xiaoyao at a cost price. The government's 'Huimin Salt' shop!" Liu Zhengyi replied, wiping.

This was a game, and he was seasoned with experience, so he didn't show his final killer move.

I want to see Ye Qing's reaction.

Ye Qing snorted coldly, picked up the teacup and blew it lightly: "It's low!"

Xu Shu also leaned back and said with a cold face: "Brother Liu, there is no sincerity in this. In the market, our 'Huimin Salt' Shop has won a quarter of it by relying on our own strength, and we are now scoring a quarter of it." One of them is not too difficult, and it can even occupy any county except Hedong."

"As for the source of salt, the official salt is already extremely cheap, and dispatching it from the east of the river will increase the cost a lot. It is actually the same whether it is available or not.

You talk about things we used to have, and look down on my Xiaoyaofu. "

"I know that these things will definitely not satisfy His Highness, so I specially brought something that can help His Highness lock the overall situation in Hedong and defeat the northern barbarians." Liu Zhengyi saw that Ye Qing and Xu Shu were starting to show faces, so he brought himself The box was taken out.

And submitted to Xu Shu.

Xu Shu said: "What is this?"

Ye Qing squinted his eyes halfway, so he guessed it.

What was contained in the box was not the land deeds of Salt Lake, much less the land deeds of Yancheng, or contracts.

It can only be what you want.

"Mr. Xu will know when you open it!" Liu Zhengyi didn't say it clearly.

He made a gesture of please.

Xu Shu was also polite, and opened the box according to the ingenuity of the box.

Then I saw a pair of sheepskin scrolls lying inside.

Take it out and untie the red rope.

The scroll rolls down.

A refined map of Hedong clearly appeared.

It is more accurate than the map made by the prefect's mansion.

Moreover, one can see at a glance that at the junction of the plain and the mountains a hundred miles to the east of Wenxi, there is a thin winding path that winds its way northwards, and then leads directly to the source of the Weishui River.

This is only the first difference between the Hedong map made by the Liu family and other maps, and upon closer inspection, there are many mysteries in other places.

Xu Shu's eyes were bright with scriptures, but he quickly restrained himself.

Then hand it over to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing took it and looked carefully from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top again.

"Your Highness, this thing is quite eye-catching!" After Liu Zhengqing finished speaking, he took out another booklet from his bosom and said:

"Here is also an introduction about the climate in the north, which contains a lot of descriptions about the Baibo Valley. I hope His Highness will be satisfied!"

Information on Baibo Valley.

Both Ye Qing and Xu Shu were a little surprised.

They know too little about Baibo Valley's information.

Unexpectedly, the Liu family also collected information on Baibo Valley. It seems that the Liu family has been planning Baibo Valley for a long time, but beware of Baibo Valley.

Not surprising when you think about it.

As the two strongest forces in Hedong, Baibo Valley is famous for its rivers and lakes, and the Liu family is famous for its secular power in military, political and military fields.

One is in the northeast of the river and the other is in the southeast of the river.

They are all unique and domineering.

It is normal to have friction, ambition and collision between each other.

Xu Shu took the notebook and gave it to Ye Qing without checking it.

Ye Qing didn't look at it, but put it on the table and said with a smile: "The sincerity of the Liu family is acceptable, I think we have a common enemy, and we should work hard to crush those greedy people for the country's sake!"

"What Your Highness said is true. This is exactly the wish of my Liu family. The misunderstanding will eventually be resolved, and the light will follow." Liu Zhengqing stood up and said:

"Your Highness has worked hard all the way, so Yi will stop nagging."

Ye Qing said: "Yuanzhi, give it to me!"

"No!" Xu Shu stood up and sent Liu Zhengyi out.

Soon Xu Shu returned, and Ye Qing read the contents of the booklet with the scriptures.

Then it was given to Xu Shu.

Xu Shu looked at ten lines at a glance, and quickly read the information on the booklet.

The more you get to the end, the more you frown.

Finally, he closed the folder and handed it over to the table in front of Ye Qing.

"My lord, the Liu family and Baibogu have long been ambitious. They have worked hard for tens or even hundreds of years to control Hedong. The mountains, rivers and lakes in Hedong are all under their control." Xu Shu said:

"Judging from the map of the Liu family, we can send troops to go around the enemy's rear and attack the northern rock barbarians. The route seems to have been found through scriptures, and there is no big problem in implementing it. On the surface, it should be extremely smooth and successful."

Ye Qing laughed and said, "Keep talking!"

(End of this chapter)

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