I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 282 ? Beishi Army Siege

Chapter 282 North Stone Army Siege

"However, both the Liu family and the Baibo Valley are the forces that have been rooted in the east of the river for the longest time. If the Liu family has it, wouldn't Baibo Valley not have it? I think Baibo Valley should have a similarly good map." Xu Shu analyzed:

"With Baigu's energy, they can not only control the gangs in every city and county in Hedong, but also control the big and small sects in every mountain gate and valley.

And these sects happen to be able to guard these small roads and even the valleys and mountains that no one can pass.

If we really follow the path marked on the Liu family map to attack Beishi country, we may be exposed from the moment we enter the mountain.

What is waiting for us may only be heavy troops on all sides, besieged by groups, and finally defeated and killed. "

Ye Qing reached out and patted the sheepskin map scroll, his face was cold, and his eyes sneered with murderous intent: "The Liu family still wants to kill me with a knife, but they just paralyzed me by throwing a jujube and trying to kill me." To lure me into a trap.

It can't be said that Baibogu has secretly contacted the Liu family with Yijing at this time, and is laying a trap for us. "

Xu Shu nodded slightly.

What Ye Qing said, the probability is too high.

Who knows what the real relationship between the Liu family and Baibogu is.

Enemies, competitors, partners or close allies.

Qishan Pavilion can produce a Dong family, so whether the Liu family is also a chess piece placed by Baibogu in the secular world, only the core of the two families can know.

But it doesn't hinder, malicious speculation.

Long because of caution.

"However, our Xiaoyao Mansion is not so easy to play. There is always a price to pay for planning us, and it is a price they cannot bear. Let's wait and see and see who is the real oriole..."


next day!
Ye Qing led the Xiaoyao Mansion Rider and continued northward to Wenxi.

Ding Yuan took everyone from the county government to see him off.

The cavalry walked quickly and arrived at Wenxi County in the evening.

"Ding Ding, Governor of Hedong, has seen His Highness the Sixth Highness!"

Ding Ding had received the news of Ye Qing's arrival in Anyi since yesterday, so he had been waiting for a long time.

Ye Qingdao: "Your Majesty Ding doesn't need to be too polite, how is Wenxi doing now?"

Ye Qing didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked directly.

Wenxiyijing has become the front line, and it is necessary to understand the situation very early in order to make the next plan.

Ding Ding didn't expect Ye Qing to be impatient, so he replied: "The barbarians of Beishi are preparing for the siege, building siege equipment on the spot, with about [-] soldiers and horses, and launched a scouting attack on Wenxi County in advance. The first time I went to the city, I was beaten tenaciously by our army, and then the stalemate has persisted until now."

"In this way, the northern stone barbarians haven't attacked the city for the past few days, but Chen Bing is outside, busy building siege equipment, and starting a new round of attack!" Ye Qing urged the horse to walk and said:
"Then our army has been spending a lot of energy repairing the city and building more stable fortifications in the past few days!"

"Your Highness is very aware of the details, it is true." Ding Ding said without concealing:

"Before the enemy attacked the city, I asked the people in the city to repair the city and strengthen the defenses. At the same time, I rushed to make arrows and build weapons. I didn't dare to delay for a moment."

Ye Qing nodded slightly. So far, Ding Ding has done a good job.

And no slouch.

At this moment, a rider suddenly rushed towards Beicheng.

"Report! Lord Prefect, the northern barbarians have attacked the city..."

"What? We're going to attack the city. Hurry up and send the soldiers up immediately and replace the Minzhuang!" Ding Ding was horrified when he heard the words. The barbarians of Beishi finished making the ordnance so quickly, so they can rest and attack again. city.

"Your Highness, the county government has vacated the scriptures, Your Highness will rest first, and I will take people to Beicheng first!" Ding Ding clasped his fists and explained:

"Northern Stone Barbarian is probably just testing this time. Tomorrow will be the real time to attack the city. Don't worry, Your Highness, there are people in the city, and the city is still in the dead. I will definitely not lose an inch of the country."

Ye Qing waved his hand and said: "I heard that Beishi people don't like to follow the rules when fighting, so don't be careless. Maybe they really know how to attack at night. Let me go and see with you. All of my men are elite cavalry, and they are the best in bows and crossbows." Good at killing a few more northern barbarians, that's a good thing."

Wars in ancient times, as mentioned earlier, were generally not fought at night.

Due to night blindness, I cannot see at night.

And there are many inconveniences, which are easy to increase casualties.

However, among all night battles, siege warfare has the highest proportion.

So Ye Qing looked at the sky. Although it will be dark soon, it doesn't mean that the Beishi people are just checking the city defense.

It may also be a real attack. Once the Zhou army is careless, it may be in danger like the northeast of the river.

Besides, this timing is a bit of a coincidence.

As soon as I came to Wenxi, the Northern Stone Army, which had been silent for a few days, began to attack.

Maliciously guess whether there is some intention to exhaust him and consume the Xiaoyao Mansion.

Xiaoyaofu rode all the way to Hedong, killed and rushed all the way, did not have a good rest at all, and the combat effectiveness would naturally decline.

So Ye Qing had to think more.

Soon everyone came to the North City Gate.

Before going up the stairs, I saw arrows flying from outside the city piercing Wengcheng from time to time.

There was endless shouting and killing in the city and outside the city.

The generals who walked back and forth and scolded, the noise was accompanied by flying dust.

There were also wounded soldiers who were carried down one by one, howling incessantly.

"Your Highness, be careful, the arrows of the Beishi people are extremely sharp and have a long range, and the arrows flying into the city are still extremely harmful." Ding Ding drew out his sword, and all the soldiers from east of the river were also holding weapons and shields The soldiers headed up the wide and long steps.

Ye Qing didn't draw his sword, but Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and others drew their swords with scriptures.

Sure enough, an arrow flew over, and was chopped off by the Hedong Army with a weapon.

Another one flew towards Ye Qing, and Zhao Yun chopped it off with a sword.

The arrow bounced off the ground, hit the earthen wall, and plunged in.

Ye Qing picked up the arrow cluster and looked at it carefully.

It was found that the arrow clusters of Beishiren were longer and hexagonal.

It is made of refined iron and is extremely sharp.

"It's no wonder they can shoot farther and sharper than my Dazhou's. It turns out that their arrow casting technology is more advanced than my Dazhou's." Ye Qing handed the arrows to Xu Shu, and couldn't help thinking of the five counties in Beishi. land, it will be able to draw a tie with the Turks and the Xianbei, and it will be able to protect the northern frontier.

They are not only fierce in battle, not only have the personality to dare to dare to do it, but also have no advantage in Da Zhou.

"My lord, using arrows made of refined iron, it can be seen that the people in Beishi are rich in iron ore, and the quality of carbon is extremely high." Xu Shu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Refined iron swords or knives or other weapons are easy to understand.

The Beishi people are so willful that they use refined iron to make arrow clusters. From this, it is not difficult to guess the abundance of Beishiren's iron mines.

In other words, the iron mines controlled by the Beishi court are rich, and only in this way can they be willful prodigals.

(End of this chapter)

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