I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 283? Taking Military Power

Chapter 283 Taking Military Power

For ironmaking, wood and carbon are commonly used.

Whether it is the amount of material or the fire produced by wood, it is far inferior to coal.

Carboniferous temperature is high, and there is no need to cut down trees and deforestation, so it is naturally the first choice.

Of course, charcoal is also divided into quality. Good charcoal burns more fully, can better meet refining requirements, and can produce higher-quality steel.

During the conversation, everyone went to the top of the city, and more Hedong Army guarded the front with shields, covering Ding Ding, Ye Qing and others as they walked to the nearest city gate!
Once you enter the gate tower, you can overlook the entire city above and below the city.

You can use your eyes to dominate the entire offensive and defensive situation.


Looking down from the gate tower, countless northern barbarians launched an attack.

The siege ladders are still set up on the city wall.

Countless soldiers of the northern barbarians climbed crazily up with their knives.

There are also wrestlers carrying bumpers under the city gate to hit the city gate, with soldiers carrying large shields on both wings.

Hitting again and again, shouting loudly, crazy and brave.

Even though they knew that the city gate could not be opened at all, it was blocked by the generals of the Zhou Dynasty with stones.

But they still smashed desperately, even if it smashed the gate of the city, or knocked out a kind of momentum to encourage other friendly troops who attacked the city.

Under the cover of the shield soldiers, the archers of the northern barbarians kept shooting arrows towards the city.

Using the sharpness of the arrows to suppress the guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the two advancing well rails were slowly being pushed towards Wenxi's outer wall.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty kept shooting arrows outside the city, throwing stones, smashing wood, and splashing golden juice and boiling oil.

The generals of the Sheriff's Mansion were not bad. While pointing at the soldiers to fight back, they directed the Minzhuang to transport supplies up.

Ye Qing glanced at the past and found that the casualties of both the enemy and us were about the same.

Although the generals of the Great Zhou had a good location, the soldiers obviously lacked some experience, and their counterattacks were not sharp enough and accurate enough.

Instead, the northern manzi's archers were targeted, and they were shot and killed one by one on the top of the city.

After Commander Ding Ding rearranged and deployed the city defense, Ye Qing asked:

"Mr. Dingfu, I see that there are mostly new soldiers in this city, and most of them don't even have armor. Many of them are still wearing ordinary civilian clothes. How many soldiers in the county can really fight?"

"This...to tell you the truth, Your Highness, the army in the county has lost a lot, and the old army in the county is only 6000 troops;
The others are not private soldiers of various families, but recruits who have just been recruited and have only been given weapon training for two days, and there are civilians who mainly defend the city. Ding Ding explained:

"In order to be able to deal with the northern barbarians for a long time and make the city defense stable, only 1000 old county soldiers have been dispatched for the time being, and the rest are miscellaneous soldiers.

I don't know how long this battle will last, if all the soldiers and horses are thrown into it at once, I'm afraid they will be able to defend Wen Xi in the future. "

In other words, Ding Ding is also a veteran, and he has been the prefect for so long, so he adopted a more secure method of defending the city.

This is why there are mostly inexperienced soldiers on the top of the city.

This was deliberately arranged by him, just to train the recruits. After going to the city to fight once, they will be replaced by veterans.

Soldiers who can survive the first battle are either lucky, capable, or clever and know how to preserve themselves.

Such people are seeds that can be exercised.

Ding Ding is not stupid, the county soldiers have lost too much in the north, if this battle is over, he will still be the governor of Hedong.

Then he can quickly strengthen the soldiers of Hedong County and create an elite Hedong Army.

Ye Qing didn't have time to worry about Ding Ding's careful thoughts, but pointed to the well that was pushed over and said:

"In today's battle, Beishi has the mentality that he must be defeated. He intends to attack by force. Don't take chances. Bring up the main force and suppress the morale of the enemy for me. Only in this way can we inspire our army. The first wave is The hardest thing, you can only hope if you take it down. If you don’t take it down, the city defense may be lost before dark. The elite you keep can only fight bloody street battles in the city, or retreat to Anyi City with you.”

Ding Ding hesitated.

Of course he could see that the Beishi Army's offensive was fierce, stronger than the previous days' temptation.

Moreover, all weapons like Jing Lan were used, which shows how much the Beishi army invested.

Probably the last few days were spent on making these two well rails, so there was a delay.

The height of the well fence surpassed the city wall, and the Northern Stone Army occupied a high position on the left and right, and then used the sharpness of bows and arrows to shoot down the mansion.

It can suppress and restrict the activities of Da Zhou soldiers in the city.

Create convenience for Beishi army's siege.

However, there are only a few veterans of the Hedong Army left, and they will be gone after the fight.

Although Ding Ding knew that Ye Qing's favorites were money and food, as well as trapping talents, he didn't think much of himself as a soldier.

But this is also his Dingding subordinate.

After beating him, he is a polished commander.

Seeing that Ding Ding was hesitant, Ye Qing took three steps straight forward, stood upright out of the gate of the city tower, and when he reached the stairs, he stared at the North Stone Army's camp road outside the city:

"When I came to Hedong, His Majesty gave me a sword. His Majesty has repeatedly asked me to do everything possible to stabilize the dangerous situation in Hedong, and not let the northern barbarians go any further south."

Speaking of this, Ye Qing turned to Qiu, looked at Ding Ding and the other generals from Hedong, and said, "You guys understand!"

Shadowless Sword!
Shangfang Sword.

Can kill anyone!
Cut first and then play.

Ding Ding and all the other generals from the east of the river were sweating slightly on their backs.

There is an urge to scold my mother in my heart.

If anyone dared to fight against Ye Qing, he would really dare to kill with the Shadowless Sword.

When he came to Hedong, Ye Qing killed many members of the Liu family with his scriptures.

How about the bandit Lu Wei and others in Leishou Mountain, and how about the Liu family in Puban?

If you say it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, if you say it will be killed, it will be killed.

Now the Liu family is not honestly talking with Ye Qing.

Pretend to be okay.

Ye Qing really dared to do it.

Ding Ding took a deep breath and said, "Whatever your Highness says is what you want? I am willing to follow His Highness's command and shed the last drop of blood for the crisis in Hedong."

"I'm willing to obey His Highness's instructions!" Seeing that the boss had relented, all the generals from the east of the river also paid homage to him.

Ye Qing raised Ding Ding's hand and said: "Mr. Ding's words are serious, you are the prefect of Hedong, how can you be more experienced in guarding Hedong, and the same is true for all of you, you have deeper feelings for Hedong than I do.

I think that Ankang in the east of the river is what you most want to see. I hope to work together with you to protect Wenxi and lay a rock-solid Wenxi for the south.
In the end, we can counterattack and regain the northeastern part of the river, so that everyone can have a happy new year. "

"What Your Highness said is true, we will do our best to fight the northern stone barbarians to the end and drive them out of Hedong!" the generals replied loudly.

Ye Qing nodded, regardless of whether they were sincere or not, at least everyone had the same interest in dealing with the Beishi Army's attack and defense.

He doesn't need the allegiance and loyalty of these people.

As long as you are willing to show your strength and don't hide your strength, it will be fine.

With this dynasty, Ding Ding immediately transferred all the old county soldiers to defend the city.

Ye Qing said again: "All the private soldiers from various families have also been transferred. Don't feel sorry for them. Their strength is stronger than ordinary Xinli. If they don't work at this time, when will we have to wait?"

(End of this chapter)

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