I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 284? Ye Qing is Here

Chapter 284 Ye Qing is Here
"It's Your Highness, I'll send someone to call them up!" Ding Ding had long wanted to call up the family's private soldiers, but these guys were not good at it. They came to defend the city, but they wanted to It is generally extremely difficult for them to go to the city to fight.

Unless the city is really unable to defend, they will come up to help, usually to preserve their strength.

It was difficult to transfer before, but now with Ye Qing's order and name, whoever dares not come up, let's wipe the shadowless sword's sharpness together.

Then Ye Qing said to Xue Rengui: "You are the one who knows how to train soldiers best in Rengui, go and train the recruits for Dingfu County!"

"No!" Xue Rengui cupped his fists to accept the order.

Ding Ding moved his throat.

The generals in Hedong suddenly became more nervous.

This is for military power.

Ye Qing wants to directly take over the recruits.

All the generals in Hedong fixed their eyes on Ding Ding.

Ding Ding hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Zhang Bao, take General Xue to take over the recruits."

Seeing Ding Ding's cooperation, the corners of Ye Qing's mouth rose slightly, and then he said: "Jing Si, you took me to Xiaoyao Mansion to wipe out all the gangs in the city. The reason is to cooperate with the enemy. Those who are willing to surrender will give them the opportunity to go to the city to kill the enemy and redeem themselves." , Those who do not surrender will be killed on the spot!"

"Promise!" Li Cunxiao accepted the order with his hands clasped, and then went down to the top of the wall.


Only when Ding Ding and others heard this did they truly understand Ye Qing's overbearing and decisiveness.

Don't talk to any bullshit gang at all, just kill these guys first.

There is no reason, no evidence, and no explanation required.

Extinguish is right.

Ding Ding and the other generals from Hedong were lucky.

Whenever they took a wrong step, Ye Qing would probably get rid of them without hesitation.

Submit, surrender, this is the only correct course of action.

Soon the old county soldiers were transferred down.

As soon as the number of troops increased, Zhou Bing had more archers, and the counterattack outside the city was strengthened.

And more experienced, these soldiers fought more fiercely.

All of a sudden, the momentum was leveled, and the soldiers of Beishi Kingdom who were besieging the city were suppressed under the city wall.

Arrows from both sides came and went, screaming non-stop.

From time to time, barbarians from the northern stone leaped to the top of the city, and were beheaded and killed by several old county soldiers from the Great Zhou Dynasty.

For a while, the morale of the defenders rose sharply, and the counterattack became more powerful.

This made Ding Ding and the generals in Hedong breathe a sigh of relief.

But my heart is bleeding, because the loss of the old army soldiers is increasing.

Soon the well fence of Beishi Kingdom was pushed forward, and the arrows on it could reach the top of the city.

Under the mansion's shooting, the Zhou archers at the head of the city were strongly disturbed, and when they were shooting against the northern barbarian archers outside the city, they did not have any advantage at all.

Ye Qing said in a deep voice: "Zilong, Hansheng, each of you manages a well rail, shoot it down for me!"


Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong took the order, and then went out with two personal guards carrying quiver, each holding a big bow.

Can these two people kill Jing Lan in Beishi Kingdom?

Is Ye Qing too childish?

They saw the two wells armed to the teeth, but they felt a little suffocated.

I want to destroy this big siege machine.

The best way is to smash the oil tank and burn its base.

However, Jinglan moves slowly, and it is generally a strategic weapon, so it won't get too close to the city wall.

So the oil tank cannot hit it.

Unless you shoot a rocket, but the rocket is easily extinguished by the opponent.

You must know that the main load-bearing part of the well rail will be wrapped by iron.

A country that does not lack iron like Beishi Kingdom must have used a large amount of refined iron in the important parts of the two shafts.

So it is not an easy task to burn down the well.

"Come here! Bring five boulders here, the bigger the better!" Ye Qing didn't want to see how Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong dealt with the two well rails, but gave Ding another order.

Ding Ding was stunned for a moment, the generals in Hedong didn't know what Ye Qing wanted to do?
"Why, you didn't hear my order." Ye Qing raised his eyebrows slightly and said again:
"By the way, bring a barrel of oil here. If you want to seal it, you can use a small barrel instead of a large barrel!"

"It's Your Highness!" Ding Ding responded, and confessed to his subordinates, and there are generals going down to make arrangements.

Soon there were strong men who moved up five big stones and a wooden barrel at the same time.

The barrel contains tung oil.

Ye Qing took off his robe.

Then he completely exited the city gate and stomped towards the wall.

"Your Highness is dangerous, be careful with Ruya!"

Ding Ding and others rushed forward to protect him.

Ye Qing was the sixth prince, sent by the emperor to support Hedong, but Wenxi did not fall, Ye Qing was killed instead.

Then play off.

"Let's go, the arrows of the mere stone men from the north are coming, it's too early to hurt me!" Ye Qingzhen stretched out his arms and drove everyone away.

Only Xu Shu followed up holding the Shadowless Sword and said, "Your Highness's martial arts skills are higher than yours, so don't worry, besides, I'm watching, no North Stone barbarian wants to hurt my lord, you have to ask His Majesty's Yujian!"

The sword in Xu Shu's hand is Wuying.

However, he was dressed as a scribe, as if he was a military adviser.

It made Ding Ding and the others even more worried.

Why do you want to join in the fun as a military division, don't be shot and killed by the bow and arrow of the northern stone barbarians later.

The generals in Hedong were a little anxious, and then they all looked at Ding Ding.

What to do about this?
Ye Qing and Xu Shu want to show their prestige, isn't this lighting a lantern in the hut to seek death?

Ding Ding motioned to two of his subordinates, and the two subordinates immediately led two teams of archers to the two wings with their bows in their hands, facing the city, and would shoot and kill as long as any archers appeared.

Ye Qing didn't care about them, squatted down, picked up a boulder, straightened up easily, weighed it, and found that it was just enough.

Then with a single stroke, he threw it towards the Beishi Army who was slamming into the gate below the city.

"Boom!" sounded.

The boulder fell down, and the right wing holding the shield was smashed and fell down.

Ye Qing didn't even look at the result, then picked up another stone and threw it again.

The stone slammed down again.

Hit directly onto the exposed right wing ram.

The huge force of the impact crushed and fell the entire Northern Stone Army warrior team.

"Northern rock barbarians are nothing more than that!" Ye Qing chuckled, then raised a rock with one hand, and threw it down.

The two stones flew towards the back of the impact log like stone bullets.

The commander of the Beishi Army still wanted to order the dispatchers to come up, but when he saw the boulder flying, he just wanted to dodge.

But it was too late, the boulder hit, the whole person was smashed to the ground, and then rolled down several times.

He spit out a mouthful of blood and died.

Other Beishi army reserve fighters who wanted to rush up to pick up the bumper were also knocked away by another stone.

All of a sudden, it crashed slowly.

There were countless screams.

Then Ye Qing lifted the wooden barrel, and smashed it heavily under the city.

The oil barrel was smashed down, and a piece of oil was spilled.

Countless splashes.

Xu Shu snatched the torch from a soldier of the Hedong army and threw it down.


The fire dragon rose and flew in all directions, directly burning the whole city into one piece.

The bumping wood, the clothing, armor and weapons of the Beishi soldiers were all swallowed up by the fire.

Countless Pyromen rolled to the sides to escape.

The generals of Beishi army who wanted to rush to put out the flames saw Ye Qing who was holding a huge boulder with one hand above the city gate, they stopped their pace immediately and did not dare to charge forward.

The four stones just now hit them extremely terribly.

Interrupt and destroy the rhythm of their rushing into the city gate.

The small four stones caused huge casualties, five and no. 60 casualties, and an excellent general was killed on the spot.

Seeing the Beishijun who stopped walking in fear, Ye Qing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, with unparalleled self-confidence under his stern face, he shouted with pride:
"Ye Qing is here in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the northern stone barbarians are not retreating quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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