I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 285 Ye Qing Can't Run When He Comes

Chapter 285 Ye Qing Can't Run When He Comes
"Ye Qing!"

"He is Ye Qing...!"

Bei Shijun suddenly became agitated, and couldn't help shouting.

Ye Qing, the newly rising prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, became famous in the first battle against the Turks.

Five thousand against thirty thousand, disabled the Turkic Youxian king's tribe, and became famous in Dazhou and Beishi.

After all, Beishi's enemies also have Turks.

The Beishi people also fought constantly with the Turks.

In addition, the last time the third princess Zhao Feiyan failed in Chang'an of the Great Zhou, losing two games in a row.

It is also enough to make the people of Beishi country remember Ye Qing.

Of course, while they respect Ye Qing, they also have a strong fighting spirit.

It was this guy who bullied their third princess, Zhao Feiyan.

One of the reasons for Beishi Kingdom's attack on Da Zhou this time was that Ye Qing treated Zhao Feiyan with contempt and unreasonable treatment.

This naturally made the Northern Stone Army hate Ye Qing and wanted to take Ye Qing down.

But the four stones just now are enough to deter all the Beishi generals at the middle and lower levels, as well as the soldiers of the Beishi Kingdom.

Ye Qing's existence is not something they can deal with.

Soon the Beishi forward combat general reported the news to the subsequent command system.

"Ye Qing is in front of the city gate!"

Zhi Boyuan, commander of Beishi, rode on his horse, pointed to the city gate and said: "It seems that the information is correct. The Xiaoyao Mansion rider really just arrived at Wenxi."

"Wisdom Commander Ye Qing is so hostile to our army, dare to stand on the city gate, I will lead someone to shoot him!" At that moment, General Beishi clasped his fists to ask for a fight.

Killing Ye Qing would not only make a great contribution and increase his reputation, but also win the favor of the three princesses.

So at the moment, other generals also asked to fight: "Chi Shuai, the last general also invites to fight, I am willing to attack the top of the city and personally kill Ye Qing!"

"I want to go too!"

Zhi Boyuan squinted his eyes and glanced at the soldiers who asked to fight. These are all young generals, and their temperament is still not calm enough.

So he shook his head and said: "Don't worry, since Ye Qing has come to Wenxi, he won't be able to escape. The city gate tower is the most difficult to attack, and it is the most difficult to attack, but there is Cong Ye Qing, who is so powerful that he can lift stones to scatter them." The troops of our army attacking the city gate can be seen to be brave, and we can only outsmart him to deal with him, instead of being fooled by him and going to attack the gate tower, which will drain the morale of our army for nothing."

To be the commander of an army, Zhi Boyuan's wisdom is not low.

He has seen through Ye Qing's method of seduction.

Changing to a young general will be fooled.

But he won't.

"But Zhishuai, Ye Qing is so arrogant. If he should not attack and kill it, it may affect the momentum of our army's attacking the city, and it will make the soldiers of the defending army more motivated to fight back and their morale will increase. This will not be good for our army to attack. city!"

Still someone said unwillingly.

Zhi Boyuan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "It's okay, let him be proud for a while, our army has wells, and the left and right wings can attack quickly, and the morale and military prestige are obtained by fighting.

I have confidence in our soldiers, I believe they can attack, Ding Ding will not last long with a mere [-] county soldiers. "

"But Zhishuai, Xiaoyaofu Qiyijing is here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break Wenxi now." A general interjected.

Obviously, the elite level of Xiaoyaofu riders and the miracles they have created are really too tough.

Zhi Boyuan snorted coldly and said: "Give up the ambition of others, destroy your own prestige, and command twenty army sticks."

"No!" The person who spoke just now clasped his fists down, and then led the baton.

This is the case in Beishi. If you are beaten, you must stand at attention, and if you are punished, you must confess.

Right and wrong, if you are not convinced, you can pick your own boss.

If you obey, don't talk nonsense and go down to receive the punishment.

"Xiaoyao Fuyue is elite and tough, but they are cavalry, good at riding and not good at foot fighting, and their number is only over 1000. They are like dogs collapsing in front of our army, so there is no need to take it to heart." Boyuan's whip pointed at Wen Xicheng and said:

"Today there is only advance but no retreat. In front of the Great Zhou prince Ye Qing and the mythical Xiaoyao Mansion Qi, we want to break through the city, capture Wenxi, smash the pride of Great Zhou and their heroes."

"I am willing to help Zhishuai break through Wenxi City, trample on the pride of Da Zhou, and destroy the heroes of Da Zhou!"

All the military generals of Beishi Kingdom shouted impassionedly.

Zhi Boyuan nodded, and then let them go down separately to prepare for the general offensive. Once the two wells broke the level of the offensive and defensive, they immediately piled up with overwhelming momentum.Quickly occupy the top of the city, and will fight bloody battles with the soldiers of Da Zhou at the top of the city.

Until they knocked out their elites, crushed their backbones, and then swept across the southeast of the river.

The generals went down, and a confidant said: "Chi Shuai, Ye Qing is here, shall we inform the third princess, the third princess has confessed, Ye Qing must be captured alive or handed over to her to deal with!"

"How can the important affairs of the country be used for private use? Wait until we kill Ye Qing to know about the third princess!" Zhi Boyuan shook his head lightly and said:
"After all, the third princess is young, and a woman's mind is complicated. The third princess is defeated by this Ye Qing, so she must not be reconciled to wanting to win him once. Keeping Ye Qing will cause more troubles, so as not to leave hidden dangers for me, Beishi!"

"What Zhishuai said is right, he has considered everything!" The confidant counselor stopped talking after hearing the words.

He is just a counselor, only responsible for reminding people of ideas.

How to do it is up to Zhi Boyuan to decide.

Zhao Feiyan has no opponents in Beishi, and no one of her age can beat her.

She lost two games in a row when she went to Dazhou as an envoy. Once this woman was defeated by a man, she said she hated her, but she couldn't tell what kind of feelings would arise in her heart.

For Beishi, Zhi Boyuan's approach is undoubtedly correct.

Women can go to the battlefield, but they cannot be allowed to interfere with the battlefield.

Otherwise, it is disaster.

Just when the two of them were pulling their energy back to the battlefield at the top of the city, suddenly their eyes converged, revealing a hint of surprise.

At this time, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun came to the front of the two wells respectively.

Then draw the bow and lift the arrow to shoot.

The arrow flew over, and shot straight into the Beishi archers who were protected by Jinglan.

This shocked the Beishi archers on the well.

They were condescending and protective, but they were shot and killed by Zhou Bing.

Then they continued to shoot at the head of Wenxi City through the big hole in the face.

Suddenly another sharp arrow flew over.

All of a sudden, it got into the head of a Beishi archer standing in front.

"How is this going!"

The first arrow was okay, there were always some arrows shot in by luck.

The archers of the Beishi Kingdom also have predictions.

It was no coincidence that arrows flew in one after another.

Ordinary people's arrows can't shoot so far, nor can they shoot so accurately.

"Look, there, there is a general Zhou in white robe and silver armor. His bow is so big and he draws it well..."

With a pop, the archer from the Beishi Kingdom who had identified the source of the arrow was shot dead by Zhao Yun's flying arrow before he could finish his sentence.

Only then did the crowd turn sideways and glanced in the direction of the arrow, and they saw the extraordinary Zhao Yun.

This is a Zhou general with high martial arts skills, and he is famous for his archery skills.

"Shoot him, kill this General Zhou first!"

A commanding young general on Jinglan pointed at Zhao Yun and ordered all the archers on Jinglan to shoot and kill Zhao Yun. At the same time, he said to a messenger behind Jinglan:
"Use a semaphore to inform the other archers to come up, and call General Zhao Kuo, he has an opponent!"

(End of this chapter)

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