I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 289 Fighting for the country, there is no reason

Chapter 289 Fighting for the country, there is no reason

"Your Highness! This is too risky!"

Ding Ding persuaded: "His Royal Highness, we are not yet at the end of the mountain, we are not at the most perilous time, as long as we can withstand this attack, we will win, and the imperial army will continue to flow, and we will be able to steadily go north to recover the north."

At this moment, Ding Ding's words are true and sincere.

From the heart.

"Your Highness, please think twice!" the surrounding Hedong generals clasped their fists to persuade them.

Although there are only 3 soldiers in the old county, there are more than [-] miscellaneous soldiers among them, which are not much different from the Beishi Army.

If defending the city, a one-to-one replacement is also a win for Da Zhou.

They also felt that Ye Qing's approach was too risky.

This kind of heroism is indeed very burning, but...

"Report! Your Highness, the Lord, and the private soldiers from all the families in the east of the river have arrived and are waiting for orders below the city!"

Suddenly a teenager came up to report.

The private army of the family is really here!

Ding Ding and the others were stunned again, thinking that these guys would hang around for a long time, or they might not come.

Unexpectedly, he was really shocked by Ye Qing.

Ye Qingdao: "Good time, just in time to do something big with me!"

After speaking, Ye Qing walked towards the city stairs.

and many more……

Ye Qing wanted to take this group of private soldiers out of the city.

He didn't let private soldiers guard the city.

Ye Qing's actions refreshed everyone's understanding time and time again.

You can still play like this, do the private army of the aristocratic family dare to follow out of the city?
Ye Qing's brain circuit made it impossible for them to turn around.

"What do you do now, my lord?"

Now Ye Qing didn't listen to persuasion at all, he just took the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry to fight, and he had to take the Yang family's private soldiers out of the city.

Is this to die, or to open the city gate for the enemy and give them a chance to sneak in.

Everyone just felt that their scalps were numb from the show.

Ding Ding couldn't persuade Ye Qing, but the Northern Stone Army attacked the city with the scriptures, and all the soldiers were killed to the top of the city with the scriptures. There was no time to chase Ye Qing, so he gritted his teeth and said:
"Don't worry about your Highness, let's guard the top of the city. From now on, whoever guards the part of the city who is killed by the northern stone barbarians will be killed by me. Otherwise, I will kill his whole family!"


Step-by-step defense, expected onslaught.

The offensive and defensive battle became intense in an instant.

There is no spare place in the whole city.

The Beishi army rushed forward like a tide, each performing its duties.

Every small section on the top of the city is guarded by a general from the east of the river.

All are at the forefront leading by example.

Arrows from both sides came and went, and the wood, stones, and boiling oil continued to fight back.

The Beishi army that rushed up occasionally was also beheaded and encircled.

However, more northern stone savages climbed up, swung their knives and fought, and finally fell down again.

There is no temporary, only constant desperate each other.

The generals of the Northern Stone Army also began to appear on the stage, one by one taking the lead in stepping on the ladder and jumping up to the top of the city.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, each wants the other's life.

inner city!

Seeing Ye Qing leaving the city, the children of the aristocratic family represented by the Liu family greeted him one after another.

Ye Qing said with a straight face:
"Do you know why I came here?"

"Please make it clear, Your Highness!" Huang Shaokai was the first to flatter.

Ye Qingduo glanced at this person, and then said:

"I know you are unwilling, but I don't need you to be willing, because fighting for the country has no reason, no excuses, as long as you are a man, you have to take it all.

Suffering is your destiny, and death is the beginning! "

What the hell... can I stop being so straightforward?

It's okay to lie to us.

This way we can manage and feel better.

It's as if we're here to die.

This made Huang Shaokai and others even more depressed.

He was reluctant at first, but Ye Qing still spoke so bluntly and bluntly.

make it harder for them to accept.

"I never force anyone. Now that you don't want to fight with me, you can leave. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you!" Ye Qing pointed to the streets in the city, and said boldly and generously.

May I?
Seems to work!
But can I go?
Go or die!
Did you not expect the Shadowless General held by Xu Shu next to Ye Qing?
That is His Majesty's Shangfang Sword.

To die under that sword is to die in vain.

If you can leave, why come here just now.

Isn't it superfluous?

So Huang Shaokai and others looked at each other, and then said to Ye Qing loudly:
"Don't worry, Your Highness, we are all willing to obey His Highness' orders, and we are willing to fight with His Highness."

Isn't it just going to the top of the city to kill the northern stone barbarians?
It's only a death point, and it won't lose your life.

Although some people will feel distressed if they are killed or injured, their own lives are more important than their own.

And the dead and injured mud legs can be recruited.

no big deal.

With such an idea in mind, Huang Shaokai and others are not afraid to play tricks on Ye Qingxu.

"Really? Then I hope you won't regret it later." Ye Qing's mouth curled up slightly, and a sneer appeared on his stern face:
"Of course, if you want to regret it, then there is no rush. I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. If you want to quit later, don't blame me for the military law!"

Huang Shaokai and the others couldn't help but feel a little bit of regret.

Is what Ye Qing said just now true?

Can we really be allowed to retreat?

Just as they were thinking wildly, Xiaoyao Mansion rode over from the main street in the city.

Li Cunxiao led the Xiaoyao Mansion to escort a congregation of gangs who surrendered.

"My lord, come back and return to your life with filial piety."

Li Cunxiao got off his horse and clasped his fists.

Ye Qing looked at the gang members among the cavalrymen of Xiaoyao Mansion and said, "That's right, we have brought a lot of strong men! Pull them to the front of the family soldiers, so that our soldiers are also ready to fight."

"It's my lord!" Li Cunxiao didn't ask anything else, just did as he was told.

Ye Qing then ordered the civil servants sent by Ding Ding to contact them to send Min Zhuang to remove the stones blocking the city gate.

Although the civil official had doubts, he had no choice but to follow suit.

"What is this for?"

"Could it be that they went out of the city to attack the Beishi people on their own initiative?"

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be the people from Beishi who were let in!"

"This... is too crazy. We are still a bit powerless to defend the city, so it's crazy to go out of the city and take the initiative to attack the Beishi barbarians!"

Ye Qing didn't explain, and let them guess.

The children of the aristocratic family and their private soldiers only felt numb in the head.

Even the congregants of the gang who were taken to the middle were struck by lightning.

Could it be that this is the way of doing meritorious deeds and redemption.

Go out of the city and fight with the northern stone barbarians.

Isn't this going and never returning, sending death and sending the head to the northern stone barbarians?
"Quiet, those who talk nonsense will be killed without mercy!" Li Cunxiao turned around, dignified and solemn, and the horse in his hand seemed to be able to stab at any time.

Immediately, all the gang congregants who came here shut up knowingly.

Li Cunxiao is a killer, he really knows how to kill.

Their boss, let him pick them all.

Those who did not choose also fled.

Don't dare to fight against it.

Otherwise, they wouldn't come here obediently.

Soon the stones of the city gate were removed.

The city gate was also attacked by the Beishi army.

The city gate was constantly being hit, and the whole city gate shook non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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