I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 290 There is only one word, cut it

Chapter 290 There is only one word, cut it

Ye Qing raised the Overlord Panlong Halberd and said:

"Listen carefully, this is the enemy's horn, this is the rhythm of the enemy's attack, close your eyes and feel the enemy's sound, the enemy may charge in the next moment.

We have to face endless enemies like ants.

We have no retreat, because the enemy takes one step forward, and we are one step closer to death.

Only by defeating them and crushing them can we remove this fear from our hearts.

The strong are never afraid, all the soldiers are willing to fight with me! "

More than 1000 government guards raised their arms and shouted: "I am willing to go, kill the enemy and serve the country, no hesitation!"

One sound, one wave.

Deafening and highly infectious.

Seeing Xiaoyao Mansion's excessive obsession with Ye Qing and their high enthusiasm for fighting, the congregation behind were also infected at once.

They are living in the rivers and lakes, and they are the easiest to be passionate.

It is more bloody.

As long as they guide the direction, they are also brave, and they are also the most ruthless group of people.

Even the private soldiers of the descendants of the aristocratic family were also in turmoil.

The desire for victory in the heart, the passion hidden deep in the moment was also mobilized.

Ye Qing is the sun, and more than 1000 Xiaoyaofu riders are the light and heat radiating.

Burning everyone.

"Open the city gate!"

Ye Qing pointed at the Panlong halberd, and all the Xiaoyaofu riders shouted:

"Open the city gate!"

No soldiers from Hedong dared to go up, so Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun had to rush forward and jumped down together.

Then the two held the weapons at the same time and stabbed, picking up the thick wooden peg.


The heavy city gate was suddenly knocked open.

This is something the warriors of the Northern Stone Army did not expect.

The original solid mountain gate of Wenxi City was suddenly knocked open.

Therefore, under the action of inertia, the bumper continues to move forward.

The fighters of the Northern Stone Army were pushed forward and fell down one after another.

All of a sudden it slanted by more than half.

Even those behind couldn't brake and stopped.

The soldiers of the Northern Stone Army who did not fall were also stunned by the situation inside the city cave.

A group of iron cavalry, armed to the teeth, is gathering momentum for a long time, hiding deep inside like a falcon attacking.

Ready to shoot at any time, to give a fatal blow.


Before Beishiren could react, Ye Qing urged his horse to rush out first.

Overlord Panlong waved his halberd.

Several Northern Stone Army soldiers who had just got up were knocked into the air.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao also followed the trend, tucked their legs between the horse's belly, and urged the horse to follow.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, are also dancing weapons.

Pick up the barbarian wrestlers who wanted to get up and escape one by one.

The iron cavalry riding war horses in Xiaoyao Mansion trampled on them mercilessly.

Beishi Lishi, who came down from the city cave and fled in no hurry, was trampled beyond recognition in an instant, and there was no one alive.

"Hurry up, stop them..."

Beishi's soldiers didn't think, even the generals didn't think, how could Da Zhou's cavalry suddenly charge out.

At this time, they don't stick to the city, what does it mean to rush out?

It's not long before you cavalry go out to battle.

It was going to be completely dark.

You cavalry have no advantage at all, how can you play like this.

"Zhi Shuai, look quickly, it's Da Zhou cavalry who came out!"

Zhi Boyuan was also a little surprised, his eyes fixed on the Xiaoyaofu rider who rushed out.

Watching the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry rampage, knocking down and killing the Beishi infantry who were attacking the city.

I was equally astonished.

"What a Xiaoyaohou, I guessed it wrong, he is really No. 1 in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he is also crazy!" Zhi Boyuan couldn't help but praise.

Ye Qing's bravery really exceeded his expectations.

He even brought the cavalry out of the city.

"Zhishuai, what should we do now?" his confidant asked.

Zhi Boyuan's cold face showed a slight hesitation, and then he ordered: "The Chinese army moves forward, slowly attack left and right, gather all the people and horses to encircle and suppress Xiaoyao Fuqi, attack and kill Ye Qing, and wait for the opportunity to seize the city gate."

"Since Ye Qing wants to bet and dares to send me a fighter plane, then I will accept it. I want to see how long he can kill with more than 1000 riders!" Zhi Boyuan turned around and said to the several generals behind him:

"You guys go too, no matter the cost, if Ye Qing dies, there will be no hindrance from the river!"

"No!" A group of Beishi military generals excitedly accepted the order.

Behead the big Saturday prince.

Kill the hottest new star in Da Zhou.

Who doesn't want to.

Just when Zhi Boyuan gave the order.

Under the city cave, they hesitated for a while when they saw the congregation who rushed out.

Now that there is no oppression from the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry, do you still want to follow and go out to fight?

This is the most testing moment.

It was just a passionate impulse just now, now is the time to make a real decision.

But they looked back, holding weapons against their family's private army.

After seeing the Beishi team who wanted to rush into the city.

Also finally had the answer.

"Kill! People die and birds turn upside down. They will not die for thousands of years. After 18 years, they will be a hero again!"

"Kill! Even if I die, it is considered a sacrifice for the country and a fight for the folks."

This group of people rushed out with weapons in hand.

The Beishi stragglers who were about to rush in just now were also startled by the madness of these guys.

I thought they were elites like Xiaoyaofu Qiqi.

After all, in general, those who can lead the battle must be the elite, and must be the strongest pawns in Hedong. Only in this way can they match Xiaoyaofu cavalry.

Seeing that the Beishi army was a little afraid of them, the congregation became more excited, especially when they stepped on the corpse of the Beishi warrior who had been trampled into meat by a horse, the bloodthirsty rage in their hearts was also strong.

They also kept rushing out without any goal or purpose.

If you see a Beishiren, you will chop it off.

Crazy cut.

There are no rules, no rules, and no routines.

Only one word, cut it!
The members of the gang would dare to do this, which made the children of the aristocratic family and their private soldiers even more moved.

I can't compare myself to these guys who show up in ordinary years.

If this gets out, they will become synonymous with softies.

In the future, not only his own reputation will be ruined, but the family's reputation will also be ruined.

At this moment they finally knew Ye Qing's intentions.

It's a good move to get rid of the salary from the bottom of the pot, and now they can't do it if they don't rush.

Ye Qing didn't take a knife, and he didn't send a supervising team to force them.

But they used a more advanced kidnapping to force them with something that made them have no way out.

What the aristocratic family calls the most is not money, food and fields, but reputation.

The business maintains its reputation.

Once the reputation is ruined, it doesn't matter how big the family is, it can only decline and finally split.

"Everyone, we have no way out. We are all sensible people. Let's fight to the death. Our ancestors also had brave and strong men. Today is the time for us to show the glory of our ancestors. Everything!"

The leader of the Liu family drew his sword and roared, and rushed out first.

Since there is no way out, one cannot fall behind. The Liu family is the benchmark of the Hedong family at all times.


The children of the aristocratic family knew that they could only bite the bullet, and they could only pray that this heroic counterattack would finally bring them back alive.

At that time, they were kings.

Whether it is the promotion of status in the clan or in the Great Zhou, there must be a place.


In front of the gate tower, Ding Ding looked down at the entire battlefield, and was a little surprised when he saw the members of the guild rushing out.

When he saw the disciples of the aristocratic family rushing out, he was even more horrified.

Xiaoyaohou is Xiaoyaohou, so contagious, I can't match it.

"Come here, close the city gate. As long as His Royal Highness does not come back, you are not allowed to open the city gate at any time. At the same time... don't prepare wooden pegs. If the Beishi people attack the city cave, I will defend it at any cost!"

(End of this chapter)

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