Chapter 291

Ye Qing took the lead, swiping his weapon left and right, and beheaded Beishi soldiers and generals who tried to intercept him one by one.

The same is true for Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun on the left, right and back, charging and killing all the way, with almost no opponents.

Huang Zhong is in the center of the back team.

Responsible for the back side.

With the carved bow in hand, the arrows are set on the strings, and if you see a Beishi general or soldier who is valuable or wants to bite up and break the rhythm of the cavalry, you will shoot and kill with one arrow.

The entire Xiaoyaofu rides fiercely and cooperates tacitly.

With Ye Qing and other three peerless warriors leading the way, all Xiaoyaofu riders are like a pump equipped with a perpetual motion machine, with a steady stream of output.

"Ye Qing is to die!"

A general of Beishi jumped up from the side and slashed at Ye Qing.

This Beishi military general has a level of strength and is the backbone of the army.

His position in the army was uncertain, and his subordinates all paid attention, expectant looks on their faces.

But Ye Qing turned his face sideways, and then swung the Overlord Panlong Halberd in his hand.

The cut broadsword strikes.

The Beishi general flew upside down like a cannonball, hit his own soldier, and rolled down on the ground several times.

And his knife has long been out of hand.

Stabilizing his body, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The man's eyes showed horror.

"What a domineering power!"

Ye Qing glanced forward and saw the Northern Stone Army's middle army approaching, he did not forcefully rush to kill the troops below, but turned to the right.

All the riders followed.

Then Ye Qing stomped and killed the army surrounded by Beishi to the right.

During the period, countless Beishi generals intercepted them, but they were all wounded or beheaded by him.

Li Cunxiao and Zhao Yun were no exception, they had almost no opponents, even if there were one or two of decent strength, they would only retreat after a single blow, not daring to take the initiative to step forward.

Besides, there is no chance to fight.

After all, the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry are cavalry, and if there is no result in one blow, there is generally no chance for a second fight.

Ye Qing ran on a rampage and scattered the Beishi army on the right wing, and then fought back to the city gate, and then rushed from the bottom of the city to the left.

The Beishi army behind the private soldiers of the disciples of the aristocratic family was crushed and defeated.

When the disciples of the aristocratic family saw Ye Qingsha came back to help them, they became more cohesive at this moment, and chased the soldiers of the Northern Stone Army even more frantically.

Killing one is enough money, killing two is enough.

With iron cavalry supporting each other, it is more aggressive to fight.

Soon the Beishi army on the left wing was also completely defeated. Ye Qing and others beheaded more than a dozen Beishi generals, disrupting Zhi Boyuan's plan and breaking the encirclement on three sides.

"Great Zhou Wannian, I have earned it!"


Of course, Ye Qing didn't pay a price.

All the congregations were quickly overwhelmed and killed by the frontal Beishi army.

Thousands were all killed.

The central army of the Northern Stone Army began to engage in battle with the private soldiers of the aristocratic family.

The central army of the Northern Stone Army has always been used to protect the commander-in-chief. Their discipline is stricter, their organization is stricter, and their combat effectiveness is stronger.

Although the children of the aristocratic family have lofty sentiments, even though they are red-eyed, they exploded with a fighting power of [-] minutes.

But the private army is a private army after all, how can the regular army be comparable.

It's okay to fight with the wind, and it's okay to follow the regular troops to pick up leaks.

Just straight up.

The essential problem was immediately exposed.


Almost in an instant, the entire private army system was broken, causing neither death nor injury.


Seeing their troops being defeated in an instant, the disciples of the family woke up like a dream, and then began to curse.

At this time, he was about to cry but had no tears, and wanted to retreat, but at this time Ye Qing led the Xiaoyao Mansion Cavalry to charge from the left.

Dispersed the front team of the Beishi Central Army who were preparing to feast on the private soldiers of the aristocratic family.

After a charge, Ye Qing turned back and asked loudly: "Do you still have the guts to charge with me? If not, go back. If you dare to follow my cavalry, follow me to the North Stone Army commander's banner!"

At this time, the sky is dark, only the top of the sky is still a little bit of light.

Wenxi lit the torches and the oil basin at the head of the city.

The fight is still the same, there are still a steady stream of Beishi sergeants climbing up, and then they will fight for every inch of land with the soldiers of Dong County of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Blood flowed like a river, and there were countless corpses at the foot of the city.

And the North Stone Army's camp was also lit with fire, lighting up the entire camp.

It even spread to Zhi Boyuan's rear team from there, until the position of coach Daqi.

Zhi Boyuan has become an obvious target here!
Attack the commander of the Northern Stone Army and kill Zhi Boyuan!
What kind of courage is needed for this, what kind of lunatic dares to have this idea.

However, the children of the aristocratic family have already seen Ye Qing's madness.

This idea was quickly accepted.

go or go back!

Everyone was confused.

But looking behind him, countless scattered soldiers of the Northern Stone Army began to gather towards the city gate again.

This is to attack the city gate.

Can they go back?

From the moment he came out, Yijing probably had no chance to go back alive.

Unless Ye Qing covers them.

But... that's impossible.

At this time, Ye Qing didn't give them a chance to think about it, and urged the horse to rush in Zhi Boyuan's direction.

Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and the others will not waste time on the children of these aristocratic families.

"Follow up, if this battle is successful, our families will be honored!"

As soon as everyone gritted their teeth, they just got on a pirate ship, and they couldn't get on at all.

There is only one way to fight to the death.

Then go ahead and see if Ruocheng killed Zhi Boyuan and destroyed the command system of the Beishi people.

That is a victory.

Everyone benefits.

Ye Qing's iron cavalry rushed to kill, and it was also like a broken bamboo. It kept charging, smashing through the Beishi Zhongjun who was in front, and tearing a hole.

The pawns of the aristocratic families followed frantically, making the hole bigger.

Kill all fish that slip through the net.

"Zhi Shuai is not good, Ye Qing rushed over with Xiaoyaoqi, please move the coach to the back!"

Seeing that no one could control Ye Qing's cavalry, the generals of the Northern Stone Army became anxious.

Zhi Boyuan snorted coldly: "Don't worry, our soldiers can stop it."

"But Zhishuai..."

Someone still wanted to persuade, Zhi Boyuan raised his hand and said: "Swords and chariots line up, let me see how many cavalry Ye Qing has to die!"

Turning knife, a weapon used by passers-by to deal with cavalry.

There are wheels, and above it is a square wooden box.

The front, top, left and right sides of the box are full of knives and guns.

When the war horse bumped into it, the horse's legs and belly would be torn apart, and then fell down.

Moreover, the knife carts are lined up in at least two rows, and it is impossible to jump and dodge them.

Zhi Boyuan looked at the sky, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are soldiers in front of them, and they are covered by the sky.

After Ye Qing's cavalry rushed over and found the knife cart, Yi Jinglai was in no hurry to react.



It's not like I, Beishi, have never fought against a nomadic, good cavalry and strong army like Turkic.

How could there be no way to deal with restrained cavalry.

"End, Xiaoyaohou, you and your Xiaoyaofu cavalry will perish here. Your fate is my Zhiboyuan, and I, Beishi in Hedong County, will be determined!"

(End of this chapter)

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