Chapter 292


Ye Qing cut through the spearmen in front with a halberd, and Wu Xiao jumped in.

The horse stomped on the two of them, smashing the two Beishi soldiers to pieces.

Ye Qing waved left and right, knocking a row of spearmen into the air.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao also jumped in, tearing up the gap.

Two second-rank generals of the Northern Stone Army who commanded the spearmen to block the attack, shot to intercept and assassinate Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao.

"Clang!" and one after another, both Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao backhand stabbed him, provoking him to the ground and dying.

Ye Qing led all the riders like a broken bamboo, and kept pushing forward, constantly approaching Zhi Boyuan's banner.

It was getting closer and closer, and the soldiers of the Northern Stone Army were sweating coldly, nervous and afraid.

Suddenly the black horse stopped, raised its legs, and neighed.


Inheriting the military strength of two Xiang Yus, the degree of fit between Ye Qing and BMW Wu Xiao is also ridiculously high.

Immediately understood Wu Xiaoma's prompt.

There is danger ahead.

And it is very unfriendly to horses!
Zhi Boyuan is deceitful.

Countless question marks flashed across Ye Qing's mind at this moment.

Wu Zhima will not remind himself for no reason.

The horse landed on its forelegs, and Ye Qing was looking at Zhi Boyuan's banner, as well as the Beishi generals guarding him.

His eyes gathered together, and he said to Zhao Yun, "Zilong shoot that flag down for me!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingcui moved Wu Zou to turn to the left, and then swung the Overlord Panlong Halberd to strike right, knocking Beishi soldiers into the air.

Zhao Yun didn't ask the reason, he lowered his gun and changed his bow, the horse also turned to the left, Li Cunxiao covered from the side, and knocked the Beishi soldiers flying.

Zhao Yun's eyes were like lightning, he bent his bow to the full moon, aimed at the target, and then let go suddenly.

The arrow drew an arc in the air, and shot down Zhi Boyuan's handsome man who was flying in the wind with a swish.


Seeing that Ye Qing suddenly turned away instead of attacking from the front, Zhi Boyuan and the generals who protected him were all taken aback.

What happened to Ye Qing, he stopped at the last step.

Why did the war horse suddenly raise its front hooves and stop its pace.

Just when they couldn't figure it out, a sharp-eyed man spotted Zhao Yun, the sharp shooter, and hurriedly said, "Wisdom handsome, be careful, it's Da Zhou's sharp shot..."

Everyone rushed to protect the front, but this time they protected wrongly, Zhao Yun's arrow did not shoot at Zhi Boyuan, but at Shiwushuaiqi.

"The handsome flag has fallen!"

The arrow flew over and shot down the handsome flag.

A group of Beishi military generals were stunned for a moment, and then turned pale with shock.

The handsome flag represents the coach, and represents the entire Beishi army.

The flag is with the people, but the flag is dead and the people are dead.

The flag moves and the army moves. In the chaotic army, the screams of fighting and fighting are heard from the commanding army.

You can only move with the flag, and the generals move with the banner of the coach, and make changes in accordance with the banner of the coach.

"The commander of Beishi was shot and killed by our army, and the barbarians of Beishi surrendered quickly!"

Seeing Zhao Yun shoot down Zhi Boyuan's handsome flag, Ye Qing roared angrily.

This sound was like a long thunder rolling, and the sound shook all directions.

You can even hear it from the gate tower.

It can be seen that its lung capacity is large, and its sound can be seen.

Of course, this was because Ye Qing had learned the lion's roar skill from Xie Xun, so even though he couldn't do what Xie Xun did to shock the surrounding enemies with sound waves.

But it was enough to let his own voice spread all over the place.

This move is far more useful than Xie Xun's internal strength on the battlefield.

At this time, Beishi Jun who heard his roar were all stunned for a moment, and then stopped what they were doing.

Even the soldiers of Zhou Jun and Ding Ding who were fighting back against the city were stunned for a moment.

Beishi coach Zhi Boyuan was killed by Ye Qing?
My Beishi coach was killed by Zhou Qi?
how can that be!

Looking from a distance, the coach's flag surrounded by torches illuminated by torches does not have the coach's flag on the flagpole.

On the battlefield, look at the flag and not the people.

Because no one can be seen at all, there are pieces of human heads, how can there be more eye-catching flags flying high.

All the soldiers and generals of the Beishi Army on the entire battlefield suddenly felt a little cramped in their hearts.

The coach is dead.

He was killed by Zhou people.

Is Xiaoyaohou of the Great Zhou really so fierce?
My coach Beishi has so many masters by his side, but he still loses to the opponent.

"The commander of Beishi was killed by my highness, the barbarian of Beishi quickly surrendered!"

Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and others were all brave generals, and when they heard Ye Qing's words, their eyes lit up and they all shouted.

The other soldiers were even more convinced, and followed up one after another: "The commander of Beishi was killed by my highness, and the barbarian of Beishi surrendered quickly!"

"What? The head coach of Beishi was shot, hahaha, brothers, the Beishi people are defeated, cut it for me!"

Huang Shaokai and the others didn't know what happened in front of them, but when they heard the exciting news, they also believed in it, and then fought hard to catch up with Xiaoyao Fuqi.

"Kill! The head coach of Beishi was killed, we can honor our ancestors, and we will live up to this battle..."

All the children of the aristocratic family were really completely ignited at this moment.

He regarded death as home, and killed even crazier.

Wen Xi Wen head.

Ding Ding and others excitedly slapped the wall.

"Okay! Your Highness is really a god!" Ding Ding shouted:

"The commander of Beishi was killed by His Highness, and the soldiers killed the barbarians of Beishi!"


On the top of the city, the somewhat exhausted generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty reunited instantly with full blood, each one possessed by a god of war.

The Beishi coach was killed by Ye Qing, and the Beishi people were defeated.

Drive all the northern stone barbarians down.

The Beishi soldiers on the city lost their mental strength in an instant.

Beaten down steadily.

In the end, he either jumped into the city and escaped or was stabbed down.

The Beishi soldiers under the city also had no intention of fighting.

They retreated one after another.

The coach is dead, so how can we fight this battle.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the defeat was unstoppable.

The Beishi commanders who didn't know the truth had no choice but to turn around and retreat.


Zhi Boyuan, who was waiting for Ye Qing to bump into him and die, finally couldn't calm down after hearing Ye Qing's loud rumors.

A mouthful of blood gushed out from his chest.

Spit out on the spot.

I didn't expect Ye Qing to be so cunning and vigilant.

Linmen ran away and shot down his own banner.

To shake the hearts of the three armies.

At this time, it is very difficult to recover.

So this time, he lost.

And the defeat was very unhappy and depressing.

If it was Ye Qing who rushed through all the obstacles and traps, and killed himself and all the generals in front of him.

That kind of failure is just a lack of strength.

Beishi has no masters and is powerless to contend.

But now Ye Qing only used one arrow to destroy Shuaiqi and defeated him, destroying all his hard work.

He is unwilling and unwilling!
"Look, Zhishuai, Xiaoyao Mansion is riding behind us!"

Suddenly one of Zhi Boyuan's aides pointed in the direction of Ye Qing's movement and shouted in horror.

Ye Qing had succeeded, so he should turn around and go back to the city. This is the most sensible and routine way.

But now Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Fuqi not only did not retreat to the city, but rushed to the rear of the army, and then pushed all the way, looking like they wanted to kill the rear team, and then...

The aide didn't dare to think about it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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