I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 293 Burning the North Stone Camp

Chapter 293 Burning the North Stone Camp
"Help me up!"

Zhi Boyuan supported the frame with one hand, and the other arm was supported by a general.

Standing on the carriage, Zhi Boyuan headed northeast.

There, the Xiaoyaofu cavalry continued to advance and kill.

Disturb the rear of your own headquarters.

The rear team was even more unbearable than the squadron, and they all avoided it, but no one dared to block it.

At this time, they didn't know the situation on Zhi Boyuan's side, thinking that Zhi Boyuan was really beheaded.

"Quick! Beat the drum and signal, and order the rear team to retreat to the barracks, and tell them that I'm not dead yet, so hang up the commander's flag again!"

Zhi Boyuan decided almost instantly what Ye Qing was going to do next.

A wolf is never full.

A tiger will never stop with just a couple of scratches.

It must be delicious until the end.

Ye Qing couldn't kill himself, and couldn't destroy the command center of the Beishi army, so he would definitely aim at a bigger target.

The barracks, was undoubtedly a worthy target.

At this time, the barracks were empty, so it was the best choice.

Zhi Boyuan was still anxious in his heart, and was a little afraid of an opponent like Ye Qing.

This kind of people who don't follow the routine, change their goals at any time, plan after plan, and seamlessly connect opponents is really a headache.

That's right, Zhi Boyuan guessed it, after Ye Qing killed the Northern Stone Army's rear team, he rushed straight to the Northern Stone Army's camp.

At this time, the huge Beishi army camp with countless torches and braziers piled on it was the most ideal target.

Ye Qing didn't intend to return to Wenxi City at all.

If it is necessary to advance to the north and get behind the Northern Stone Army, then do so in an upright manner.

It's better to go to some remote path, and then waste your mind and wait for people like Liu's family, Beishijun, and Baibogu to plot.

He, Ye Qing, was going to kill Wenxi head-on, there was no need to make a detour in secret.

Huang Shaokai and other descendants of the aristocratic family who were rushing forward were suddenly stunned.

Looking at the Xiaoyao Mansion rider going away, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

There is a feeling of being played.

Ye Qing and Xiaoyao Fuqi didn't care about them at all, and didn't want to care about them, so they left directly.

They were left to face the northern stone barbarians who had an army of tens of thousands.

"Ah! Ye Qing, you must die..."

Seeing the Beishi army encircling them and the soldiers of the private army being strangled to death, Huang Shaokai and others finally couldn't help but cursed.


Without the Xiaoyaofu cavalry, all the private troops led by the descendants of the aristocratic families were all killed in battle, and Huang Shaokai and others were only beheaded by the angry soldiers of the Northern Stone Army.

Beishi army camp!
"Quick! Close the camp gate, hurry...beat the drums, and call everyone to guard the camp gate!"

The generals guarding the camp of Beishi Army saw the Xiaoyao Mansion cavalry rolling towards them, and the ground trembled so much that their hearts trembled.

Hurry up and order to close the gate of the camp, raise the horse and send troops to come.

In a hurry, how can all this be done well.

Ye Qing and others killed them instantly.

"Change the bow!"

With Ye Qing's order, half of the soldiers, mainly Zhao Yun, immediately put away their melee weapons and then took their bows.

"Shoot!" Zhao Yun shot out an arrow, shooting down a Beishi soldier on the gate of the camp.

The soldiers behind him followed up, and the arrow slanted 40 degrees after completing a parabola, and fell all over the front and back of the camp gate.

Countless Beishi soldiers were hit by arrows.

Ye Qing was the first to rush there, smashing through the gate of the camp with a halberd, and then the black horse jumped up and jumped over the rejecting horse placed in the camp.

Afterwards, Li Cunxiao stabbed with a spear, lifted the spur, and then threw it to the upper right of the camp gate with all his strength.

boom!With a single swipe, the refusal horse hit five or six soldiers who retreated from the holding stone.

The half of the soldiers who didn't change their bows followed Li Cunxiao to enter.

Then he swung his sword, or stabbed his spear, and urged his horse to step through the camp.

The Beishi soldiers who will intercept the rushing will be smashed and killed.

Zhao Yun took the other half without entering the camp, then moved around the camp wall in parallel, and then shot arrows towards the camp.

Shoot and kill the Beishi soldiers in the camp one by one.

Ye Qing was inside, Zhao Yun and others were outside, and rushed north to kill.

Ye Qingfeng's fire thing is a blow, and it will hit the tent.

The same is true for Li Cunxiao, they have plenty of experience in this regard.

This was the case with the Turkic camp at the beginning.

Killing is not as brilliant as arson.

All the way to crash and kill to the inner camp, all the way to set fire to burn all kinds of supplies.

Ye Qing and the rest of the riders felt as if they were in an uninhabited land. Occasionally, a group of Beishi soldiers rushed over, and they were picked, killed and trampled when they met each other.

Soon Ye Qing and others reached the back camp.

At this moment, Ye Qing reined in his horse and stopped, and turned back to see that the entire Beishi army camp had been lost.

Only then did Zhi Boyuan's rear team rush back to the camp gate, block the camp gate and put out the fire at the same time, trying to save the camp.


Zhao Yun and others threw out a rope with a hook to tie the wooden fence of the rear camp, and then urged the horse to pull it from the outside.

Li Cunxiao jumped off his horse, holding a standing log with both hands, he lifted it up with all his strength to help Zhao Yun wait to break through the camp wall.

The entire wooden fence fell bit by bit, and the standing tree was slowly lifted up and pulled out the part that penetrated into the soil.

Seeing the ferocious fire in the camp of the Northern Stone Army, Ye Qing knew that this time it was very successful, so he also jumped off his horse.

Push the fence from bottom to bottom with both hands.


How powerful Ye Qing is, much stronger than Li Cunxiao.

With his help, within three breaths, the entire wooden fence was completely pulled up from the ground, and the entire camp wall toppled down.


Ye Qing got on his horse and led Li Cunxiao and others to go north to Shangguan Road, and then more than 1000 riders disappeared into the vast night.

Leaving behind the Beishi army who sighed at night to fight the fire.

By the time Bo Zhi rushed back to the gate of the camp, the entire camp had already been swallowed by the strong north wind and burned into a big furnace. The fire was almost unstoppable.

"Zhishuai, we only came here to rescue one-tenth of the supplies, and we really don't have time to rescue other things!"

"Zhi Shuai, all our craftsmen were killed by the cavalry of Xiaoyao Mansion, and most of the medical officers were also killed or injured!"

"Zhi Shuai, Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry broke through the camp wall from the back camp and fled to the north. We were incompetent and failed to stop it!"

"Chi Shuai..."

Zhi Boyuan raised his hand to stop the other people who reported.

Looking at the fire camp in front of him, Zhi Boyuan felt powerless for the first time.

The Beishi generals who retreated in embarrassment all cursed angrily: "Dazhou Xiaoyaohou, I will kill him."

"Into the north, they can't escape, we should launch all troops to search and kill them!"

Wenxi City, the war is over.

The Northern Stone Army withdrew.

The city was full of cheers and celebrations.

Then when they saw Ye Qing leading all the riders towards Beishi Camp, all of them put their hearts into their throats.

One by one prayed secretly, until the fire completely engulfed the camp of the Northern Stone Army, and then broke out into hearty laughter that had never been seen before.

"His Royal Highness Six Thousand Years! Great Zhou Ten Thousand Years! Hedong Ten Thousand Years!"

"Hahaha, well done, well done, His Highness the Sixth Highness is my Great Zhou's God of War!"

"Invincible in attack, invincible in battle, the true god of war, there are six His Royal Highnesses in the Great Zhou Dynasty, why be afraid of the barbarians of Beishi!"

(End of this chapter)

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