I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 294 Hedong is the Hedong of my Liu family

Chapter 294 Hedong is the Hedong of my Liu family

"Your Highness, he did it again!"

Xu Shu, with the shadowless sword hanging on his waist, came up from behind, reaching the wall, looking towards the farther north with deep eyes.

Only then did Ding Ding and the others notice Xu Shu's existence.

He did not go out with the army.

Instead, they stayed in Wenxi City.

Like him, Xue Rengui and the guards of Xiaoyaofu who were around two hundred riders were left behind.

"Mr. Xu, His Royal Highness's sacrifice is too great. The Northern Yijing has been occupied for many days. The situation is not optimistic. Your Highness will be surrounded by barbarians from the north. It will not be easy to kill him." Ding Ding walked towards Xu Shu , with a long sigh, there was concern in his words.

Ye Qing's existence had already affected him.

The scriptures gave him approval.

Such a brave prince is the blessing of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Xu Shu withdrew his gaze, glanced at Ding Ding, and then replied lightly: "Your Majesty Ding, don't worry too much. My lord has three maps on him. Although it's the first time he came to Hedong, he already knows everything about Hedong. We all believe that he can Returned safely.

But Lord Ding needs to pay attention next time, the camp of Beishi army is destroyed, food and grass are burned, Zhi Boyuan will either withdraw his troops and block the way for His Royal Highness to return to the south, or storm the city tomorrow for the last time.

Or both are carried out at the same time, so the task of defending the city is still arduous, and the enemy should not be underestimated. "

"Well! Mr. Xu means that Zhi Boyuan is fine!" Ding Ding was very surprised.

Didn't Ye Qing say to shoot and kill the enemy's coach?

Xu Shu said with a smile: "If my lord kills Zhi Boyuan, he will definitely pick his head, defeat his army first, and order me to go out of the city to chase after the defeated army, instead of burning the enemy's camp first and destroying their food and military equipment!"

Ding Ding is also a veteran in the battlefield, and he suddenly realized when he heard it, and he couldn't help but slapped his legs and exclaimed.

No wonder something always feels wrong.

It turned out to be the case.

Burning the enemy camp was a strategy that had to be changed after the first objective could not be completed.

If you can kill the enemy's commander, destroy its center, and let the enemy army flee, all the troops in Wenxi City can hide their situation and fight out.

In the end, it was impossible to seize the camp and confiscate supplies and equipment.

"Mr. Xu is right to mention something in time!" Ding Ding clasped his fists and said in compliment:

"Since His Royal Highness left Mr. Xu in the city, he must have wanted Mr. Xu to help our army defend the city and advise our army to defend against the enemy."

Xu Shu didn't go, still holding Wuying Sword.

This is clearly to continue to hang on the head of his prefect's mansion.

Ye Qing's layout is horrific for people who leave and stay for a while.

In addition, the novice was also included in the hands of Xue Rengui in Xiaoyao Mansion.

His own county soldiers lost a lot in today's battle, and their authority was naturally weakened a lot.

And Ye Qing went out of the city to charge the battle and set fire to the enemy's camp. The influence and prestige brought by him were enough for the Xiaoyao Mansion headed by Xu Shu and Xue Rengui to control the Prefect's Mansion and the entire Hedong.

So Ding Ding had to admire Ye Qing.

Such a high skill at such a young age has never been seen in my life.

With this ability, the Great Zhou Dragon Crown is likely to be worn on Ye Qing's head sooner or later.

So Ding Ding was full of thoughts all of a sudden.

"Dingfu County is being polite. Your Highness said that the Dingfu Army is a capable person. With the Dingfu Lord here, Wenxi will not be broken. The matter of defending the city is still dominated by the Dingfu County Lord. My Xiaoyao Mansion Be sure to cooperate well, if anyone does not cooperate in defending the city, they must first solve the problems for Lord Ding." Xu Shu replied with a smile.

Who would dare not cooperate, except those aristocratic families...

Wait, Ding Ding was looking at Xu Shu's Shadowless Sword, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Xu Shu didn't want to use his prefect's mansion as a spearman to take the blame!


Wen Xi's battle situation was quickly sent to the rear in the form of a victory report.

Although it was not a complete defeat of Beishi's army, it was enough to inspire the entire southeast of the river and calm people's hearts.

Let the people who are helpless and want to flee the pass calm down.

Anyi City!
night to deep.

The city gate was closed early.

Messenger rushed to.

"Good news! Good news! Quickly open the city, I am the personal guard of the prefect's mansion!"

Hearing the words, the defenders of the city were immediately excited.

good news.

Could it be that Wenxi had won a big victory, but they didn't dare to be careless, and asked the messenger to put the identity plate in the hanging basket, hang it up for inspection, and then sent someone to the prefect's mansion to ask the young master Ding Yuan for instructions.

After hearing the news, Ding Yuan brought people to the city gate, and after inquiring, they opened the city gate.

"Okay! That's great. Xiaoyao Mansion's cavalry is very good. The situation in Hedong was stabilized in the First World War. I am safe in the south of the river!" Ding Yuan put away the bamboo slips of the victory report, and immediately said to the prefect's mansion:

"Send it to Chang'an and report it to the imperial court; at the same time, send additional messengers to send this news to all cities and counties. It must be received by all places in the southeast of the river, so as to reassure the hearts and minds of our people and soldiers!"


Liu family!

The Liu family also received news through their own channels, whether it was from the prefect's mansion or other sources.

He also received the situation of Wenxi City immediately.

All the important people in the clan got up from the bed and gathered in the hall!
"Pfft! Ye Qing is so ruthless, two thousand lives have been lost in my Liu family!"

The [-] private troops who went north were all killed in battle, and none of them survived.

How could this not make the members of the Liu family hurt and angry.

"All the family's private troops were killed in battle. He really did it. He wants to be an enemy of the entire Hedong family, is he desperate?"

"Madman, he's crazy. He killed our family's private army just to set fire to the Beishi camp, and to die for himself. It's crazy!"

Liu Zhengyi really couldn't understand Ye Qing's crazy behavior, so he stood up and said, "Uncle Clan, what should we do now? Ye Qing didn't follow our plan to take a small path to attack the Beishi army, but directly killed the Beishi army." Shi Dajun has entered the north, I am afraid that those people in the north did not expect that it is also a waste of mind and energy!"

"Don't worry about Ye Qing, if you go to the north, you will definitely die." An elder of the Liu family coughed and said coldly:

"The north is not under our control for the time being, so we don't need to waste our energy to pay attention to Ye Qing. Now that Wenxi is defending it, it will be difficult for the Beishi army to capture it. We can contact Chang'an, let the army enter Hedong, and take over the defense of Hedong.

Ding Ding is Ye Qing's helper, he can be impeached, and the owner of Hedong can be replaced!
Hedong is the east of my Liu family, without exception..."


Thunder Mountain!
"Okay! That's great, Your Highness's bravery is unmatched in the world!"

At this time, Xu Huang's camp also received a letter from Wen Xi and a new order from Xu Shu.

"Gongming, a certain family wants to see His Highness Sixth more and more."

Next to Xu Huang was a nine-foot-tall red-faced man, stroking his long beard, his red phoenix eyes half-closed, revealing sharp rays: "It's a pity, it's a pity, as soon as the cloud comes, he will leave!"

Xu Shu laughed and said: "Brother Yun, don't worry, now Master Xu has let us go north, I believe we will see the lord again soon, when you have the opportunity to see His Highness's demeanor, you will definitely bow down and bow, willing to be driven !"

"Hahaha, okay, then let's go north, we don't need to see His Highness, I am convinced, and I am willing to do my best."

It turned out that the red-faced man in Xu Huang's tent was none other than Ye Qing's Guan Yu and Guan Yunchang.

Guan Yu and Xu Huang are close friends, and after hearing that Xu Huang abandoned evil and followed good and served Ye Qing, he also took the initiative to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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